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Full Version: Are Minorities Trying To Start A Civil War?
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(08-27-2017, 09:33 AM)B2hibry Wrote: [ -> ]100% this^^^^^

Yeah, I agree too.
(08-23-2017, 09:22 AM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-22-2017, 06:37 PM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]Minorities?  In Charlottesville I saw mostly white leftists (Nazis, KKK) fighting mostly white leftists (Antifa, socialists, BLM) and blaming it on the right.

White guys with torches chanting Nazi slogans.

C'mon man, they were just joking.  they really didn't mean that.  They love minorities.  There were a lot of good people carrying torches  Cry

[Image: spencerresponse.jpg]

It's a good idea to question the narrative you're being fed about incidents like this, especially when the lead organizer for the "white nationalist" rally that erupted into violence in Charlottesville is a former Occupy Wall Street member, and a big Obama supporter.  Hardly sounds like he's this extreme right winger that the media has portrayed him to be.

What's really disturbing about much of the political unrest that's coming from both sides is the fact that it's younger participants that are almost always swept up into this nonsense.  These are people who have no perspective or even a true understanding of the history of this nation.  They're useful idiots that are being manipulated by big money on both sides intent on polarizing this country.  

You see these Antifa or BLM protesters out there and the media loves to portray them as almost grass roots organizations with a noble purpose, but the truth is, they've got money being pumped into their "cause" by the same people who have been working for decades to undermine and blow up the current system and replace it with something the elite deem more palatable.

When you have these ridiculous "white pride" type rallies, you have to wonder what the reality is here.  I know the goal here is to pin this on Trump or on conservatives, but then you see things like the guy in Charlottesville  who is the leader, it's clear that there is an effort underway to try to build up some sort of notion that this movement is bigger than it actually is, and it almost seems like the effort to do so is coming from the same people who are financing Antifa and BLM. I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but follow the money on both sides, and there's probably some commonality there that nobody is talking about.
Yes. That is exactly what is happening. The left is sick of hugging trees and talking about feelings. They want to start a civil war. It isn't the white nationalists who have been trying to incite a race war for decades. It's the left. FOX told me.
Just the left trying to erase their own history.

Confederacy = Democrats
KKK = Democrats
Antifa = Democrats
BLM = Democrats
It's hilarious how dumb you have to be to claim Nazi's supporting trump are either leftists or democrats. I'm sure it makes one feel better about their own racist thoughts, or their lack of education, or their willful ignorance. It's still damn embarrassing. I feel bad for you poor deluded fools who are not just trolling.
It's a hoax, boudreaumw. You got triggered by the KKK t-shirts and swastika armbands. Look up kkk or nazi on etsy. It's all anti-Trump stuff. There are no real nazis.
(08-28-2017, 09:24 PM)boudreaumw Wrote: [ -> ]It's hilarious how dumb you have to be to claim Nazi's supporting trump are either leftists or democrats. I'm sure it makes one feel better about their own racist thoughts, or their lack of education, or their willful ignorance. It's still damn embarrassing. I feel bad for you poor deluded fools who are not just trolling.

It's hilarious how dumb you have to be to think Nazis have a significant enough presence in the world to affect any kind of change.  Much like your buddies in Antifa, they're a fringe element that has been mostly dismissed and ignored...until democrats lost in November and then suddenly they needed a boogeyman.

If you look at who actually lead the organizing of the march in Charlottesville, the guy who headed it up is an Occupy Wall Street and Obama supporter.  The media has portrayed this guy as if he's this extreme right-wing ideologue, but based on his history, that isn't the case.

What's embarrassing here is the fact that your buddies in Antifa, and anyone who supports their viewpoint, have been manipulated to behave the way they have by agitators who are paid to make this happen by elements much higher on the food chain who want to see a systemic collapse in the United States.  These "protesters" on the left are nothing more than useful idiots.

I feel badly for you poor deluded lefties who are not just trolling.
(08-29-2017, 09:54 AM)Byron LeftTown Wrote: [ -> ]It's a hoax, boudreaumw.  You got triggered by the KKK t-shirts and swastika armbands.  Look up kkk or nazi on etsy.  It's all anti-Trump stuff.  There are no real nazis.

