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Dad,and i saw this today. What was it that killed Luke? He just died at the end basicly.
(12-26-2017, 08:14 PM)snowwolf776 Wrote: [ -> ]Dad,and i saw this today. What was it that killed Luke? He just died at the end basicly.

Evidently the effort it took for him to project himself to fight Kylo Ren did him in.
(12-16-2017, 10:01 PM)imtheblkranger Wrote: [ -> ][Image: IMG_20171216_204448.jpg]

I failed Vader for the last time apparently after my showing

Vader seemed taller than 5’2” in the movies. 

Regarding the movie, if it wasn’t a Star Wars flick, it would already be heading to video and NetFlix.  

Leia’s space walk.  Sudden gravity in space allowing bombs to be dropped.  Holo-Luke.  Using light speed as a weapon?  Benicio del Toro with this bizarre stutter. Snoke being relegated to a secondary character?  Holo-Yoda burnin’ down the house.  

When the movie wasn’t dragging, it was a train wreck.   The force is nothing special. Rey’s parents were nobodies.  They’re trying to make Poe into Han 2.0. The casino nonsense was a sideline that basically turned Finn into a non entity for most of the movie, and the Rose character was pointless.  

They really needed to wind up the Leia storyline in this flick. They had a golden opportunity when they sent her into space and turned her into a Leiacicle only for her to suddenly fly like a witch without a broom.  When they get her inside, she goes into a coma for half the flick.  

So much to dislike about this movie.
(12-26-2017, 08:14 PM)snowwolf776 Wrote: [ -> ]Dad,and i saw this today. What was it that killed Luke? He just died at the end basicly.

He drank a bad batch of blue bantha milk. It makes you disappear if it’s not fresh.
My biggest criticism is how yoda just appears, then gives Luke advice that he never takes. It was a completely useless scene. I feel like there was an editing mistake. Anyways, I would reorder it, just a bit.

Imo, this is how it should have gone down: Luke rejects Rey. She practices every day and he can see she is determined... maybe even warms to her (typical kung fu plot). He's put over the edge with the R2 scene and reluctantly agrees to train her. He senses darkness in her and is scared she doesn't reject it. He tells her the story of Ben's betrayal as a warning to her. However, he catches her talking to Kylo and flies off the handle. He suspends her training and tells her to be off the island by morning. While he's gone, Kylo tells Rey about how Luke was going to kill him. Meanwhile, Luke goes to burn the books and Yoda appears. Same conversation. Luke returns to a sleeping Rey. She looks up and there's a menacing Luke standing over her. She freaks out, remembering Kylo's story, but instead of attacking she asks, "Are you here to kill me?" Luke sits down and describes how he failed Kylo Ren in his moment of weakness. 

He explains there is light and dark in everyone, and the real reason he left and was afraid to train any new Jedi is that the temptation to go to the dark side was always present. She says she touched Kylo and believes there is good in him. He recounts his story in Degoba, warns he wasn't ready, but that she believes she can save him, she must always trust the light. Then Luke leaves the island with Rey and Chewy. You don't know what follows, but you know Luke is still teaching her (which helps her not be a Mary Sue).

It would also set up a better ending. Instead of Luke appearing by himself, he, Rey, Chewy and R2 come in the back entrance just as Leia has given up hope. He says he will deal with the threat, and orders Rey to assists with the evacuation (during which there is a landslide and she moves all the rocks to reveal the Millennium Falcon).

Luke doesn't use an astral projection: He actually does what you think he does. I really liked the idea that Ren could not touch Skywalker with his lightsaber. I think it would have been far cooler for Luke to be there in person and have that power. Let Luke show Ren he was powerless to defeat him, maybe even putting his saber to Kylo's neck a few times, but not harming him. I would have liked him to wait until Ren's lightsaber was in his heart for Luke to say something like he did earlier (you will have to carry my death like you carry your father's), before looking off to the horizon and giving himself up. Leia and Rey feel him pass, as they fly off in the Millennium Falcon. 

