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Full Version: Judge rules Dylann Roof competent to stand trial in church shooting - will face death penalty
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I believe in the death penalty, especially in a case like this where the murderer is completely unrepentant and the facts are not in dispute.


But we come up with some bizarre ways to administer the penalty.  Hanging, gas chamber, electric chair, the guillotine (France).  The firing squad has always seemed the most sensible way to me.  Lethal injection is another good method, as it says more about how we view ourselves as the society administering the penalty.  But it frankly lacks the horror factor that can help serve as a deterrent.


Regardless, I'm glad he's going to pay the ultimate penalty for his crime! 

Quote:I believe in the death penalty, especially in a case like this where the murderer is completely unrepentant and the facts are not in dispute.


But we come up with some bizarre ways to administer the penalty.  Hanging, gas chamber, electric chair, the guillotine (France).  The firing squad has always seemed the most sensible way to me.  Lethal injection is another good method, as it says more about how we view ourselves as the society administering the penalty.  But it frankly lacks the horror factor that can help serve as a deterrent.


Regardless, I'm glad he's going to pay the ultimate penalty for his crime! 
You'll probably see the return of the gas chamber in the future. They won't use Cyanide though, but Nitrogen instead. Death comes by hypoxia, and is not only painless, but allegedly euphoric. I can see it being implemented within the next few years. It's cheap, not dangerous to witnesses, and certainly not cruel and unusual.
A bullet to the back of the head is not cruel or unusual. Quick and you don't see it coming. If you do something to deserve the death penalty, you shouldn't earn a euphoric end.
I personally believe that the death penalty does act as a deterrent. I don't think it's significant enough that it's worth any consideration in who I vote for.


I think the "beyond a reasonable doubt" criterion for conviction is insufficient for the death penalty, and "no doubt" is needed.


I think the states that use lethal injection should use an OD of heroin. From what I've read it's painless (even euphoric), so cruel does not apply. Maybe if it were publicized that heroin was used by the state to kill people it might make just a few people afraid to get started with it.

Quote:Maybe if it were publicized that heroin was used by the state to kill people it might make just a few people afraid to get started with it.

Trying to fathom how you view this to be logical in any way makes me want to do heroin.
Wait I thought BLT said this was a false flag?
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