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Quote:Before last night's game, I had been kicking around the idea of a post arguing that though Bradley deserves to be fired, there wouldn't be much point in firing him now, in midseason.


My rationale is that at best, it would be a half solution.  If Bradley is a negative, getting rid of the negative is only half of the answer at best.  The team isn't likely to make significant changes to the scheme.  If player development is an issue, the same coaches developing these players are going to be coaching them for the rest of the season.  Even assuming the team was willing to write a blank check to bring in a Coughlin or a Gruden or a Shanahan immediately, them assembling the coaching staff couldn't happen until after the football season anyway.


 But this is different.


Allen Robinson, Telvin Smith, Blake Bortles, and Rashad Greene can trash the fans for booing all they like and dismiss the import of our angst as the whining of spoiled fans.


But when accomplished and respected guys like Bill Cowher and Deion Sanders publicly call the team out on national television for quitting, there is nothing Robinson, et al, can say to refute that.


There is nothing they can say to dismiss 14-41.


There is nothing they can say that can mitigate 1 good quarter of play in the last 12.


My argument now is that Bradley needs to be fired immediately.  Even if the interim coach is not his long term replacement, the team needs a catalyst to boost its effort beyond that of perfunctory obligation. 


Jaguars football needs to mean something more than going through the motions.

I feel the same way as you right now.  Gus Bradley has lost the team.  It's to the point that they need someone like a Tom Coughlin (not only expects but demands discipline).  The players have pretty much given up.  Mark Brunell wrote a commentary that pretty much sums it up.
Regardless of profession, if someone isn't getting the job done and is having a negative impact on the rest of the employees, you fire them. You don't wait till the fiscal year to end because "there's no positive to firing the employee since we won't meet our goals anyway".

[BLEEP] that chicken [BLEEP] [BLEEP] [BLEEP] attitude. Khan needs to grow a pair, put his ego aside, and tell Gus to get the [BLEEP] out of his building. Nice guy, worst of all time coach. Thanks for trying but goodbye.
Only Bert Bell had this many games with a worse record, and he was:

#1. The owner of the team


#2. A coach before they even had the draft, so the Eagles had trouble attracting college talent.  In fact it was because of this Bert Bell introduced the idea of the NFL Draft.


It's clear these coaches aren't doing their jobs.  Now we have to sit through 9 more miserable games.  We'll be lucky if we win 2 of them.  We'll probably be lucky if we win one.  I don't really see any point in NOT firing him now. 

Quote:You probably need to just leave this to the adults. Troll elsewhere.

I am older than a lot of people on this board.
To fire Gus now just for the purpose of salvaging the season may be the wrong reason to do it.


But it will be a good reason to fire him now to hold him accountable for his miserable failure. It is a good reason to stop him from ruining whatever talents there are. The bleeding has to stop.


It is not unreasonable to believe that giving this team to a good head coach, he can turn them around in a couple of weeks, at least to be competitive.

Quote:To fire Gus now just for the purpose of salvaging the season may be the wrong reason to do it.


But it will be a good reason to fire him now to hold him accountable for his miserable failure. It is a good reason to stop him from ruining whatever talents there are. The bleeding has to stop.


It is not unreasonable to believe that giving this team to a good head coach, he can turn them around in a couple of weeks, at least to be competitive.

We can't give the team to a good head coach before the season ends. The entire staff needs to be punted out.
I honestly don't care at this point. Initially I wanted him fired so Marrone could get a fair look, but I don't want to give him the chance to win the job long term now either. 


As long as Gus is fired the day after the season ends at the latest and we bring in a QB with a legitimate chance to beat out Bortles (like our first rounder or Garoppolo, not a Hoyer/Fitzpatrick type journeyman) then I'll be content. 

Quote:To fire Gus now just for the purpose of salvaging the season may be the wrong reason to do it.