To tie up a couple loose ends, I would have preferred Fin, Poe, Maz (not Rose), and BB-8 infiltrate the star fleet to harass their communications and weapons (instead of the lame excuse that the rebel ships are too slow). Being a menacing force on the dreadnought would have been a much cooler side quest and been reminiscent of the old star wars. The cat and mouse game between Phasma and Fin would have been much more enjoyable. Also, this takes away the need to keep Poe in the dark. Instead of him being the stupid, hot-shot jock, he is in on the plan. He can still learn his lesson by losing some extras (maybe Rose) on the mission. Lastly, let Fin sacrifice himself for the rebels. It was going to be such a powerful scene and they just took it away. Super annoying.

I could do this with the whole film, for example, it would be easy to make Snoke's death more meaningful, but what was stated above are necessary. The movie would have gone from OK to really good with those changes. I'm not convinced Rey's parents are nobodies or even that Snoke is dead, but I could accept that at face value if Luke's character remained in tact. I really don't feel like it's that hard to make a good movie, but Hollywood has lost touch with story-telling.
Luke dying was just stupid. They made him too much of a mental weakling. Just hole up on that planet for so long because he's pouting about Ben turning on him. Luke did all that to save Vader but would think about killing Ben (even just for a moment) in his sleep? I was thinking a IX fight between Snoke and Luke that leaves Luke jacked up and then he can start up the new Jedi order. Rey would be his second in charge there.

Leia should have done the Holdo thing and bashed the cruiser into the First Order ship. The space walk thing was stupid simply because Leia wasn't trained to use the Force. The fight with the guards after Ben kills Snoke wasn't as good as people were saying. It was ok but not great. If Rey's parents are really nobodies I will be very disappointed in the end. Didn't Lucas say that the main Star Wars line was supposed to be about the Skywalker family? Now it's going to star a "nobody"?

I still enjoyed the movie overall but it could have been a lot better. I'm not always asking for fan service but at least respect the original material.
The space walk scene was one of the stupidest scenes I've seen in a movie in a long time IMO.

Also, I leaned over the person next to me in the theater during the bombing run and said "so how are those bombs just dropping?"
(12-27-2017, 05:40 PM)imtheblkranger Wrote: [ -> ]Also, I leaned over the person next to me in the theater during the bombing run and said "so how are those bombs just dropping?"

Yes, because with everything that exists in the Star Wars universe, the bombs dropping in outer space is the thing to object to.
(12-27-2017, 06:00 PM)DragonFury Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-27-2017, 05:40 PM)imtheblkranger Wrote: [ -> ]Also, I leaned over the person next to me in the theater during the bombing run and said "so how are those bombs just dropping?"

Yes, because with everything that exists in the Star Wars universe, the bombs dropping in outer space is the thing to object to.

Finally saw it yesterday and in general everyone we were with really liked it, even my wife. Were there things that needed explaining, yes, but it was relatively entertaining.

Hated the way Luke died. The Leia floating in the sky was equally as bad. Would have been a great way to let her go in the movies. She should have been let go and kept Luke. Also, how did Finn go from not knowing how to fly a plane to being one of the better pilots in the crew, especially on an old rickety plane? I'm easily able to suspend reality in movies so its not a big deal, but the writing was bad in many cases. Wish he wasn't involved in the future.

I do think the casino scene was a semi political stance, but again, not a big deal.
(12-28-2017, 10:48 AM)UCF Knight Wrote: [ -> ]Finally saw it yesterday and in general everyone we were with really liked it, even my wife.  Were there things that needed explaining, yes, but it was relatively entertaining.

Hated the way Luke died.  The Leia floating in the sky was equally as bad.  Would have been a great way to let her go in the movies.  She should have been let go and kept Luke.  Also, how did Finn go from not knowing how to fly a plane to being one of the better pilots in the crew, especially on an old rickety plane?  I'm easily able to suspend reality in movies so its not a big deal, but the writing was bad in many cases.  Wish he wasn't involved in the future.

