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And still nobody will stand up and say.. Sessions is a great choice! Ebell is a great addition! Who has Trump added that gives cause for enthusiasm and why? I'll wait.
Quote:So.. he's been president elect for a couple of weeks. How's he doing? What members of his Cabinet are giving people excitement and why? He's already gonna cost taxpayers tens of millions of dollars by not living in the White House half of the time. He's all of a sudden he's a little surprised at the actual responsibilities the role entails. Wondering how long it takes for his worshippers to realize he has no plans to do half the stuff he campaigned on. Drain the swamp? By filling it with lobbyists who align with his interests? Nope.. the Trump Klub will never admit they were duped. He's not even president yet, but nary a negative word with be uttered about this [BAD WORD REMOVED] show of a man who doesn't really want to govern this nation.
[Image: mzvE3.gif]

So.. no answer then? Surely someone as educated and judgmental as you can provide supportive evidence that the Cabinet Trump is building will be great for Americans. What can you point to that indicates it will, know-it-all?
Quote:And still nobody will stand up and say.. Sessions is a great choice! Ebell is a great addition! Who has Trump added that gives cause for enthusiasm and why? I'll wait.

Its hard to take you seriously on this when the first thing you do is try to poison the well and go on an anti trump tirade in your op.

We all remember the "what do trump supporters really think" thread where u disappeared the minute that we started putting forth arguments that didn't fit the "whitelash" agenda.

He's made what three appointments? none of which have been much of a surprise. Flynn was a surrogate sessions was a super surrogate and pompeo is a tea party guy.

This tripe about "just help himself" is childish at best. Presidents pick cabinets to help implement their agendas. What do u expect, an energy secretary to push climate change? An ag in favor of sanctuary cities?

The better question is, are the people he's looking at in line with his campaign message. The answer is yes.

As for lobbyists. Christie was putting together a traditional trAnsition team. That's why pence is running it now with trump involved on the ground. The lobbyists by and large have been purged.
Man, that little baby thing is freaky as hell. :blink:  Please remove as it will likely haunt my nightmares. Thank you in advance.

Quote:Its hard to take you seriously on this when the first thing you do is try to poison the well and go on an anti trump tirade in your op.

We all remember the "what do trump supporters really think" thread where u disappeared the minute that we started putting forth arguments that didn't fit the "whitelash" agenda.

He's made what three appointments? none of which have been much of a surprise. Flynn was a surrogate sessions was a super surrogate and pompeo is a tea party guy.

This tripe about "just help himself" is childish at best. Presidents pick cabinets to help implement their agendas. What do u expect, an energy secretary to push climate change? An ag in favor of sanctuary cities?

The better question is, are the people he's looking at in line with his campaign message. The answer is yes.

As for lobbyists. Christie was putting together a traditional trAnsition team. That's why pence is running it now with trump involved on the ground. The lobbyists by and large have been purged.
Please refrain from bringing facts into this.  This entire thread is just another tantrum as the OP deals with his girl losing.



Quote:Man, that little baby thing is freaky as hell. :blink:  Please remove as it will likely haunt my nightmares. Thank you in advance.
And that's why I grabbed it.  This whining over Trump is getting a bit creepy.
Quote:[Image: PjDLs.jpg]

Look at "conservatives" pretend to be concerned about the debt.
Quote:So.. no answer then? Surely someone as educated and judgmental as you can provide supportive evidence that the Cabinet Trump is building will be great for Americans. What can you point to that indicates it will, know-it-all?

Come on now. Jeff Sessions is going to do his best to take us back to 1953 - which I think is when FBT was in his prime.


Ah, the good old days.
Quote:Come on now. Jeff Sessions is going to do his best to take us back to 1953 - which I think is when FBT was in his prime.

Ah, the good old days.

Just sad
Quote:Just sad

Yeah it is. But it won't be the last time you have to bend over backward.
Let me make it easy on you. You tell me which of these people creates a bulge in your pants and why.

Reince Priebus - Chief of Staff: aside from having the worst name in history he has said he wouldn't rule out an unconstitutional Muslim registry.

Jeff Sessions - Attorney General: Senate wouldn't confirm him to be a federal judge because of accusations of being a racist.

