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Full Version: Bill Simmons Lowers The Boom On Bradley, Gabbert, Tony Khan And The Entire Jaguar Organization.
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Quote:I laughed a little. The only problem I have is the continued mischaracterization of Fred as fragile. Tom screwed Fred with the way he used him as a decoy that year. All of this perception is really going to hurt his hall of fame chances. What Fred did for this team and how it stacks up with the all time greats is HOF worthy. Cheap shots at him is pathetic at this point.

Tons of cheap shots in the article. You can easily write that article without them. Come to think of it. Bill Barnwell wrote the same article at the end of last year and actually broke down why the Jaguars were/are so bad. This article by Simmons is basically a mish-mash of every cheap shot you can find against the team/city condensed into one long page. Oh bad Super Bowl! Clearance jerseys! Do your job! Fragile Fred! Tebow!

Quote:<i>The Jaguars don't even have throwback jerseys.</i> Shouldn't we be able to purchase a throwback Freddie Taylor jersey with an accompanying cast and crutches?

May you choke on your boyfriends breakfast.

Bill Simmons has had it out for the Jags ever since the Superbowl was hosted here.


Simmons is a hack and he proved it yet again in his on-air analysis of the NBA Finals this year. Everything is a Boston Celtics reference to him and he has no imagination outside of that.

May I take this opportunity to say "Who cares what this jerk says or writes"  Even if this is comedy he is a jerk

At least his third point gives us hope"


Quote:No. 3: At least they don't have Lane Kiffin.

Quote:At least his third point gives us hope"


and here i was lobbying for him to take over jedd fisch. lol silly me  Ninja
We are that bad I won't even argue with it
Who's Bill Simmons?

-- Blaine Gabbert
Quote:3 of the 4 teams we played are division winning level of good. Any one of them could be in the SB this season. 


People ignore this.

I completely agree with you here. Let's hold off on the 0-16 panic button just yet. Either way who cares, all in for a new QB
He just went on and on and on that was a hit piece not an article and a good portion of it was misinformation. I stopped about half way in. like someone else said lazy writing, but I have to ask did his editors not check that stuff before publication?

Also why the heck does everyone hate on the Super Bowl hosted in Jacksonville? I don't get it.....


Couldn't get past reading the first few paragraphs - but when I saw the embedded "Do Your Job" video just had to watch again!!  Thank Phil Simmons or Bill Parsons or whoever you are - love that clip!!  Dumb, inaccurate, not thought out at all article though Smile

Quote:Also why the heck does everyone hate on the Super Bowl hosted in Jacksonville? I don't get it.....

It was cold and it wasn't Miami or New Orleans. Sports writers in general like entertainment oozing from every corner at a Super Bowl venue.


From what I've gathered from a few friends who worked at some of the parties and events, some of them were epic. One in particular, the Playboy party (held at the [BLEEP] Museum IIRC) was off the charts fun.
Quote:So much misinformation in that article that I lost count of the errors. 
Thank you. Just another moron pretending to know what he is talking about
Bill Simmons is all fluff and no stuff.  No one goes there for information,  they go there to be entertained.


He's the sports version of Rolling Stone, but without the Rolling Stone name recognition and history.

Everyone can use a laugh. Every now and then
What defense do we have against such articles?  Blaine is a punch line, plain and simple.  

To me, whats annoying isn't Simmons' article, bug the Jags themselves. This team and the coaching staff have no gut or pride whatsoever. Everybody in the media prematurely assumed that the Browns waved the white flag after they traded Richardson, instead, they came out and played better than any team in their division, and now sitting at 3-2 record.

THIS current Jags team has already waved the white flag after week two. That is just pathetic. No urgency, gut or pride. Nothing. They players are just showing up on time just to collect a paycheck.

Ever since the 8-8 season in '10, this team has gotten worse, and worse. And it looks like they are finally hitting rock bottom.

I have no problem whatsoever that the media is constantly taking cheap shot at this team. They deserve it.
I still find "The Real American" video pretty funny. Bonus points for working that in.


Hey, lose this week, and we'll be 0-6 (we ain't beating Denver) and the gist of the story will be true - this season will officially be a farce. Better to laugh.

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