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Full Version: Do you still get excited to watch Jaguar football on sunday
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Quote:The question I have is, sure, eventually the Jaguars will get better, but will it be in our lifetime?
One can only hope...
Count me in as a Yes I do.


This is part of being a fan. The highs and lows, even if really low.

I can't help myself I still look forward to the game Sunday. There haven't been many highs of late and the only consultation is for the first time in a long time I believe we are in a rebuilding plan that will bare fruit! 

"I still get excited on Sundays because I know the Smoker will be rolling, the Beer will be flowing, and any team on any given Sunday has a chance to win"

It's a different type of excitement...  It's more of an eat your spinach and you'll grow big and strong type of excitement.  One where I know it's gonna taste bad right now, but it'll pay off in the long run.  I'm just hoping the long run doesn't pay off after I'm dead.  Then I'll be pretty (edit) bummed out (edit) about eating all that dang spinach

Quote:The question I have is, sure, eventually the Jaguars will get better, but will it be in our lifetime?  

Unless you're 90 or have terminal cancer, I think you should be ok.
I like competitive football games. That means I am usually flipping stations before half time or going to do yard work. All I ask is the Jags compete - and that may be too much to ask this year.

I think your a coward if you don't.  It is the NFL.  Anything can happen on Sunday. 

It sounds like alot of you are just NFL fans that happen to have the Jaguars as their favorite team. There is nothing wrong with that but the die-hards I know are excited for every game.

Quote:It sounds like alot of you are just NFL fans that happen to have the Jaguars as their favorite team. There is nothing wrong with that but the die-hards I know are excited for every game.

To me, there's a certain amount of "How bad is it going to be this week?"


No, I don't get excited to see the Jaguars get destroyed every week, but that doesn't make me any less of a fan than you. I still watch every second of every game, I'm still emotionally invested in this team, I'm still active on this message board. Just because we don't share the same emotions regarding the games, doesn't mean that we aren't the same level of fan. You don't have to be excited to be a fan.
Quote:It's a question I have struggled with. I'm no longer in florida but pay for my sunday NFL ticket.  I watch every game and record it to rewatch later.  I really don't know if I am excited to watch Jaguar football right now.


It's fun to watch a team compete and actually have a chance of winning.  This team is so far from being a good team it's hard to see how long this project is going to take.  The team's theme is patience but this team has been lousey for well over a decade.  Yes we went to the playoff's a couple of times and got whooped.  Yes we had one good year (2007) where the team actually looked good.


I must be a gluten of punishment because I can't help but be a Jaguar fan.  I was with the team when they started and will continue to be with them.  The only difference know is instead of being excited I am worried how bad are we going to get beat each week.


The only thing I can say is atleast we aren't the browns Blush


I miss the days when the jaguars were a competent team and not the joke of the nlf. Confusedweat:

Excited to watch? No.


But yes, I still watch (or listen on radio).
Quote:It sounds like alot of you are just NFL fans that happen to have the Jaguars as their favorite team. There is nothing wrong with that but the die-hards I know are excited for every game.

I'm always excited, because...hey...ya never know.

I've gone from planning my weekends around the Jags to utilizing the game to help expedite my time as I workout.   I used to watch pregame, get wings and drink a lot of beer during the games but now I hit the gym and pass the time ... it's amazing how quickly an hour goes by when the game is on.


I realigned my weekends to party on Saturday by biking 15 miles up the coast and hitting the sports bars at Jax Beach to watch NCAA football.


It's really a shame because even the other games don't matter that much since games like the Tenn/Houston nail biter has no impact on the Jags season.

Quote:It's easy to say "when the team gets a good QB."


The problem is there has been areas of this team that we haven't had in over 10 years


1. A good QB,  Leftwich or garrard was not good but average at best.  The rest flat out suck


2. A pass rushing DE.  We haven't had a solid DE since Tony Brackens. I'm not counting one year wonders like Hayward


3. A good CB: Mathis was washed up years ago and Cox couldn't stay on the field


Thats 3 premium positions this team has lacked good consistent play for years.  Yes we will be a better team once we fill these holes but who knows how long it's going to take

Well put.  We're much more than a single piece away from competing.


That said, I'll always enjoy watching.  There's nothing you can do as a spectator to change what's going to happen on the field anyway.
Absolutely.  I love watching the Jaguars, all the time.  I live in Texas and rely on streams most of the time, but I still watch every time I can.  I love the team and I always will--and literally nobody here understands that.

I'm usually just excited for football in general, I still get "excited" for Jaguar football until about after the 1st drive, then it sinks in that it will be a long Sunday.

yes i do.  however, the excitement isn't a kid on christmas day anymore.  i don't know if that is because i'm getting older or my interest has dying roots.  i blame myself, but with the team putting such a bad product on the field i can only distance myself from being emotionally attached. well, as much as i can at least.

I definitely get excited for Jaguars football on Sundays.


Too bad they've only won like 2 home games in the last two years, though. Us fans deserve a lot better than that. The long drive home is definitely suckish.

Quote:The question I have is, sure, eventually the Jaguars will get better, but will it be in our lifetime?  

The 90's were good to us, so I can die knowing that I witnessed a great team. But I hope I live to see us win a Super Bowl.
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