I do think the casino scene was a semi political stance, but again, not a big deal.

-I think there was quite a bit of politics in it. I kept thinking, why on earth is this even being addressed? 
-The Leia flying thing was full [BLEEP] mode. Or maybe a "jumped the shark" thing. 
-Finn and Poe being sidelined for unnecessary storylines was equally ridiculous.  Was Laura Dern's character needed? Leia should have done that. But as I said before, Leia's movie (Han's was TFA and TLJ was Luke's) was supposed to be the third one but Carrie Fisher died so....

I read yesterday that the fellow who wrote and directed this film is going to write and direct the next trilogy.
(12-28-2017, 10:31 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-28-2017, 10:48 AM)UCF Knight Wrote: [ -> ]Finally saw it yesterday and in general everyone we were with really liked it, even my wife.  Were there things that needed explaining, yes, but it was relatively entertaining.

Hated the way Luke died.  The Leia floating in the sky was equally as bad.  Would have been a great way to let her go in the movies.  She should have been let go and kept Luke.  Also, how did Finn go from not knowing how to fly a plane to being one of the better pilots in the crew, especially on an old rickety plane?  I'm easily able to suspend reality in movies so its not a big deal, but the writing was bad in many cases.  Wish he wasn't involved in the future.

I do think the casino scene was a semi political stance, but again, not a big deal.

-I think there was quite a bit of politics in it. I kept thinking, why on earth is this even being addressed? 
-The Leia flying thing was full [BLEEP] mode. Or maybe a "jumped the shark" thing. 
-Finn and Poe being sidelined for unnecessary storylines was equally ridiculous.  Was Laura Dern's character needed? Leia should have done that. But as I said before, Leia's movie (Han's was TFA and TLJ was Luke's) was supposed to be the third one but Carrie Fisher died so....

I read yesterday that the fellow who wrote and directed this film is going to write and direct the next trilogy.

Before I saw this one I was thrilled with the news of him running a new trilogy I loved Looper and his Goodzilla remake but damn he dropped the ball on this one
The hard part with Star Wars is that it's been around for so long and there is such a strong following, it's impossible to do a new movie "the right way"

A lot of people loved it, a lot hated it. It's so hard to ride that line. Rogue One for instance is my favorite of them all, but it's a side story, much easier to tell that story than continue the main.
They're trying too hard to push the "the old Star Wars" is dead thing. They didn't have to kill off everyone to push the movies forward.

My only explanation for the bombs is maybe...magnetic somehow? The originals did it better with the laser bomb things from the TIE fighter/bombers.
(12-28-2017, 10:31 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-28-2017, 10:48 AM)UCF Knight Wrote: [ -> ]Finally saw it yesterday and in general everyone we were with really liked it, even my wife.  Were there things that needed explaining, yes, but it was relatively entertaining.

Hated the way Luke died.  The Leia floating in the sky was equally as bad.  Would have been a great way to let her go in the movies.  She should have been let go and kept Luke.  Also, how did Finn go from not knowing how to fly a plane to being one of the better pilots in the crew, especially on an old rickety plane?  I'm easily able to suspend reality in movies so its not a big deal, but the writing was bad in many cases.  Wish he wasn't involved in the future.

I do think the casino scene was a semi political stance, but again, not a big deal.

-I think there was quite a bit of politics in it. I kept thinking, why on earth is this even being addressed? 
-The Leia flying thing was full [BLEEP] mode. Or maybe a "jumped the shark" thing. 
-Finn and Poe being sidelined for unnecessary storylines was equally ridiculous.  Was Laura Dern's character needed? Leia should have done that. But as I said before, Leia's movie (Han's was TFA and TLJ was Luke's) was supposed to be the third one but Carrie Fisher died so....

I read yesterday that the fellow who wrote and directed this film is going to write and direct the next trilogy.

