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Full Version: Do you still get excited to watch Jaguar football on sunday
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Quote:Excited? No.

Still interested? Yes for now.

^^ this


Honestly I think my following the Jaguars at this point is out of habit. I've been doing it so long I don't know how not to?

As long as im alive I will always be excited to watch jaguar football. I dont care how bad we are. Winning will just make me more excited.
Quote:I always do.  Even knowing they'll be annihilated Sunday, I'm still looking forward to the game.  Without victory as a distraction, my eye will be tuned to watching for improvements and development in our rookies and junior players.
Same with me... at this point all I watch for is development of the younger players and hope they are developing into core players for the future...
Yes.  I still get excited about Jaguar football on Sunday regardless of how poorly the team plays.  There's always hope right up until kickoff.  Then it's a comedy of errors.  It's still NFL football.  Eventually the team will get better, making all the pained marches out of the stadium on Sundays in the fall after a drubbing worthwhile. 

Some of you guys are real die-hards I see. :whistling:

I haven't lived in Florida in almost 10 years, but I still get NFL Sunday ticket just to watch the Jags. 


It's painful to watch sometimes, but I just can't see making any other team my "favorite" - although I do watch the Lions and Packers from time to time since I'm originally from Upper Michigan. 



It's our team. A true fan will support them through thick and thin. Once this team is back to being a competitive force in the league, the bitterness we endured will be but a memory and the victories,  that much more sweet.

Probably for the first half when you have hope of a turnaround at the beginning of the second, unfortunately things tend to go south afterwards
I always watch until the end of the game no matter what

YES I AM!!! I live in Reno Nevada and since we don't have a football team, well we got the UNR Wolf Pack who are awesome, I'm a loyal JAGS fan (I was also born in Jacksonville). We do have the California transplants that bring their teams here such as the Raiders and 49ers and other teams like the Seahawks and Chiefs OMG I'm surrounded by the enemy at the pubs lol I'm probably the only JAGS fan in this city. But I stand tall and wear my hat, shirt, jacket, gloves and stickers on my truck Smile


I watch all the posts and hear the moaning and groaning which gets out of control that I mostly only read John O's articles. But I want to ask, request and beg you fans to consider this, this is a NEW TEAM with a NEW SCHEME. The coach has made all the players be competitive in their positions which had basically nothing to do with the TEAM in general (it was an individual test). Now that we have the best players in each position THEY need and are working on being competitive as a TEAM. It took several months to compete against each other and I believe we need to give them at least a couple months to compete as a TEAM. You can't make major changes like we have and expect them to be the best over night (or even in 2 games). I see the potential in every player we have, though the injuries do annoy me, but once they start working together and communicating together I truly see something awesome coming and look forward to the day when I can SHUT DOWN that black hole, SEND HOME the sanny frans and SHOOT some birds outta the sky.


Its coming fans its coming, stay the course and keep the faith. I hope to make it to a game out there some day. I cant attend those near me cause its to dangerous lol but I'm there with ya every battleday and loyal to the bone Smile



I can't say that I'm excited this season, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to not watch every minute of it either. I still love this team, but, just as loved ones can frustrate the hell out of you at times, the Jaguars are frustrating the hell out of me now.

Sure do love the Jaguars. Have since 1995. When we have losing seasons. Say to myself this will pass.
The excitement is not the same, as its been in the past, there are really no stars or players that i truly root for.Theres no Jimmy Smith, no Donovan Darius,no Freddy T, no Greg Jones, its just not the same! Once Caldwell get those star type players again on the team then itll be as exciting, even if we lose. But i do like that Cyprien kid!!
I'll be excited to watch the team once everyone comes back including Blackmon.

Blackmon will get the ball rolling.
I am excited up until after the Jags first series.. Then I'm like .........FACEPALM

Hopeful and excited EVERY Sunday and man it hurts
Quote:It's a question I have struggled with. I'm no longer in florida but pay for my sunday NFL ticket.  I watch every game and record it to rewatch later.  I really don't know if I am excited to watch Jaguar football right now.


It's fun to watch a team compete and actually have a chance of winning.  This team is so far from being a good team it's hard to see how long this project is going to take.  The team's theme is patience but this team has been lousey for well over a decade.  Yes we went to the playoff's a couple of times and got whooped.  Yes we had one good year (2007) where the team actually looked good.


I must be a gluten of punishment because I can't help but be a Jaguar fan.  I was with the team when they started and will continue to be with them.  The only difference know is instead of being excited I am worried how bad are we going to get beat each week.


The only thing I can say is atleast we aren't the browns Blush


I miss the days when the jaguars were a competent team and not the joke of the nlf. Confusedweat:


That's the way I feel.   Pretty much exactly the same.   For away games, I watch the first half with a sense of dread, and then lose interest when we're getting killed. 
Quote:Yes.  I still get excited about Jaguar football on Sunday regardless of how poorly the team plays.  There's always hope right up until kickoff.  Then it's a comedy of errors.  It's still NFL football.  Eventually the team will get better, making all the pained marches out of the stadium on Sundays in the fall after a drubbing worthwhile. 

The question I have is, sure, eventually the Jaguars will get better, but will it be in our lifetime?  
I always watch and go when I can.

Sometimes its pretty painful......but there's ALWAYS hope.


What was it a few years ago, we beat the ravens? No one expected that! :woot:

Much less them.

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