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Full Version: Mall Santa loses job for telling girl Hillary Clinton on naughty list
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Quote:That goes both ways. How many ten year olds give a rat's rear about a presidential candidate? Hint: it's one with progressive parents who is being used as a pawn for something that they don't even understand.

Believe anything else and you're fooling yourself.

I agree, to a point. Personally, I would have had a few private words with Santa and let it go at that. If this parent made a scene with child in tow, they ruined the moment for the child, too.

Either way, Santa was a jerk, which I've always suspected. He never came to my house on Christmas Eve, he sent vouchers to my parents and they had to pick our presents up at Goodwill.
Quote:I'm a hoot to hang out with, for one thing, I can tell when people are making a joke and having fun with something and don't try to suck the joy out of it for them. You should try it some time.

"Call me dubious, yada yada yada.."
Get a room you two.

Quote:"Call me dubious, yada yada yada.."

I'm sure you're dubious that you'd be able to pull off a sense of humor. Don't worry, I'm very dubious that you could too.
Also many 10 year olds care about who the President is.  When I was 8 years old, I was very interested in the Presidential Election.  And before you say "That's because you had progressive parents!" my parents were very conservative.  If they were Jag fans, they'd have fit right in on this board. 


My kids cared.  They followed the election.  I think it's good for kids to follow it.  They should be interested in politics from a young age.  Because this stuff is going to effect them when they get older. More so than it'll probably effect us.

Quote:Thanksgiving doesn't matter anymore...not enough retail profits from it.

Unless you're a grocery store, but you're right... for a mall/general retail you just start xmas as soon as you can to drive traffic.


Lest we forget there is also a "progressive" war on Thanksgiving that could change that in the future for grocers.  The whole celebrating stealing land and raping/killing natives and stuff.

Quote:I'm sure you're dubious that you'd be able to pull off a sense of humor. Don't worry, I'm very dubious that you could too.

If there's one thing I have zero self doubt about, it's my sense of humor. You can disagree with some of my positions, but if you think I am not funny, I would seriously question what you find funny. I don't resonate well with people who fit the Paul Blart: Mall Cop demographic.
Quote:If Santa said this to one of my girls, he'd be lucky if 'fired' was all he got.

Which do you think is worse:


A. Telling a little girl Santa is not real,




Quote:Which do you think is worse:


A. Telling a little girl Santa is not real,





C. Being bitten by a little girl who you just pissed off
Quote:If Santa said this to one of my girls, he'd be lucky if 'fired' was all he got.

You're gonna kick Santa's [BAD WORD REMOVED] for saying something like that? Yeah...that seems like a totally reasonable response.
Quote:If there's one thing I have zero self doubt about, it's my sense of humor. You can disagree with some of my positions, but if you think I am not funny, I would seriously question what you find funny. I don't resonate well with people who fit the Paul Blart: Mall Cop demographic.

I don't think I have ever seen you attempt to be funny anywhere on the board, granted I don't pay all that much attention to you either, so maybe I missed your infrequent bursts of humor. I guess it could happen...

I still think you're THAT guy at every party, the one sitting around, bringing everyone down by telling them how many starving children in east yak Pakistan you could feed with the money spent for the caviar garnish on the canapés. Or maybe you're the guy with the lampshade on his head...but I doubt it.
Quote:C. Being bitten by a little girl who you just [BAD WORD REMOVED] off

Then you should probably teach your little girl that violence isn't an answer to anything.
Quote:You're gonna kick Santa's [BAD WORD REMOVED] for saying something like that? Yeah...that seems like a totally reasonable response.

As the saying goes, little things affect only little minds. This is how dumbed down and spineless liberals strive to be.

That kid in all likelihood doesn't even know her. Hasn't ever met her. What kind of loser flips out over this?

Answer: a pawn.
Quote:As the saying goes, little things affect only little minds. This is how dumbed down and spineless liberals strive to be.

That kid in all likelihood doesn't even know her. Hasn't ever met her. What kind of loser flips out over this?

Answer: a pawn.
You just defined trump. 
Quote:Then you should probably teach your little girl that violence isn't an answer to anything.

...Except when you conservatives so want it to be, right?  'Violence isn't the answer.. except when it's convenient for us'.  How many times have people advocating just shooting people?   


My kids are pretty smart--they know that Santa isn't political like this loser was.  They might just want to teach him a lesson.  I know I would.  I wouldn't do it in the shopping mall, though.  They, on the other hand, might.  
Quote:...Except when you conservatives so want it to be, right?  'Violence isn't the answer.. except when it's convenient for us'.  How many times have people advocating just shooting people?   


My kids are pretty smart--they know that Santa isn't political like this loser was.  They might just want to teach him a lesson.  I know I would.  I wouldn't do it in the shopping mall, though.  They, on the other hand, might.  
How old are these kids. They know Santa is not political but believe in Santa? Seems curious.
Quote:...Except when you conservatives so want it to be, right?  'Violence isn't the answer.. except when it's convenient for us'.  How many times have people advocating just shooting people?   


My kids are pretty smart--they know that Santa isn't political like this loser was.  They might just want to teach him a lesson.  I know I would.  I wouldn't do it in the shopping mall, though.  They, on the other hand, might.

Do you find it hard to keep thinking you're better than the "other side" when you're okay with acting just like you accuse them of being? Just curious.

And as far as your kids go, if they're smart enough to know about politics, you'd think they'd be smart enough to know you don't go around biting people just cuz they make you mad. Maybe less politics and more social skills or anger management might be in order...unless you're okay with that kind of behavior. It's just a suggestion.
Quote:I don't think I have ever seen you attempt to be funny anywhere on the board, granted I don't pay all that much attention to you either, so maybe I missed your infrequent bursts of humor. I guess it could happen...

I still think you're THAT guy at every party, the one sitting around, bringing everyone down by telling them how many starving children in east yak Pakistan you could feed with the money spent for the caviar garnish on the canapés. Or maybe you're the guy with the lampshade on his head...but I doubt it.

Yeah.. you've got me pegged sister. I wear only black and have a wide assortment of berets. I have tattoos of all the oppressed people of the world and I am constantly engaging people in discussions on why meat is murder, the hole in the ozone layer will only get bigger and how the Japanese get their sadistic thrills killing whales and dolphins. I'm glad to know you have painted such an image of me in your mind. As for your comment on not paying too much attention to me, you've responded to, redacted or deleted enough of my posts for us both to know that is bull [BLEEP].

It's nice to know you could meet me in real life and have no clue who my message board alias is. Your description is someone I would never be caught hanging around with. Believe me.
oh my

Quote:Do you find it hard to keep thinking you're better than the "other side" when you're okay with acting just like you accuse them of being? Just curious.

And as far as your kids go, if they're smart enough to know about politics, you'd think they'd be smart enough to know you don't go around biting people just cuz they make you mad. Maybe less politics and more social skills or anger management might be in order...unless you're okay with that kind of behavior. It's just a suggestion.

I find the hypocrisy entertaining.  How easy is it for you to decry minor violence against people you approve of, but approve of major violence against people you don't?

My youngest kids are still at that age where they act out when upset.  Especially by an adult--who should absolutely know better in such a situation.  Apparently this loser didn't know better.  Thankfully my children aren't usually around [BLEEP], so I don't have to worry about them biting people--unless someone tries to kidnap them, in which case I encourage biting the finger clear off.
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