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Full Version: Mall Santa loses job for telling girl Hillary Clinton on naughty list
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Quote:I actually think that it's kind of juvenile (the whole "boycott" thing as well as the possible "retaliation").  I personally don't patronize Starbucks and it has nothing to do with politics.  I just can't see paying so much money for a cup of coffee.
Using that term loosely I presume?
Quote:While it's a stupid incident for getting someone fired, but retail establishments don't like angry customers. Regardless, what kind of jerk gets political with a 10 year old girl while playing Santa? Let the kid enjoy her moment, for goodness sakes.
That goes both ways. How many ten year olds give a rat's rear about a presidential candidate? Hint: it's one with progressive parents who is being used as a pawn for something that they don't even understand.

Believe anything else and you're fooling yourself.
Quote:Haywoode Jeblome. A classic from the past generation.

That one cracks me up every time I read or hear it.   I guess I am easily amused.  But I'm laughing right now. 
When I was in the Navy there was a template passing around the ship for some complicated form everyone had to complete.

Last name: Rection

First name: Hugh


Obviously this was pre-PC era (the machine and the political climate).
Technically they could yell out Drumpf or Tiny Hands or Thin Skinned Tangerine. I find the whole thing to be pretty moronic and cult like. But nobody does dumb like 'Murica.
Quote:Technically they could yell out Drumpf or Tiny Hands or Thin Skinned Tangerine. I find the whole thing to be pretty moronic and cult like. But nobody does dumb like 'Murica.

You must be a blast to hang around with.
It's funny what they don't want mall Santa's to tell the children . I knew a dude that was a mall Santa that was fired simply for telling the children that Santa was not real and if he was he probably smoked crack and stole all those presents. Crazy stuff I tell ya.



Of course dude was fired and rightfully so. Wrong place, wrong time, hell, wrong just about every damn thing.

Why would he lie to the children and tell them Santa is not real?

Quote:Why would he lie to the children and tell them Santa is not real?
...oh , sorry dude. I didn't know. My bad.
Quote:You must be a blast to hang around with.

I really am. Fun, smart, witty, compassionate, low maintenance. I'm easy to have a good time with.
Santa is real, because he always eats the cookies and drinks the milk that I leave out for him.

"Hey Santa.. I know I'm here to sit on your lap and tell you what I want for Christmas, but before we get into that, can we spend a few minutes talking about your political views?"
Quote:Santa is real, because he always eats the cookies and drinks the milk that I leave out for him.
I got news for you man. Santa is diabetic and lactose intolerant..............No, no. I mean, yeah, yeah you're right. I don't know what I was thinking. Damn, did it again. Wallbash Doh!
Quote:Santa is real, because he always eats the cookies and drinks the milk that I leave out for him.

Puts a dent in my liquor cabinet.


I don't even lock it anymore, just leave it open.
Introducing our new mall Santa, Anthony Weiner. Sit in his lap and talk about the first thing that comes up.


[Image: santa_claus_arrested.jpg]

Quote:I really am. Fun, smart, witty, compassionate, low maintenance. I'm easy to have a good time with.

Call me dubious on that, to say the least.
Quote:Call me dubious on that, to say the least.
I guess you'll never have to the opportunity to be pleasantly surprised. Sad.

I just assume the people who post in this section don't spout politics 24/7 in their personal lives. I certainly don't. I'm more interested in what type of people I hang out with are than who they voted for. For what it's worth, I'm on the fence with you being marginally enjoyable to share oxygen with. I'm sure you care.

Quote:I guess you'll never have to the opportunity to be pleasantly surprised. Sad.

I just assume the people who post in this section don't spout politics 24/7 in their personal lives. I certainly don't. I'm more interested in what type if people I hang out with are than who they voted for. For what it's worth, I'm on the fence with you being marginally enjoyable to share oxygen with. I'm sure you care.

I'm a hoot to hang out with, for one thing, I can tell when people are making a joke and having fun with something and don't try to suck the joy out of it for them. You should try it some time.
If Santa said this to one of my girls, he'd be lucky if 'fired' was all he got.

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