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Full Version: Bradley Says Gabbert Will Remain Starter If Healthy
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Quote:At this point there is nothing left to see. His pocket presence alone is not improving and it is killing any chance he has to become a succesful QB. Henne may be a bum as well, but he'll stand in the pocket and make a throw. I was all for giving Gabbert a final shot this year, but it is obvious he isn't going to make it as a starter in this league.

Which is why I left out #4. Maybe if Gabbert were building on his improvement before his injury last year, but right now either that's not happening or it's happening so slowly that he'll be suffering from old age before he improves enough to be passable. But Henne's the same story. He's had more of a shot than Gabbert has, with equally outstanding results. He could have taken the QB job from Gabbert any number of times - if it weren't for the fact that every time he had a chance, he failed. Maybe the coaching staff see something I don't (in fact I know for certain they do, because they have access to a lot more than I do). But while I'm reaching the point where I'd say Gabbert isn't worth starting, I'm already at that point for Henne, and I'm not sure I want to throw Stanzi out there either. And the only way we could actually get worse would be to pick up a fan favourite free agent to fill the position. Tongue
I'd love to see Gabbert play every game.   I'm at the point where seeing him get hit and losing is worth it.

Quote:He sees the bad stuff  -  he's just not gonna' call him out on it in a press conference when he intends to give him another game or two to prove his uselessness.  


I'm sure at this point they aren't actually buying in to his upside - they are just confirming that he sucks as bad as they suspected.  It's just due diligence for a new regime that inherited a first round pick.  He'll be gone soon enough and this season's record won't be much different than if he were released last week. 
He shouldnt need another game or two to prove it.  Everyone else knows it, but for some reason they dont?


Henne is not a world beater, but he is light years ahead of Gabbert.

<div style="margin-left:58px;color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Arial, sans-serif;">
<div>John Oehser‏<span style="color:rgb(187,187,187);">@JohnOehser</span>
<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:22px;color:rgb(51,51,51);">Bradley says Gabbert will remain starter if healthy."

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:22px;color:rgb(51,51,51);"> 

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:22px;color:rgb(51,51,51);">https://twitter.com/JohnOehser/status/38...7040262144

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:22px;color:rgb(51,51,51);"> 

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:22px;color:rgb(51,51,51);">You cant just do that too your fan base, this is an absolute joke, just come out and say we are tanking the year.

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:22px;color:rgb(51,51,51);"> 

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:22px;color:rgb(51,51,51);">Henne will not lose us the first pick, but we will at least look like a NFL team

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:22px;color:rgb(51,51,51);"> 

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:22px;color:rgb(51,51,51);">36 points lead by Henne, Gabbert has lead us 10 points

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:22px;color:rgb(51,51,51);"> 

<p style="font-family:Georgia, 'Times New Roman', serif;font-size:22px;color:rgb(51,51,51);">Henne 2 TDs 2 picks, Gabbert 1 td 7 picks




This is the right decision. Put Henne in and the possibility of winning 1-2 meaningless games becomes significantly higher. 
JDR ruined this kid by starting him too early to protect his own job.  He was ruined so bad that we may see him wondering the streets of Jacksonville one day mumbling and running from phantom pass rushers.

Quote:JDR ruined this kid by starting him too early to protect his own job.  He was ruined so bad that we may see him wondering the streets of Jacksonville one day mumbling and running from phantom pass rushers.
Not true. In the new era of young QB's, you kind of have to be able to play right away. Wilson, Luck, RG3, Tannehill, Dalton, Newton.... They all have played right away. This year Geno and EJ have played better than Gabbert and Geno is on the Jets with a terrible HC.


Gabbert has all the tools to be a great practice player but has never and will never show it on Sundays.
Quote:Not true. In the new era of young QB's, you kind of have to be able to play right away. Wilson, Luck, RG3, Tannehill, Dalton, Newton.... They all have played right away. This year Geno and EJ have played better than Gabbert and Geno is on the Jets with a terrible HC.
Gabbert has all the tools to be a great practice player but has never and will never show it on Sundays.
^^ Yeah this. He is the MVP of practice. Even better he looked great when he was being the QB of the scout team.

... sigh Sad
Quote:JDR ruined this kid by starting him too early to protect his own job.  He was ruined so bad that we may see him wondering the streets of Jacksonville one day mumbling and running from phantom pass rushers.

No. He's just terrible.
I was all for 'making sure' on Gabbert. I don't think Stanzi or Henne or Scott is going to be much of an improvement. But watching Gabbert is starting to get downright embarrassing.
I think people may be reading too much into Bradley's comments about Gabbert being the starter.


"If healthy" is a pretty big qualifier. 


