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This was a topic on the old message board and I always loved to see what people were reading.  It was nice to get exposure to books that I might not have heard about myself. That being said, I just finished Ulysses by Joyce (eh...I know it is considered by some to be the greatest thing ever written, but.....) and Salem's Lot by King (very easy read after Joyce, and typical King).  Currently working on the Dharma Bums by Kerouac.

confederacy of dunces


(my pet nickname for the MB  :woot: )

the bible lol. wanted to see what all the fuss is about  :yes:

Quote:confederacy of dunces


(my pet nickname for the MB  :woot: )
I love that book.  Oh, Fortuna!!!!!
Quote:confederacy of dunces


(my pet nickname for the MB  :woot: )
Ignatius that guy is hilarious, not very nice or considerate, but hilarious.


Just finished "Girls to the Front: The True Story of the Riot Grrrl Revolution," it was very interesting if your into punk rock and feminism, didn't agree with everything but that's why you read right.  Before that, "Ask the Dust" by John Fante, his inspiration of Bukowski is very evident, if you like Bukowski you should check out some Fante.  Right now I'm reading "Lawrence In Arabia," absolutely fascinating, as much about William Yale, Curt Purfer, Faisal Hussein, British Generals and intelligence, absolutely fascinating, great book.  T.E. Lawrence was an amazing guy, the espionage, politics, war stories are all incredible and it's all true, pretty unbelievable. Only thirty pages left and not sure what I'm reading next, so I like the thread.
Quote:confederacy of dunces


(my pet nickname for the MB  :woot: )

"You always crying bout your valve, ain't nobody got no valve but you." aren't too many books that can make me cry from laughing so hard but that is certainly one of them.
I read The Dog Stars by Peter Heller about six months ago and I really liked it.  The prose is odd but I adapted to it quickly. 

I have Brief Interviews with Hideous Men by David Foster Wallace waiting for me on my book shelf.  I read Infinite Jest last year and really enjoyed it (even with all of the end notes!)

I've read a few James Michener historical novels and really enjoyed them.  Blood Meridian is sitting on my Kindle.  After reading The Road I developed an interest in other Cormac McCarthy books.  Little did I know that he wrote No Country For Old Men, a movie I really like.  But then again, any movie made by the Coen brothers instantly goes to my 'must watch' list.

Quote:I've read a few James Michener historical novels and really enjoyed them.  Blood Meridian is sitting on my Kindle.  After reading The Road I developed an interest in other Cormac McCarthy books.  Little did I know that he wrote No Country For Old Men, a movie I really like.  But then again, any movie made by the Coen brothers instantly goes to my 'must watch' list.

Yea, the Coen Brothers are great.  No Country was a really good movie.  Oh Brother Where Art Thou, Fargo, Lebowski...all great.  I heard that Blood Meridian is really good, and that it reads like a poem.  Haven't gotten to it yet, but The Road was really good.
I just finished up http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_series (Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, etc.) and The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

I'm on a re-read of the Song of Ice and Fire series (Game of Thrones, etc.) Definitely looking forward to the next book in the series to come out.

I also have The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins in my queue. Looks like a really good read.

Nothing at the moment, unless you count textbooks. I'd like to read Stephen King's Under the Dome if I have time.

Death Masks, though I put it down and haven't picked it back up in a while. 

I just finished reading Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow. 




It's very long, but it reads like a novel.  I came away thinking that Washington must surely be the greatest individual in the history of North America.   Never has a man used immense power so wisely and unselfishly. 

Just finished "The Five Dysfunctions of a Team", very good.


Getting ready to start "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking"

Only reading comic book at the moment. Last book I was in the middle of reading was Jurrassic Park, was really enjoying it. Need to start over and re-read it again. Been too long since I last read it. 

Now that Dexter has ended, I'm gonna read the novels. They're completely different from the TV series, except for the first book, which the first season was pretty much based off of. I started reading the first novel a while back, but I never finished it. I plan on starting from the beginning again.

I just read Where Men Win Glory, the Pat Tillman book by Krakauer. I thought it was good but I already knew most of the details.


I've also read Goodnight Moon about 50 times this year.

If anyone is into non-fiction military history (yeah- I'm a nerd)  then you should def check out the Rick Atkinson world war two books. (liberation trilogy)  The amount of  exhaustive research done and the number of perspectives presented are amazing  - and one of the books won the pullitzer. 


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