Mike Pompeo - CIA Director: rejects global warming, opposes regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, wants to abolish EPA, wants to block wind power tax credits, opposes labeling of GMOs, wants to re-establish collection of metadata of US citizens. Says Muslim leaders who don't denounce terrorism are complicit in the attacks. Tea Party Republican.

Mike Flynn - offered National Security Advisor role: checkered history within the Pentagon including improper handling of classified information (I've heard this somewhere before.. where was it).

Myron Ebell - EPA: because who better to protect the environment than a paid off climate change denier.

Steve Bannon - Senior Counselor: numerous anti-Muslim, anti-Immigrant comments. Called conservative pundit Bill Kristol a "renegade Jew." Called liberal women "a bunch of dykes." Antagonistic propagandist.

Those are the names we know. Now let's look at who is in contention for the remaining posts. The first thing that stands out is that many are retired or semi-retired including: Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Joseph Kellogg and the perpetually awful John Bolton. Who else is in the running? Ex- Goldman Sachs bigwig Henry Paulson who engineered the big bank bailouts. Another retired General "Mad Dog" Mattis who famously said, "It's fun to shoot people." Ex-trucker and anti animal rights activist Forrest Lucas (Lucas Oil) is under consideration for Secretary of Agriculture. How fitting. Senior Black Belt level scam artist Jamie Dimon is under consideration for Secretary of Treasury. That should send chills down your spine. Tom Coburn (also retired) is under consideration for Director of the OMB. He famously said no to pretty much every government project ever. Ex-WWE executive Linda McMahon (Mrs. Vince) failed twice at being elected Senator in CT, but she may have a seat at the table. Rick Perry is in the mix for head of the Department of Energy which is funny as it's one of the 3 departments he said he would eliminate as president. And for some reason Sarah Palin is eligible (is there a Secretary of Word Salad post?)

So which of the named people or potential picks gets you jazzed we are going to make America great again?
Quote:Let me make it easy on you. You tell me which of these people creates a bulge in your pants and why.

Reince Priebus - Chief of Staff: aside from having the worst name in history he has said he wouldn't rule out an unconstitutional Muslim registry.

Jeff Sessions - Attorney General: Senate wouldn't confirm him to be a federal judge because of accusations of being a racist.

Mike Pompeo - CIA Director: rejects global warming, opposes regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, wants to abolish EPA, wants to block wind power tax credits, opposes labeling of GMOs, wants to re-establish collection of metadata of US citizens. Says Muslim leaders who don't denounce terrorism are complicit in the attacks. Tea Party Republican.

Mike Flynn - offered National Security Advisor role: checkered history within the Pentagon including improper handling of classified information (I've heard this somewhere before.. where was it).

Myron Ebell - EPA: because who better to protect the environment than a paid off climate change denier.

Steve Bannon - Senior Counselor: numerous anti-Muslim, anti-Immigrant comments. Called conservative pundit Bill Kristol a "renegade Jew." Called liberal women "a bunch of dykes." Antagonistic propagandist.

Those are the names we know. Now let's look at who is in contention for the remaining posts. The first thing that stands out is that many are retired or semi-retired including: Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Joseph Kellogg and the perpetually awful John Bolton. Who else is in the running? Ex- Goldman Sachs bigwig Henry Paulson who engineered the big bank bailouts. Another retired General "Mad Dog" Mattis who famously said, "It's fun to shoot people." Ex-trucker and anti animal rights activist Forrest Lucas (Lucas Oil) is under consideration for Secretary of Agriculture. How fitting. Senior Black Belt level scam artist Jamie Dimon is under consideration for Secretary of Treasury. That should send chills down your spine. Tom Coburn (also retired) is under consideration for Director of the OMB. He famously said no to pretty much every government project ever. Ex-WWE executive Linda McMahon (Mrs. Vince) failed twice at being elected Senator in CT, but she may have a seat at the table. Rick Perry is in the mix for head of the Department of Energy which is funny as it's one of the 3 departments he said he would eliminate as president. And for some reason Sarah Palin is eligible (is there a Secretary of Word Salad post?)

So which of the named people or potential picks gets you jazzed we are going to make America great again?

General Mattis
Quote:General Mattis

Why? Because he thinks shooting people is fun? Or just because he's seasoned in military operations.
Quote:Let me make it easy on you. You tell me which of these people creates a bulge in your pants and why.

