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Quote:Nope. But I wouldn't be leaping to exonerate them without considering what the accusations are.

So being skeptical is now leaping to exonerate? You're just making it up as you go along...lol
Quote:"Hey neighbour...why do you look so down?"

"I have been accused of raping a 13 year old girl 17 years ago and even though there is no evidence of this event ever happening and no evidence I have ever met this girl before. To make matters worse even though there is no evidence of this ever happening the local media have already branded me a pedophile and rapist. I've lost my job, my wife and kids have left town to get away from the mobs and I can't even set foot outside my without being pelted with fruit. My life is ruined, I just wish people would wait for evidence and facts before branding someone guilty"

"By golly well that is a serious crime to be accused of , it MUST be true and I'd be a fool to consider you anything other than GUILTY"

In many cases, the accusation is enough to do that. Lose a job, potentially lose a family, be attacked by strangers. An accusation alone is not grounds to jump to that conclusion without considering the details. But nobody hears someone is accused of raping a 13 year old and just ignores it without it somewhat influencing their perception of that person. Even if you doubt it could have really happened, you question it. In Trump's case, however, he isn't even brought into question despite the dozen or so other women who claim he touched them inappropriately and his own unapologetic misogynist trail of soundbites, gropes and put downs. It's inconceivable how this guy gets a free pass while being a repulsive human being which you would not honestly give a neighbor you have lived next to for twenty years.
Quote:Nope. But I wouldn't be leaping to exonerate them without considering what the accusations are.

Where are you buddies in the Clinton media on these allegations? If there was even a shred of truth, it would be front page news. Heck, even if there wasn't an iota of truth, it would still be the lead story on CNN, ABCCBSNBCMSNBC, and on the front page of The NY Times. Not a peep. Why?
Quote:So being skeptical is now leaping to exonerate? You're just making it up as you go along...lol

I believe they call that desperately grasping at straws.
Quote:Where are you buddies in the Clinton media on these allegations? If there was even a shred of truth, it would be front page news. Heck, even if there wasn't an iota of truth, it would still be the lead story on CNN, ABCCBSNBCMSNBC, and on the front page of The NY Times. Not a peep. Why?

Because you have been so willing to accept the accusations of the other dozen women who accused him there?
Quote:So being skeptical is now leaping to exonerate? You're just making it up as you go along...lol

I'll be sure to note your absolute ambivalence next time someone you know is accused of raping a young teen.
Quote:I don't care who the accused is...white, black or purple with green antennae, I'm always going to be extremely skeptical of any accusation that ONLY shows up when accompanied by a civil lawsuit asking for a huge amount of $$$.
Quote:I'll be sure to note your absolute ambivalence next time someone you know is accused of raping a young teen.

Quote:Because you have been so willing to accept the accusations of the other dozen women who accused him there?

That's nothing but deflection. Answer the question, hypocrite.
Kottie isn't up to date with the latest liberal talking points.  The deflection latest talking point is once again taxes... from like 15+ years ago.

Quote:Kottie isn't up to date with the latest liberal talking points.  The deflection latest talking point is once again taxes... from like 15+ years ago.

I did try to get him back on message by posting the article in another thread that was on page 1 of the NY Times today outlining how Donald used legal means to avoid paying taxes in 1992.  He must be a slow reader.
Quote:In many cases, the accusation is enough to do that. Lose a job, potentially lose a family, be attacked by strangers. An accusation alone is not grounds to jump to that conclusion without considering the details. But nobody hears someone is accused of raping a 13 year old and just ignores it without it somewhat influencing their perception of that person. Even if you doubt it could have really happened, you question it. In Trump's case, however, he isn't even brought into question despite the dozen or so other women who claim he touched them inappropriately and his own unapologetic misogynist trail of soundbites, gropes and put downs. It's inconceivable how this guy gets a free pass while being a repulsive human being which you would not honestly give a neighbor you have lived next to for twenty years.
Back when we were in our late teen years my sister decided to tell our dad that our stepfather used to "do things to her" when we lived there (I moved out when I was 17 to live with my dad and she followed soon after at the age of 15.) Dad asked me about this. At first I didn't believe it because there's no way our stepdad would have done that crap. Then I did believe her because why would she lie? After being hauled over to the local PD and questioned (separately of course) my dad and I knew she was lying. For me it was the questions that were asked, but I also knew my stepdad was not That Guy. He may have had his issues but molesting his stepdaughter was not one of them. 