White nationalists, Antifa, BLM, Nazis, KKK.  It's all the same. Fringe groups of the least informed people on either end of the spectrum.

What's curious is why all of this is happening now?  The intention is pretty clear, but nobody seems to be asking why now and not over the past 8 years when they had a sympathetic ear in the White House?
Can't we all just get along?!
(08-29-2017, 02:09 PM)Monty Wrote: [ -> ]Can't we all just get along?!

99.99% of us can and do get along.   It's the .01% that get all the media coverage.
(08-29-2017, 02:09 PM)Monty Wrote: [ -> ]Can't we all just get along?!

What if I don't want to get along, and instead just want to be left alone?
(08-23-2017, 12:34 PM)Adam2012 Wrote: [ -> ]It's the media! It's the media!

How have you allowed yourself to be totally influenced by a biased and corrupt media?

And which media? We live in a time in which more media sources, of all types, are available than at any time in human history.

Sadly too many people do allow the media to influence them. Especially when they're being told what they want to hear by their favorite stations.

There was a time when we could watch the news and trust what we were being told for the most part. The end of that started in the 80's when a news station was bought by a corporation and broadcast journalism turned into a ratings frenzy because higher ratings means more money. The nail was further driven into the coffin when the first all news station began broadcasting. All they do is share their opinions, they don't actually report the news.

IMO all media is corrupt to a degree. There is no such thing as 'fair and balanced' or 'the station you can trust.' I read from several different sites and try to find the truth somewhere in the middle.
(08-29-2017, 04:52 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-23-2017, 12:34 PM)Adam2012 Wrote: [ -> ]It's the media! It's the media!

How have you allowed yourself to be totally influenced by a biased and corrupt media?

And which media? We live in a time in which more media sources, of all types, are available than at any time in human history.

Sadly too many people do allow the media to influence them. Especially when they're being told what they want to hear by their favorite stations.

There was a time when we could watch the news and trust what we were being told for the most part. The end of that started in the 80's when a news station was bought by a corporation and broadcast journalism turned into a ratings frenzy because higher ratings means more money. The nail was further driven into the coffin when the first all news station began broadcasting. All they do is share their opinions, they don't actually report the news.

IMO all media is corrupt to a degree. There is no such thing as 'fair and balanced' or 'the station you can trust.' I read from several different sites and try to find the truth somewhere in the middle.

I think it's possible that you can go back even further than the 1980's regarding the honesty of our news stations. The CIA was called out on this as far back as 1975 that they were using agents to manipulate the thoughts and ideas of American citizens by Congress. They had their toes stepped on to the point to where they wanted to no longer speak on the subject without getting into an executive session. 

The movie "The Network" came out in 1976. It has one of the most iconic speeches you'll ever hear from Peter Finch regarding any film that reflects ever so perfectly of how the media effects people then and now. It truly is hard and difficult to tell your [BLEEP] from your elbow these days. I don't watch FOX. I don't watch CNN. I don't watch CBS. I don't watch NBC. I try very, very hard to find independent journalists that read into these stories and pick apart every little detail from every single angle. Especially those who I know of that don't lean left nor right. 

I am a big fan of James Corbett from the Corbettreport. I also like High Impact Flix. Fair, brutally honest and unbiased when it comes to our politics to be sure. But it's truly difficult to figure out whose telling the honest to god truth. Since both sides will tell you the complete opposite from all major news outlets. You're mostly hearing their perfectly crafted version of "their" truth. But just because you can see it and hear it doesn't make it the truth by default. 

This is why the corporations that run our country, our banks, the world in a geopolitical sense or an economical sense are so, so good at what they do. They've been doing it for a very, very long time. And they've kept us all at each other's throats over everything and anything under the sun. Pretty crazy. But that's how it works. You see just how divided we are every four years during an election. That's all the proof you need. 