Gabbert sustained the perfect injury to give a head coach the ability to make a change without having to look like he's changed his mind.  Hamstrings are the kind of injuries that linger for months.  My guess is Gabbert winds up being a day-to-day prospect who simply can't get healthy enough to get back on the field. 


Listen to Bradley's analysis of why we lost the game.  He put it on 2 interceptions and a fumble.  The one interception was so badly thrown, it was inexcusable.  Bradley said all that was needed to be said by putting the loss on those plays.  Gabbert's hamstring will keep him out the rest of the way barring injury to Henne.

Quote:JDR ruined this kid by starting him too early to protect his own job.  He was ruined so bad that we may see him wondering the streets of Jacksonville one day mumbling and running from phantom pass rushers.

Coming out of college Blaine had questions regarding his pocket presence and accuracy. It's amazing this simple thing was overshadowed by his measurables and rocket arm. QBs can improve their accuracy over time but did Gene really think we could fix his pocket presence? 


Look at this video from 2011:


Quote:This is such a poor case for analytics and the NFL. I'll make one up right now. If it is early in the game and no score and the defense blows their assignments, Gabbert is 100% on finding the receive and making a play. So in this once a game scenario we will look like an offense when the reality is the other team's defense screwed up.

I'm really starting to appreciate David more as a QB. That dude played with Crohns disease and tried to gut it out with a bad back. I take back anything negative I posted.

What do you want him to do?  Say "Henne earned the job as the starter!" when he hasn't?  


That's what Mularkey did.  He threw Gabbert under the bus in an attempt to save face.  Even if Gabbert was at fault, that's not something you want your coach to be doing.  Replacing the QB with a truly viable option -- then you'd expect him to choose them over Gabbert.  Henne isn't a legitimate starter, and would provide at best a minor upgrade (given his play this year, and last).  


I said it with Mularkey.  And I'll say it here -- Sink or Swim with Gabbert.  Even if we're drowning, let us drown.  It'll lead us to drafting his replacement.  Chad Henne will not be on this roster next year.  Gabbert probably won't be either.  Might as well let him play out while he's healthy than to stick in a replacement that's just as incapable of winning.  

Why play someone who doesn't want to be out there?

Quote:Coming out of college Blaine had questions regarding his pocket presence and accuracy. It's amazing this simple thing was overshadowed by his measurables and rocket arm. QBs can improve their accuracy over time but did Gene really think we could fix his pocket presence? 


Look at this video from 2011:


Your BG11 GIF is by far one of the funniest ones that I have seen haha.


Kudos to you sir.
This is karma for the way we treated David Garrard back in 2011.


Looking back, a lot of people were excited, because maybe it meant that Gabbert was so far ahead of schedule that he was able to unseat David. Little did we know... we were such fools!


I remember watching Gabbert's first few games and something didn't look right, but my logic always attributed it to "rookie ups and downs".

The Jags front office must be tanking on purpose.


Gabbert has a 36 QB rating for the entire year and 160 yrds a game and they continue to back him?


Sounds like tanking for teddy

Quote:This is karma for the way we treated David Garrard back in 2011.


Looking back, a lot of people were excited, because maybe it meant that Gabbert was so far ahead of schedule that he was able to unseat David. Little did we know... we were such fools!


I remember watching Gabbert's first few games and something didn't look right, but my logic always attributed it to "rookie ups and downs".

You're kidding, right? He wasn't mistreated.  He got paid a ton of money to be a mediocre QB, hauling in the largest contract in franchise history.


They released an injured player who never played another down in the league. 


They handled the Garrard situation in almost the exact same way they did the Leftwich release. 


I don't recall people thinking Gabbert was ahead of schedule.  If I recall correctly, Gabbert was the #2 after Garrard's release.  People were giddy to see McCown get in there and start.  After he laid an egg, Del Rio threw Gabbert to the wolves. 


There's no karma at play here.  Dumping Garrard was the right decision based on what's happened with him subsequently, and based upon how he played once his wallet started impeding his ability to be an effective starter. 

One could only hope we have seen our last gabbert snap for the jaguars

Quote:What do you want him to do?  Say "Henne earned the job as the starter!" when he hasn't?  


That's what Mularkey did.  He threw Gabbert under the bus in an attempt to save face.  Even if Gabbert was at fault, that's not something you want your coach to be doing.  Replacing the QB with a truly viable option -- then you'd expect him to choose them over Gabbert.  Henne isn't a legitimate starter, and would provide at best a minor upgrade (given his play this year, and last).  


I said it with Mularkey.  And I'll say it here -- Sink or Swim with Gabbert.  Even if we're drowning, let us drown.  It'll lead us to drafting his replacement.  Chad Henne will not be on this roster next year.  Gabbert probably won't be either.  Might as well let him play out while he's healthy than to stick in a replacement that's just as incapable of winning.  
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