Reince Priebus - Chief of Staff: aside from having the worst name in history he has said he wouldn't rule out an unconstitutional Muslim registry.

Jeff Sessions - Attorney General: Senate wouldn't confirm him to be a federal judge because of accusations of being a racist.

Mike Pompeo - CIA Director: rejects global warming, opposes regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, wants to abolish EPA, wants to block wind power tax credits, opposes labeling of GMOs, wants to re-establish collection of metadata of US citizens. Says Muslim leaders who don't denounce terrorism are complicit in the attacks. Tea Party Republican.

Mike Flynn - offered National Security Advisor role: checkered history within the Pentagon including improper handling of classified information (I've heard this somewhere before.. where was it).

Myron Ebell - EPA: because who better to protect the environment than a paid off climate change denier.

Steve Bannon - Senior Counselor: numerous anti-Muslim, anti-Immigrant comments. Called conservative pundit Bill Kristol a "renegade Jew." Called liberal women "a bunch of dykes." Antagonistic propagandist.

Those are the names we know. Now let's look at who is in contention for the remaining posts. The first thing that stands out is that many are retired or semi-retired including: Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Joseph Kellogg and the perpetually awful John Bolton. Who else is in the running? Ex- Goldman Sachs bigwig Henry Paulson who engineered the big bank bailouts. Another retired General "Mad Dog" Mattis who famously said, "It's fun to shoot people." Ex-trucker and anti animal rights activist Forrest Lucas (Lucas Oil) is under consideration for Secretary of Agriculture. How fitting. Senior Black Belt level scam artist Jamie Dimon is under consideration for Secretary of Treasury. That should send chills down your spine. Tom Coburn (also retired) is under consideration for Director of the OMB. He famously said no to pretty much every government project ever. Ex-WWE executive Linda McMahon (Mrs. Vince) failed twice at being elected Senator in CT, but she may have a seat at the table. Rick Perry is in the mix for head of the Department of Energy which is funny as it's one of the 3 departments he said he would eliminate as president. And for some reason Sarah Palin is eligible (is there a Secretary of Word Salad post?)

So which of the named people or potential picks gets you jazzed we are going to make America great again?

You do realize that only one of the positions that you listed as being filled is a Cabinet position right?


Senator Jeff Sessions - An Attorney, former Attorney General (State of Alabama) and current U.S. Senator.  He was ranked as the 5th most conservative U.S. Senator by The National Journal.


He replaces Loretta Lynch.


I would say that it's a huge upgrade at the position.


Reince Priebus - Selected for White House Chief of Staff (not a Cabinet position).  He's experienced, no problem there.


Mike Flynn - Selected for National Security Advisor (not a Cabinet position).  I don't know where you get your information, but he is a decorated Veteran with Special Ops and Intelligence experience.  Good pick.


I could go on, but so far it looks like Trump is assembling a well qualified staff.
Looks like Trump is filling the swamp with crocodiles, rather than draining it.  Of course he is.  Business as usual in Washington.

Quote:Let me make it easy on you. You tell me which of these people creates a bulge in your pants and why.

Reince Priebus - Chief of Staff: aside from having the worst name in history he has said he wouldn't rule out an unconstitutional Muslim registry.

Jeff Sessions - Attorney General: Senate wouldn't confirm him to be a federal judge because of accusations of being a racist.

Mike Pompeo - CIA Director: rejects global warming, opposes regulation of greenhouse gas emissions, wants to abolish EPA, wants to block wind power tax credits, opposes labeling of GMOs, wants to re-establish collection of metadata of US citizens. Says Muslim leaders who don't denounce terrorism are complicit in the attacks. Tea Party Republican.

Mike Flynn - offered National Security Advisor role: checkered history within the Pentagon including improper handling of classified information (I've heard this somewhere before.. where was it).

Myron Ebell - EPA: because who better to protect the environment than a paid off climate change denier.

Steve Bannon - Senior Counselor: numerous anti-Muslim, anti-Immigrant comments. Called conservative pundit Bill Kristol a "renegade Jew." Called liberal women "a bunch of dykes." Antagonistic propagandist.