But it will be a good reason to fire him now to hold him accountable for his miserable failure. It is a good reason to stop him from ruining whatever talents there are. The bleeding has to stop.


It is not unreasonable to believe that giving this team to a good head coach, he can turn them around in a couple of weeks, at least to be competitive.

I'm not sure what the point would be.


No interim is likely to be the long term answer, particularly if it's anyone currently here.


Otherwise, things wouldn't be where they are.  That person would already be part of the "solution."
Quote:I honestly don't care at this point. Initially I wanted him fired so Marrone could get a fair look, but I don't want to give him the chance to win the job long term now either. 


As long as Gus is fired the day after the season ends at the latest and we bring in a QB with a legitimate chance to beat out Bortles (like our first rounder or Garoppolo, not a Hoyer/Fitzpatrick type journeyman) then I'll be content. 

I was never in favor of firing Gus Bradley midseason to give Doug Marrone an audition. Most interim coaches are fired when the season ends. The only reason to change Marrone's job title is get Bradley out of the building.
I've always been under the belief that terminating coaches should be done during the season when its obvious they wont improve. It allows another coach the immediate opportunity to prove themselves and for the team to seek out other candidates without hiding it. Since our team is full of grown children, it'll let them cope with the loss of their coach before the next season. 


Letting Marrone handle the coaching responsibilities may even help finding the next coach. Khan can see how the team reacts to the different style and find a better coach based on these observations.


I just can't find one good reason to keep Bradley. 

Quote:Before last night's game, I had been kicking around the idea of a post arguing that though Bradley deserves to be fired, there wouldn't be much point in firing him now, in midseason.


My rationale is that at best, it would be a half solution.  If Bradley is a negative, getting rid of the negative is only half of the answer at best.  The team isn't likely to make significant changes to the scheme.  If player development is an issue, the same coaches developing these players are going to be coaching them for the rest of the season.  Even assuming the team was willing to write a blank check to bring in a Coughlin or a Gruden or a Shanahan immediately, them assembling the coaching staff couldn't happen until after the football season anyway.


 But this is different.


Allen Robinson, Telvin Smith, Blake Bortles, and Rashad Greene can trash the fans for booing all they like and dismiss the import of our angst as the whining of spoiled fans.


But when accomplished and respected guys like Bill Cowher and Deion Sanders publicly call the team out on national television for quitting, there is nothing Robinson, et al, can say to refute that.


There is nothing they can say to dismiss 14-41.


There is nothing they can say that can mitigate 1 good quarter of play in the last 12.


My argument now is that Bradley needs to be fired immediately.  Even if the interim coach is not his long term replacement, the team needs a catalyst to boost its effort beyond that of perfunctory obligation. 


Jaguars football needs to mean something more than going through the motions.

Agreed.  I know there are those, including Tony Boselli, who say it won't make a difference, but I think it becomes a focus on accountability.  Maybe an interim coach comes in and changes the culture of the locker room to assure that when players say or do stupid things, or they wind up getting ejected from games for abhorrent behavior, there are penalties beyond whatever fines the league issues.  


It's clear at this point that, at a minimum, Gus has lost the locker room.  That alone is ample evidence that he should be sent packing as soon as possible so that we can start to fix that.  By leaving him in place, it becomes nothing more than a festering cesspool with no leadership or focus.  


The culture has to change, and that's not going to happen as long as Bradley is roaming the halls of EverBank.  
Quote:Agreed.  I know there are those, including Tony Boselli, who say it won't make a difference, but I think it becomes a focus on accountability.  Maybe an interim coach comes in and changes the culture of the locker room to assure that when players say or do stupid things, or they wind up getting ejected from games for abhorrent behavior, there are penalties beyond whatever fines the league issues.  


It's clear at this point that, at a minimum, Gus has lost the locker room.  That alone is ample evidence that he should be sent packing as soon as possible so that we can start to fix that.  By leaving him in place, it becomes nothing more than a festering cesspool with no leadership or focus.  