Long story short. She lied. She admitted she lied. She has never apologized and she is 42 years old now. Because of her actions our brother was thisclose to being in foster care, my stepdad and mom were on a watch list for 5 years. Had one incident happened that had no bearing on this case at all been reported, stepdad would have gone to jail. I don't know how he didn't lose his career. Why did she do it? Because she is hateful and spiteful and feels she is owed something for whatever 'hardship' she endures. She still feels justified in her actions of "sticking it to them" because she didn't like that she had to eat her vegetables, wear clothes mom chose, and all the normal stuff that kids deal with. If anyone had any reason for any animosity it was me but not for that. 


I also know a man whose daughter did basically the same thing except he actually went to prison for 5 years. She admitted after he was already sentenced that she lied but it didn't matter. When he moved next door to my dad and stepmom years ago we got this letter saying a registered sex offender was moving next door. I was freaked out until I learned the whole story. So, on a LIE a man is now an ex-con, a felon, and a registered sex offender. 


So yeah, I have a problem with people who suddenly come out of the woodwork with a lawsuit with a civil price tag attached, or being an attention whore on the media stage in whatever form it is. People who are taken advantage of do not typically want anyone to know what happened and will either not say anything or will do so very privately.


I will say about these women that Trump allegedly fondled or whatever.....there are women who throw themselves out there to men like him knowing exactly what kind of man he is. And they don't mind because of the money or fame or chance to brag to their girlfriends about who grabbed their butt- until he doesn't do what they want him to do. I'm not saying it's true for all of these women, or any of them, but I wouldn't be surprised if that is exactly the kind of women they were back when all of these things took place. As for Trump, I don't get the appeal at all. On any level. There's not enough liquor in the world to put up with anything having to do with him. 
Quote:That's nothing but deflection. Answer the question, hypocrite.

Oooh.. that stings. It's been reported by multiple outlets. It's a case that was filed, pulled and re filed with additional witness information. Perhaps it has not been talked about much by these other networks because it's still in pre-trial. I would expect all of these outlets to cover this in December. Still doesn't change the fact you have decided Trump is innocent here like you have for the other dozen accusations, does it? It is inconceivable he could have done anything inappropriate at all, ever.
Quote:Kottie isn't up to date with the latest liberal talking points. The <del>deflection</del> latest talking point is once again taxes... from like 15+ years ago.

Yes.. I follow a liberal playbook. It makes your pre-packaged posts easier to respond to. Durrrrr...
Quote:I did try to get him back on message by posting the article in another thread that was on page 1 of the NY Times today outlining how Donald used legal means to avoid paying taxes in 1992. He must be a slow reader.

Thanks dad.
Quote:Oooh.. that stings. It's been reported by multiple outlets. It's a case that was filed, pulled and re filed with additional witness information. Perhaps it has not been talked about much by these other networks because it's still in pre-trial. I would expect all of these outlets to cover this in December. Still doesn't change the fact you have decided Trump is innocent here like you have for the other dozen accusations, does it? It is inconceivable he could have done anything inappropriate at all, ever.
You do understand that this is a civil action, and not a criminal investigation, right?  The veracity of any allegations are going to be tainted by the fact that this alleged victim didn't attempt to file charges, and only decided to address the alleged incident at the most convenient time possible.  Of course, none of that matters to you.  I get it.  When you're as in the bag for Clinton as you are, this is what you must resort to in order to take the sting out of the realization that the piece of crap you're rallying for is more despicable than the piece of crap you're trying to pin anything to.


No credible media outlet has reported on this, but that's okay to you.  Knowing how the MSM has pounced on every non-story possible to bring Trump down, if this story had any credibility, they would have unloaded it by now.  They haven't, and where the motion stands currently is completely irrelevant.  The very accusation would make it newsworthy.