Those are the names we know. Now let's look at who is in contention for the remaining posts. The first thing that stands out is that many are retired or semi-retired including: Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Joseph Kellogg and the perpetually awful John Bolton. Who else is in the running? Ex- Goldman Sachs bigwig Henry Paulson who engineered the big bank bailouts. Another retired General "Mad Dog" Mattis who famously said, "It's fun to shoot people." Ex-trucker and anti animal rights activist Forrest Lucas (Lucas Oil) is under consideration for Secretary of Agriculture. How fitting. Senior Black Belt level scam artist Jamie Dimon is under consideration for Secretary of Treasury. That should send chills down your spine. Tom Coburn (also retired) is under consideration for Director of the OMB. He famously said no to pretty much every government project ever. Ex-WWE executive Linda McMahon (Mrs. Vince) failed twice at being elected Senator in CT, but she may have a seat at the table. Rick Perry is in the mix for head of the Department of Energy which is funny as it's one of the 3 departments he said he would eliminate as president. And for some reason Sarah Palin is eligible (is there a Secretary of Word Salad post?)

So which of the named people or potential picks gets you jazzed we are going to make America great again?

Too bad they don't make bandaids for feelings
Quote:Looks like Trump is filling the swamp with crocodiles, rather than draining it.  Of course he is.  Business as usual in Washington.

Care to give an example?
Quote:You do realize that only one of the positions that you listed as being filled is a Cabinet position right?

Senator Jeff Sessions - An Attorney, former Attorney General (State of Alabama) and current U.S. Senator. He was ranked as the 5th most conservative U.S. Senator by The National Journal.

He replaces Loretta Lynch.

I would say that it's a huge upgrade at the position.

Reince Priebus - Selected for White House Chief of Staff (not a Cabinet position). He's experienced, no problem there.

Mike Flynn - Selected for National Security Advisor (not a Cabinet position). I don't know where you get your information, but he is a decorated Veteran with Special Ops and Intelligence experience. Good pick.

I could go on, but so far it looks like Trump is assembling a well qualified staff.
Flynn was accused of mishandling classified information by sharing data during the Afghanistan invasion with Pakistan on terror networks responsible for killing Americans. The intelligence came from another agency and it was classified. He also didn't follow protocol when sharing classified information with Britain and Australia. And he published an article publicly disclosing shortfalls in Afghan intelligence operations which flew in the face of the CIA. Didn't stop him from bashing Hillary for mishandling classified information. He also had many documented clashes with military leadership in the Pentagon.

I also love how your sole reason for liking Sessions is his conservative ranking. Has nothing to do with is background or accomplishments. No reference to his racist accusations. He's way conservative so he must be fantastic. Durrrrrrrr..
Quote:Flynn was accused of mishandling classified information by sharing data during the Afghanistan invasion with Pakistan on terror networks responsible for killing Americans. The intelligence came from another agency and it was classified. He also didn't follow protocol when sharing classified information with Britain and Australia. And he published an article publicly disclosing shortfalls in Afghan intelligence operations which flew in the face of the CIA. Didn't stop him from bashing Hillary for mishandling classified information. He also had many documented clashes with military leadership in the Pentagon.

I also love how your sole reason for liking Sessions is his conservative ranking. Has nothing to do with is background or accomplishments. No reference to his racist accusations. He's way conservative so he must be fantastic. Durrrrrrrr..

Link regarding the Flynn accusations?


Conservative ranking isn't my "sole reason" for liking Sessions as the pick, but keep trying.  Tell me how he's not a better choice than Loretta Lynch for the position.
Quote:Link regarding the Flynn accusations?

Conservative ranking isn't my "sole reason" for liking Sessions as the pick, but keep trying. Tell me how he's not a better choice than Loretta Lynch for the position.

Sorry to hear Google is broke in your computer. Maybe try again.

You still haven't named one reason you like Sessions. You are trying to put the burden on me that Lynch is better.

Okay.. I'll bite. She was never accused of calling former Mobile County commissioner Douglas Wicks the n word. She also didn't give false testimony when testifying about calling someone the n word. She also didn't call the ACLU and NAACP un-American for fighting for voting rights. She also didn't fight LEGAL immigration. She is also not a climate change skeptic. She also never said she was okay with the KKK until she learned they smoked marijuana.

Your move.
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