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Full Version: Official: Jacksonville Jaguars Vs Indianapolis Colts Gameday Thread
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I don't blame the defense though. Every fault belongs to the offense. If the offense could at least sustain a drive the defense would be exposed to less possible big plays.
Richardson baby! Woohooo

Quote:Dude, shut up

Truth hurts.
[quote name="jaxjags625" post="9491" timestamp="1380478128"]Branch jumping on the pile like he's doing something.[/quote

He does it all the time. The tape don't lie.
Quote:I don't know, that's quite the celebration from Trent for a guy who made the 31st ranked run defense look like they knew how to stop the run... An illusion that was decimated in one run by well-known bust Donald Brown.


Not exactly sure what Richardson's so excited about. He got 2-3 yards. Congratulations?
Stadium looks like it's thinning out
lol Gabbert
Quote:I don't blame the defense though. Every fault belongs to the offense. If the offense could at least sustain a drive the defense would be exposed to less possible big plays.

To early for the defense is tired excuse, they're weak in the middle
Quote:Stadium looks like it's thinning out

I don't blame them. Who wants to watch Gabbert not play football?
Quote:Stadium looks like it's thinning out
Need more free drinks
Quote:Need more free drinks

Time to bust out free Jack Daniels.
Everyone drank their 2 free beers and the team has packed it in already. We've seen this episode too many times.

Today must be a good day for Non Jaguar fans

Just curious. What happens if you favorite football team has more points on the scoreboard than the opponent?

What's that called?

I forget.

It's been so long ago.
Maybe eventually Khan will get the message that these fans are tired of locker room upgrades and ready for ON THE FIELD upgrades.

Not to beat a dead horse but how many penalties have the Colts had?
The return of the screen


Never said I wasn't.


If I'm going to be subjected to hours of slobbering over the guy, I expect him to be doing something. <_<
Gabbert! The future is now everyone!
Clean pocket and he gets antsy 

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