The culture has to change, and that's not going to happen as long as Bradley is roaming the halls of EverBank.  

   You summed up in one post what I tried to convey in many posts.  


   I've been wrong many, many times before.   But it truly looks like the Jaguars have reached the point of no return under Gus Bradley.    Being in an environment that the Jaguars currently have could have major long term negative ramifications for young players the team is counting on moving forward if something isn't done soon to change the course.  
Quote:Agreed.  I know there are those, including Tony Boselli, who say it won't make a difference, but I think it becomes a focus on accountability.  Maybe an interim coach comes in and changes the culture of the locker room to assure that when players say or do stupid things, or they wind up getting ejected from games for abhorrent behavior, there are penalties beyond whatever fines the league issues.  


It's clear at this point that, at a minimum, Gus has lost the locker room.  That alone is ample evidence that he should be sent packing as soon as possible so that we can start to fix that.  By leaving him in place, it becomes nothing more than a festering cesspool with no leadership or focus.  


The culture has to change, and that's not going to happen as long as Bradley is roaming the halls of EverBank.  

Very much the part in bold.  I'm a pretty patient guy, but as I stated in another thread, in my 45+ years of watching NFL football I have never seen a team just quit like that.  I really was not expecting the debacle that happened last night.  I really thought that the players would respond after the embarrassing loss on Sunday and the "pow-wow" with the owner.  It's pretty clear that there is no direction or leadership from the coaching staff.  A change needs to be made sooner rather than later.
Quote:Very much the part in bold.  I'm a pretty patient guy, but as I stated in another thread, in my 45+ years of watching NFL football I have never seen a team just quit like that.  I really was not expecting the debacle that happened last night.  I really thought that the players would respond after the embarrassing loss on Sunday and the "pow-wow" with the owner.  It's pretty clear that there is no direction or leadership from the coaching staff.  A change needs to be made sooner rather than later.

Wholesale changes.


Which is why I don't think immediate change matters.


For the long term, we're not finding what we need this time of year.


So, I think winning/losing from here makes zero difference, nor does a change now.


You can only hope the players start to play for themselves and band together, show some pride.  The staff is irrelevant now.

Quote:Agreed.  I know there are those, including Tony Boselli, who say it won't make a difference, but I think it becomes a focus on accountability.  Maybe an interim coach comes in and changes the culture of the locker room to assure that when players say or do stupid things, or they wind up getting ejected from games for abhorrent behavior, there are penalties beyond whatever fines the league issues.  


It's clear at this point that, at a minimum, Gus has lost the locker room.  That alone is ample evidence that he should be sent packing as soon as possible so that we can start to fix that.  By leaving him in place, it becomes nothing more than a festering cesspool with no leadership or focus.  


The culture has to change, and that's not going to happen as long as Bradley is roaming the halls of EverBank.  

All of what you said is true. And it is also why so many of us are stunned that Khan is just going to sit on his hands and allow this disaster to continue.
The browns despite being 0-6 are more competitive than the jags
Even if it's for the appearance of a change, they should dump him at this point.


I'm just not understanding this.


After going to almost every game since year one (missed two for funerals and one this year because I was moving), I'm going to have a lot of trouble dragging my [BAD WORD REMOVED] into the stadium.  Speaking at this exact moment, I don't know if I can do it.

there is a plan right FBT?

It's a three year rebuild right FBT?

Gus is changing the culture right FBT?

[BLEEP] joke
Quote:The browns despite being 0-6 are more competitive than the jags

Peter King mentioned this last night. The Jaguars are the worst team of 2016. Worse than the Browns.
Quote:The browns despite being 0-6 are more competitive than the jags

   As crazy as it sounds,  considering the QB injuries and overall youth/ turnover the Browns have had,  from a distance it seems like Hue Jackson is doing a good job as Browns HC.   It wouldn't surprise me if they win a game soon,  with even better results than that.  
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