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Zone defense is for losers
They should have played man under 2 deep instead of 2 deep zone. The pats just ran their receivers against our linebackers and safeties.
Conservative play calling is for losers. Bortles was playing great all game, why not let him control the game in the second half. Run, run, pass shows the incompetence in Hackett. He's not so bad he can't get a first down.
After a 24-7 halftime lead, the Eagles coach said that they're going to stay aggressive. By not being aggressive in the 2nd half, we let the momentum change. Never change a winning game. Eagles just scored on their first 3rd quarter drive. 31-7. NO GUTS......NO GLORY.
I agree with the OP. Terrible play calling in the fourth quarter. We totally abandoned play action and kept running for 1 dang yard every time on first down. Play action was killing them in the first half and we just stopped for no apparent reason. Also, why wasn't Corey Grant involved more? Dude was hot. That 3rd and 18 zone coverage in the middle was atrocious as well. We never go Dime, but that was the time to go dime and put a man on Amendola and let your safeties just stay on top. The players didn't lose this game today, the coaches did.

Anyhow, it was a hell of a year and I'm proud of the Jaguars. DUVAL TILL DEATH.
(01-21-2018, 09:26 PM)TheSchmidt Wrote: [ -> ]https://twitter.com/wyche89/status/955249645596405760

(01-21-2018, 09:35 PM)burt1jason Wrote: [ -> ]After a 24-7 halftime lead, the Eagles coach said that they're going to stay aggressive. By not being aggressive in the 2nd half, we let the momentum change. Never change a winning game. Eagles just scored on their first 3rd quarter drive. 31-7. NO GUTS......NO GLORY.

Yep. Up 24-7? Flee flicker and throw the TD.

Thats going for the juggler like an assassin.

Jags up 3 points? Run up the middle, kneel, zone....

Im positive Hackett sleeps with a night light.
(01-21-2018, 09:15 PM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Yes on the bolded. Missed opportunity there. 

Blake probably could have run for the first on that late fourth down as well. 

On the zone stuff, they didn't really play it that much, but man was it ugly a few times. I hope they make some adjustments there moving forward. I'd like more aggressive press coverage more often too.

I hope they will adjust but I'm doubtful, at least with Wash as DC.
I'm not saying he's done a bad job, the team is well prepared. I just don't get it why we stop being "ourselves" and let the D be more aggressive when we are up with a lead. Even against the Steelers the cushion we were giving them was absurd.
It wasn't that bad today but definitely not enough.

I can understand Hackett having to scheme around our QB weaknesses and therefore getting too conservative at times (still should have been more creative) but Wash literally has all the talent to be more aggressive and I hope they improve that.

This loss is hurting more and more every minute for me.
(01-21-2018, 09:15 PM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-21-2018, 09:06 PM)irontrooper83 Wrote: [ -> ]I agree with most of these points.
On offense I think in the final quarter we got way too conservative, especially after recovering the fumble we should have tried to do more as we weren't pinned back on our 10 yards line like most of the other times. Same mistake we did when we got the INT against Buffalo in their territory.
I was hoping they would make Bortles run more, there were some first-second down situations (one on the final drive right before the 2 minutes warning timeout) where there was good room in front of him and went for a difficult throw.  What happened to Grant or Yeldon? We didn't even try to feed them anymore at some point.

On defense I find our soft zone infuriating to be honest, that's something I really hate about Wash as it's not the first time we play that soft giving 10 yards of cushion to the receiver and no pressure on the QB. Or just sitting back, we have enought talent to force them to beat us 1vs1 (especially after Gronk was out) and I felt we weren't aggressive enough.

It's small details but combine that with the refs not calling anything against them at all and in a close game like this you pay for it unfortunately.
Yes on the bolded. Missed opportunity there. 

Blake probably could have run for the first on that late fourth down as well. 

On the zone stuff, they didn't really play it that much, but man was it ugly a few times. I hope they make some adjustments there moving forward. I'd like more aggressive press coverage more often too.

