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Full Version: [LIVE] ***Official Jaguars Vs. Los Angeles Rams Game Day Thread***
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Lol here comes turd #2
(10-15-2017, 05:34 PM)JaguarJosh05 Wrote: [ -> ]Our offense can't overcome a 15 yard penalty. We're being stupid today.

Our offense has overcome a lot of 15-yard penalties. They just haven't done it today.
(10-15-2017, 05:34 PM)spacecoastjag Wrote: [ -> ]Scared? How? We have NO WRs. Some of you have never played football

Watch his feet in the pocket?  I know you don't care because You spoon with him at night.../
Dumbest minute ever
Ha Ha Jason Meyers
Come on Jason
Myers misses. Wow
Jags continue to employ a [BLEEP] kicker that was 5 FOR 10 his senior year in college. Embarrassing.
Surprise surprise
Completely inept and useless players on this team. Unbelievable.
Well until we stop being scared on offense I can't take us seriously.
We're looking slow. And of course Myers sucks.
Why did Marrone waste all that time before calling the time-out?
(10-15-2017, 05:35 PM)Takedakai Wrote: [ -> ]we had 3 timeouts, did we give up the game already?

When were we supposed to use those timeouts?
Jags have to play perfect a game to make up for bortles ineptness. Game should be 14 to 10 if special teams played perfect
Thats a tough kick to make.
Well..we get the ball back and our D will keep us in the game and I'm not sure if our offense can overcome a 2 score deficit...I'm bummed out
Man I love our kicker. I know it was a long try but that is why we put up with him missing extra points because of his leg strength. So... why do we have him?
We get the ball to start the 2nd half. I expect us to have a little more urgency.