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Full Version: Official: Jacksonville Jaguars Vs Indianapolis Colts Gameday Thread
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There you have it
Dropped to an INT
Oh my....


Shorts come on man...

The Jaguars
Number 1 pick....here we come
#50 just took a swipe at Meester after the whistle blew.


Where's the flag?


looks like we stopped them on a red zone possession?

What the?!?


Was waived.
Screw you cecil

Short's hands not working properly today??

Our running game is non existent and we obviously can't rely on Gabbert.


Colt defender hit it before it got to Shorts. Bad decision Gabbert. Radio protecting Gabby. Hilarious!!
Not a very good play/throw, but you gotta catch that.
thats two int on shorts

To have all these QBs in the NFL on other rosters...even the CFL....and us not be able to find ONE...that's halfway competent....says a lot about our GM. I'm not impressed. Another setback for our franchise
Can't wait for JBlack to come back.
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