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Full Version: Attendance the elephant in the room
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Quote:He was in London watching Fulham play. They had a clip of him enjoying the game on ESPN.
Are you talking about the Chargers game?

Khan was in Jacksonville, at the game.
Quote:He was in London watching Fulham play. They had a clip of him enjoying the game on ESPN.

He was at both games. So, what's your point?

0-6 team with one bridge open. 2 paid for seats were empty for this guy.

Quote:0-6 team with one bridge open. 2 paid for seats were empty for this guy.
What? You can't swim?
Quote:What? You can't swim?

I renewed my tickets, and that is my loyal showing to the team. Doesn't mean I have to go. Having 2 children and an NFL team who is tanking makes my Sunday plans a lot easier these days.
Quote:I renewed my tickets, and that is my loyal showing to the team. Doesn't mean I have to go. Having 2 children and an NFL team who is tanking makes my Sunday plans a lot easier these days.

I know people who are absolute die-hards. Season ticket holders since 1995. People with Jaguar tattoos. The kind of people that pay thousands to go on one road trip a year with the team. I know some that didn't go this past Sunday. It's not fun for them and I don't blame them.
Quote:0-6 team with one bridge open. 2 paid for seats were empty for this guy.

I'm dealing with the same bridge issue, and I added 15 minutes to my trip on an alternate route to watch an 0-6 team. For what I pay for my tickets, my seats won't be empty regardless.
I still look forward to each home game. Sure, I don't have a sense of tenseness about the outcome, but I just remember what I would have told myself back in the early 90's: if somehow Jacksonville got an NFL team (no way!)I'd gladly go to see the best football players on the planet, regardless of the home team's record.

Well, that day is here - and I'm still going.
Those weren't empty seats, Manti just bought a bunch of tickets for his girlfriend's family.
I don't think anyone that can fault any fans for not going with the product that has been put on the field, especially the last 3 home games. Even being an out of towner, I will still show up because its still a lot of fun. The people that I sit around are kind of like my 2nd family and we still have a great time even with the team playing so poorly.

Quote:Must have been a good party if they were still there in the 4th.   Banana  I'd like to know turnstile versus sold ticket numbers.

I was there and left at the beginning of the 4th.  I was over watching trash.  That doesnt mean the numbers were bad.


As said by many people that were there, the numbers arent what typically is there, but they werent too bad.


Edit:  I even mentioned to the guy I was with it was pretty amazing how many people were there for how bad this team is.

There were medium sized splotches at the stadium. Most of the crowd began leaving around late 3rd early 4th quarter to beat the delay of the alternative route going out Arlington.

Next home game here in Jax I plan on wearing bags.
Quote:Those weren't empty seats, Manti just bought a bunch of tickets for his girlfriend's family.
Good one.


I made it through most of the fourth Q, and was able to use the seats in front of me as an ottoman after the 2nd.
it is a shame to see so many empty seats, id be there every weekend if i lived in the area 0-7 or not, gotta love me some jags football

Quote:There were medium sized splotches at the stadium. Most of the crowd began leaving around late 3rd early 4th quarter to beat the delay of the alternative route going out Arlington.

Next home game here in Jax I plan on wearing bags.

Of course you do.
Quote:There were medium sized splotches at the stadium. Most of the crowd began leaving around late 3rd early 4th quarter to beat the delay of the alternative route going out Arlington.

Next home game here in Jax I plan on wearing bags.

I highly recommend plastic bags
Quote:I renewed my tickets, and that is my loyal showing to the team. Doesn't mean I have to go. Having 2 children and an NFL team who is tanking makes my Sunday plans a lot easier these days.
U know what I respect that because most people would quit on them when the times are bad so I hope with teddy bridgewater next he will bring some excitement to this city.
Wearing paper bags to games is one of the most idiotic things to do as a fan
Quote:Sent a couple questions to the Ozone, I guess he didn't want to recognize or talk about the emptiness of the stadium yesterday.  But as I understand it low attendance is Khan's out of the lease with the city.  I was shocked at how empty the stadium was yesterday, especially that's it's still only October.  How will the stadium look in December?  What I am wondering is, does Khan expect Jacksonville to support such terrible football?

The lease doesn't void for low attendance.   It voids for losing money, which is really hard in today's NFL.  


And you know what?   I no longer care.   
Quote:I highly recommend plastic bags

Anything else? 
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