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Full Version: How is there no back-up plan at QB?
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Quote:I will tolerate a season with just a few wins, and still defend the Jaguars. I would literally boycott the Jaguars if they were to ever sign a [BAD WORD REMOVED] like Krapernick.

What did Kaepernick do that was so bad
Quote:What did Kaepernick do that was so bad

We're you living under a rock last football season?
Quote:We're you living under a rock last football season?

Um no. All I saw was a qb taking a knee to bring attention to police brutality. What's the problem
Quote:Um no. All I saw was a qb taking a knee to bring attention to police brutality. What's the problem
It wasnt what he was doing it for it was how he was doing it.

He was kneeling during the national anthem which is done before games to honor our soldiers who have fought for our country many of which have died.

Many families have people who have served or died serving so it doesn't sit right with people and was a bad idea.

The military also has nothing to do with the police so in my opinion kneeling during the anthem came off as anti American to those who didn't know what he was kneeling for.
Quote:This is the most questionable thing that the new regime hasn't done yet. What happens if Bortles doesn't improve or gets hurt? Are we all in on Henne? Or Allen who hasn't seen any game action? 

It's still early. We still have training camp and leauge wide roster cut downs to go through in August. Ultimately the team gave it's approval of Bortles when they picked up his 5th year option. That's a thumbs up of confidence. They added Fournette, Robinson, Albert, Westbrook, Rivera & a pair of full backs to compete for the lead blocking role this off-season to help him out. They also bolstered the defense some more. 


All signs indicate that this team is heading towards a ball control style offense with a stout defense. A typical Coughlin type team and philosophy he's carried throughout his career. Hackett and Marrone also seem to believe in this style of football. We ended up finishing as a top ten rushing offense during the nine games Hackett called last year. 


This is going to benefit Bortles or any back up that has to fill in. Anytime you can run the football at will and pick up 4 - 5 YPC a clip the offense and game should be plenty manageable. And this should also hopefully limit any exposure to Bortles physically. We don't need to see him dropping back 40 times per game this year. It's been a recipe for disaster. Keep him at 25 - 30 per game. Let him get moving around with some play actions and bootlegs where he's actually more accurate. And good things should happen this season. 

Quote:Um no. All I saw was a qb taking a knee to bring attention to police brutality. What's the problem
I get that argument. But at what point are you satisfied that the attention you seek has been achieved? Got the point, loud and clear. Now what? Are you going to continue to, intentionaly or unintentionally, piss members and family's of our armed services off on a regular bases for your PR stunt?

If you expect police to change because you are taking a knee, that's one thing, pretty weak effort really and highly unlikely actually get a result seeing as how there are as many people against you as there are for you. But if you are only doing it to bring attention, I think we got it. Now you can support the rest of your country and not proverbially spit on our flag( let's face it, that's how some view it) every chance you get.
OK, here goes.

I think his whole 'protest' was a crock of horse manure. I find it way too coincidental that it started right after Gabbert was named starter.
Quote:Um no. All I saw was a qb taking a knee to bring attention to police brutality. What's the problem

I'm not going into a political debate.

I don't have any views one way or the other of what he did; I am neutral when it comes to political and social controversies.

Regardless, when you choose to do what kaepernick did, you will polarize the fan base. There will be those who support him and those that don't. This brings attention, and for some controversy, to the team he is with. Most if not all teams will not want that controversy. They will not want the threat of boycotts from activists and groups who disagree. For better or for worse, he has become a distraction. Not condemning nor approving his actions; just telling it like it is from a detached viewpoint.
Quote:What did Kaepernick do that was so bad

This doesn't even deserve a response. Hopefully he will never play another down again.
People are so unforgiving and lacking in grace. The man refused to stand. He didn't do anything obscene. He said that he meant absolutely no insult to the military. He seems to have gotten the message that members of the military were offended, because he has indicated he will stand for the anthem this year. We should all move on and he should be playing in the NFL this year.
If he could play football well, he'd be playing no matter what he did on the sideline.

He can play football well, Pirkster. Check his 2016 stats. Worse guys are signed today.
Quote:If he could play football well, he'd be playing no matter what he did on the sideline.

Quote:If he could play football well, he'd be playing no matter what he did on the sideline.

Kaepernick isn't playing because he offended millions of white people. Plain and simple. Much worst QBs have jobs
So you don't think millions of black people were offended as well?  It's only white people that were offended by his ignorance?


He could have chosen to do 1,000's of things and he chose one of the stupidest things you could do.


Fyi, one of the main reasons he didn't play earlier than he did last year is because of his diet.  He's a vegan and it took him quite a while to gain weight back from his injury.  Believe it or not, this is a concern for teams.


Edit:  To add, the rumor is he wants $9-$10mm a year and wants to be a starter.  He's nuts.

Nothing about what he did was ignorant. Judging by some of these comments I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you folks have never experienced a form of police brutality or witnessed it.

Also he offended the wrong white people. Which are the ones writing checks
Quote:Kaepernick isn't playing because he offended millions of white people. Plain and simple. Much worst QBs have jobs

Unemployment line says otherwise.


If you've got talent, you can kill dogs, kill people DUI... you will be welcomed back.  Not by all fans, but by employers.


The talented find work.
He's selfish
Quote:Unemployment line says otherwise.

If you've got talent, you can kill dogs, kill people DUI... you will be welcomed back. Not by all fans, but by employers.

The talented find work.

Bra Hoyer over Kaepernick

Glennon over Kaepernick
Quote:Kaepernick isn't playing because he offended millions of white people. Plain and simple. Much worst QBs have jobs

Kaepernick isn't playing because he's not very good.


But it makes some people feel better to think it's because he made a non-violent protest that shouldn't have offended anyone but specifically offended the people who call other people snowflakes for getting offended at anything else.


Much of the same crowd of course feel Tim Tebow isn't playing because of his religion, rather than because he has a completion percentage of under 50%.

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