Which is sad really. You have a lot of multi millionaires running our country that are being backed by or have been backed by multi billionaire lobbyists, eugenists, economists and globalists for decades. And they're telling us what's good for us or what's best for us while draining us dry of our money every year via taxes or by squandering our future retirement funds. Meanwhile our education system shrinks on a public level and private level schooling or top quality colleges are astronomically expensive and when you do get there you have to worry about the stooges and cronies now in place as "professors" teaching your youth of the nation how to be pacified and worthless eaters that don't know how to critically analyze and think anymore. 

Sad indeed. But I personally think that this country has been put on notice since November 22nd, 1963. When something of that nature can be pulled off in broad daylight on nationally televised broadcasts and then be so hurried, rushed and buried by the media with little to no efforts made in the way and line of thinking. You've opened yourself up to be taken advantage of. Operation Northwoods was really an eye opening moment for me. Always keep an eye out for Psyops. And of course the mainstream downplays it all. If you even dare question the Government. If you even dare bring up the Shadow Government you're deemed a conspiracy theorist. Even though it's been proven over and over again with leaked information and hacked information that a lot of these "theories" are factual now.
(08-29-2017, 04:50 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-29-2017, 02:09 PM)Monty Wrote: [ -> ]Can't we all just get along?!

What if I don't want to get along, and instead just want to be left alone?

Can't we all just get along....or isolate ourselves to the far reaches of the galaxy?

Pretty much one of the many reasons why BLM will never be taken seriously.
(08-30-2017, 08:02 AM)Monty Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-29-2017, 04:50 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]What if I don't want to get along, and instead just want to be left alone?

Can't we all just get along....or isolate ourselves to the far reaches of the galaxy?

I just don't want to be called ugly names for not caring about every single agenda that happens to enter the public square, that's all.
(08-30-2017, 10:13 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-30-2017, 08:02 AM)Monty Wrote: [ -> ]Can't we all just get along....or isolate ourselves to the far reaches of the galaxy?

I just don't want to be called ugly names for not caring about every single agenda that happens to enter the public square, that's all.

What?  You don't care about the transgender spotted owls living in the rain forests of Brazil who are being chased from their environment by spotless gender specific owls?  The transgender spotted owls are offended by the spotless gender specific owls leaving monuments to celebrate their murderous ways with rodents and other small animals, and their lack of sensitivity to other wildlife.  The transgender spotted owls are trying to promote a vegan lifestyle, and the insensitive spotless gender specific owls will have nothing to do with it, so they must be violently opposed.

More importantly, The Grievance Industry gets you paid!

SPLC Offshoring Their Cash

FTA: "The SPLC has turned into a fundraising powerhouse, recording more than $50 million in contributions and $328 million in net assets on its 2015 Form 990, the most recently available tax form from the nonprofit. SPLC's Form 990-T, its business income tax return, from the same year shows that they have "financial interests" in the Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, and Bermuda. No information is available beyond the acknowledgment of the interests at the bottom of the form."
(08-30-2017, 11:26 AM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-30-2017, 10:13 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]I just don't want to be called ugly names for not caring about every single agenda that happens to enter the public square, that's all.

What?  You don't care about the transgender spotted owls living in the rain forests of Brazil who are being chased from their environment by spotless gender specific owls?  The transgender spotted owls are offended by the spotless gender specific owls leaving monuments to celebrate their murderous ways with rodents and other small animals, and their lack of sensitivity to other wildlife.  The transgender spotted owls are trying to promote a vegan lifestyle, and the insensitive spotless gender specific owls will have nothing to do with it, so they must be violently opposed.


(09-01-2017, 12:47 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-30-2017, 11:26 AM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]What?  You don't care about the transgender spotted owls living in the rain forests of Brazil who are being chased from their environment by spotless gender specific owls?  The transgender spotted owls are offended by the spotless gender specific owls leaving monuments to celebrate their murderous ways with rodents and other small animals, and their lack of sensitivity to other wildlife.  The transgender spotted owls are trying to promote a vegan lifestyle, and the insensitive spotless gender specific owls will have nothing to do with it, so they must be violently opposed.



We're so inundated by identity politics that it's getting hard to keep track, right? Wink
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