I had a long paragraph typed out about how they cast the movie and which characters they chose for what roles and decided it may have been a little too out there for this section.


That article kind of proves my point for me.  I think the "feminist" approach is what turned many people off to this movie.  The Vice Admiral Holdo that is given credit in this article was hated and a demeaning character by every single character I've talked to.  Rose was another character that I found to be awful. 

The fact that this article says this is "class Star Wars" while killing off the classic character is kind of funny.  Maybe its why the critics had the film graded at over 90% and the actual audience had it hovering around 50%.  If Disney or this director don't figure out what the audience wants, this series is going to fall apart and their goldmine is going to fall apart.
We got to see it yesterday. Positives where the fx, movies are getting crazy how realistic some things look. Negatives were nearly everything else, especially the color by numbers plot. I will say that (I'm apparently alone on this) I think Adam Driver's acting is one of the few interesting elements. He could just play the part over the top evil but he walks this odd line where you're constantly wondering where he's really coming from. Nuance! In a Star Wars character? Imagine. Smile

The Star Wars movies have always been flawed but enjoyable, now they're mostly just flawed.
(12-30-2017, 12:03 PM)hb1148 Wrote: [ -> ]We got to see it yesterday. Positives where the fx, movies are getting crazy how realistic some things look. Negatives were nearly everything else, especially the color by numbers plot. I will say that (I'm apparently alone on this) I think Adam Driver's acting is one of the few interesting elements. He could just play the part over the top evil but he walks this odd line where you're constantly wondering where he's really coming from. Nuance! In a Star Wars character? Imagine. Smile

The Star Wars movies have always been flawed but enjoyable, now they're mostly just flawed.

I love how he's playing his role and for the reasons you stated. I haven't seen him in anything else so I don't know if he's just that good or he just knows how to play this character but I think he hits it just right. Most actors who excel with a certain character type usually end up being typecast. It will be interesting to see him in other movies.
(12-29-2017, 10:31 AM)UCF Knight Wrote: [ -> ]
(12-28-2017, 10:31 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]-I think there was quite a bit of politics in it. I kept thinking, why on earth is this even being addressed? 
-The Leia flying thing was full [BLEEP] mode. Or maybe a "jumped the shark" thing. 
-Finn and Poe being sidelined for unnecessary storylines was equally ridiculous.  Was Laura Dern's character needed? Leia should have done that. But as I said before, Leia's movie (Han's was TFA and TLJ was Luke's) was supposed to be the third one but Carrie Fisher died so....

I read yesterday that the fellow who wrote and directed this film is going to write and direct the next trilogy.

I had a long paragraph typed out about how they cast the movie and which characters they chose for what roles and decided it may have been a little too out there for this section.


That article kind of proves my point for me.  I think the "feminist" approach is what turned many people off to this movie.  The Vice Admiral Holdo that is given credit in this article was hated and a demeaning character by every single character I've talked to.  Rose was another character that I found to be awful. 

The fact that this article says this is "class Star Wars" while killing off the classic character is kind of funny.  Maybe its why the critics had the film graded at over 90% and the actual audience had it hovering around 50%.  If Disney or this director don't figure out what the audience wants, this series is going to fall apart and their goldmine is going to fall apart.
I'm sorry, but what. the. hell. does this even mean??? 

"Rey’s character is as developed as any in the series, and bears no relation to her gender."

This is as far as I got and had to stop. I must have a different idea of what feminism means when compared to the Hollywood definition, and I say that not just from this one sentence, but everything that came before it, which isn't much since this was found in the second paragraph. And they write as if to say there has never been diversity in any of the previous movies. WTHeck. I can't even say anymore right now. This [BLEEP] is absurd.
Loved it. I think the character development of Luke was my favorite aspect. This was a very bold step in the franchise.

I was ambivalent after my first viewing, and enjoyed it much more in my second.
Maybe its because im not a star wars fan, but I thought the movie was decent, then again the d box (which is usually hit and miss) was pretty good for this movie.
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