Quote:Back when we were in our late teen years my sister decided to tell our dad that our stepfather used to "do things to her" when we lived there (I moved out when I was 17 to live with my dad and she followed soon after at the age of 15.) Dad asked me about this. At first I didn't believe it because there's no way our stepdad would have done that crap. Then I did believe her because why would she lie? After being hauled over to the local PD and questioned (separately of course) my dad and I knew she was lying. For me it was the questions that were asked, but I also knew my stepdad was not That Guy. He may have had his issues but molesting his stepdaughter was not one of them.

Long story short. She lied. She admitted she lied. She has never apologized and she is 42 years old now. Because of her actions our brother was thisclose to being in foster care, my stepdad and mom were on a watch list for 5 years. Had one incident happened that had no bearing on this case at all been reported, stepdad would have gone to jail. I don't know how he didn't lose his career. Why did she do it? Because she is hateful and spiteful and feels she is owed something for whatever 'hardship' she endures. She still feels justified in her actions of "sticking it to them" because she didn't like that she had to eat her vegetables, wear clothes mom chose, and all the normal stuff that kids deal with. If anyone had any reason for any animosity it was me but not for that.

I also know a man whose daughter did basically the same thing except he actually went to prison for 5 years. She admitted after he was already sentenced that she lied but it didn't matter. When he moved next door to my dad and stepmom years ago we got this letter saying a registered sex offender was moving next door. I was freaked out until I learned the whole story. So, on a LIE a man is now an ex-con, a felon, and a registered sex offender.

So yeah, I have a problem with people who suddenly come out of the woodwork with a lawsuit with a civil price tag attached, or being an attention whore on the media stage in whatever form it is. People who are taken advantage of do not typically want anyone to know what happened and will either not say anything or will do so very privately.

I will say about these women that Trump allegedly fondled or whatever.....there are women who throw themselves out there to men like him knowing exactly what kind of man he is. And they don't mind because of the money or fame or chance to brag to their girlfriends about who grabbed their butt- until he doesn't do what they want him to do. I'm not saying it's true for all of these women, or any of them, but I wouldn't be surprised if that is exactly the kind of women they were back when all of these things took place. As for Trump, I don't get the appeal at all. On any level. There's not enough liquor in the world to put up with anything having to do with him.

I am of the opinion there has gotta be fire with that much smoke. Nobody gets accused by a dozen people and is innocent in all cases. Especially not THAT guy. It matches his persona perfectly. At least one person is telling the truth. That is common sense. As I have pointed out, the alleged incident with the 13 yr old took place long enough ago, there is the possibility a statute of limitations has expired to press criminal charges which is why it is a civil suit. I'm not a lawyer. We'll know soon enough how it plays out. The accusations and the witness account are pretty awful. Are they true and will they hold up? Time will tell.
Quote:You do understand that this is a civil action, and not a criminal investigation, right? The veracity of any allegations are going to be tainted by the fact that this alleged victim didn't attempt to file charges, and only decided to address the alleged incident at the most convenient time possible. Of course, none of that matters to you. I get it. When you're as in the bag for Clinton as you are, this is what you must resort to in order to take the sting out of the realization that the piece of crap you're rallying for is more despicable than the piece of crap you're trying to pin anything to.

Learn to [BLEEP] read. Seriously. You keep going to this well that I am waving a banner of awesomeness for a candidate I loathe only slightly less than Trump even though I have said in direct response to you multiple times I hate her. Yet you continue to assign this narrative to me that I am a Hillary torch bearer and make excuses for her. I have blasted her plenty and don't like or trust her at all. Because I dislike and distrust Trump slightly more, it makes me a Hillary lover? Pull your head out of your [BLEEP], will ya?
You're not fooling anyone.

Quote:I am of the opinion there has gotta be fire with that much smoke. Nobody gets accused by a dozen people and is innocent in all cases. Especially not THAT guy. It matches his persona perfectly. At least one person is telling the truth. That is common sense. As I have pointed out, the alleged incident with the 13 yr old took place long enough ago, there is the possibility a statute of limitations has expired to press criminal charges which is why it is a civil suit. I'm not a lawyer. We'll know soon enough how it plays out. The accusations and the witness account are pretty awful. Are they true and will they hold up? Time will tell.
There was a lot of smoke around the Duke Lacrosse rape case several years back.  i'm sure I can figure out where you stood on that issue.  Turned out she flat out lied.  I know, that never happens, right?  Smoke! 
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