It would be prudent if they can come up with a mixed man/zone coverage to keep the opposing offense off-balance, not just man-exclusive or zone-exclusive setups. But if zone were to work, we need a penetrating edge rusher, DE or LB.

They could have run more rollouts or option plays, but they didn't. I hope this game will serve as a lesson burned into their memories and use it for improvement. 

Like in chess - you don't get stronger by finding stronger moves, you get stronger by getting rid of your weaknesses.

(01-21-2018, 09:41 PM)irontrooper83 Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-21-2018, 09:15 PM)NYC4jags Wrote: [ -> ]Yes on the bolded. Missed opportunity there. 

Blake probably could have run for the first on that late fourth down as well. 

On the zone stuff, they didn't really play it that much, but man was it ugly a few times. I hope they make some adjustments there moving forward. I'd like more aggressive press coverage more often too.

I hope they will adjust but I'm doubtful, at least with Wash as DC.
I'm not saying he's done a bad job, the team is well prepared. I just don't get it why we stop being "ourselves" and let the D be more aggressive when we are up with a lead. Even against the Steelers the cushion we were giving them was absurd.
It wasn't that bad today but definitely not enough.

I can understand Hackett having to scheme around our QB weaknesses and therefore getting too conservative (still should have been more creative) but Wash literally has all the talent to be more aggressive and I hope they improve that.

Bortles didn't do a bad job, but I was expecting more play-action to help him out.
There's an old Latin proverb that rings true here. "Fortune Favors the Bold"
Is anyone disturbed by the fact Hackett "adjusted" to phantom "adjustments" the Patriots made at half time and never bothered to go back to what was actually working after realizing they hadnt actually "adjusted"?

Hackett should be gone this week. Along with Mr. I play zone in the worst possible scenarios.
(01-21-2018, 07:20 PM)SodaCityJag14 Wrote: [ -> ]Not mad with the way we played or called the game. Proud of these guys. My only questions is why we dont run on first down after the big play to westbrook from the 38. The key to our solid drives were positive plays on 1st down. We had the 2 minite and 3 TOs. Pick up some yardage and get into a 3rd and manageable. Other than that, great season and what a ride it was. Go Jags!

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You answered your own question.
13 first down plays in the 2nd half

10 of them were runs for 23 yards..... 3 passes for 15 yards.

Only thing more gutless is kneeling with 55 seconds and 2 timeouts.
What hurts the most is that we were dominating them. We are the best team built to beat that team. And in the 2nd half, we stopped believing and changed our game both offensively and defensively. Eagles just scored again. They did NOT change their game after the 2nd half. They keep attacking attacking and attacking. Not letting their opponent come up for air. We should have won......Brady or not. Or the refs.
(01-21-2018, 10:01 PM)TearExtractor Wrote: [ -> ]13 first down plays in the 2nd half

10 of them were runs for 23 yards..... 3 passes for 15 yards.

Only thing more gutless is kneeling with 55 seconds and 2 timeouts.

I've never seen a team in the playoffs kneel with 55 secs and 2 TO's.
(01-21-2018, 09:35 PM)burt1jason Wrote: [ -> ]After a 24-7 halftime lead, the Eagles coach said that they're going to stay aggressive. By not being aggressive in the 2nd half, we let the momentum change. Never change a winning game. Eagles just scored on their first 3rd quarter drive. 31-7. NO GUTS......NO GLORY.

Amen. So correct. Did Philadelphia go into a Zone defense up 31-7, did they run, run, run and pass when Minnesota knew we had to pass because it was 3rd and 8 and they blitzed us. The reason why Blake had worse numbers in the second half is because he was running for his life after the terrible play calling by Hackett got him into bad situations. when you play not to lose, then you lose. When you play to win, you win. Philadelphia played to win and they won! We were up by 10 and sat back and said we've got this game, all we have to do is run it and get first downs. When Plan A got stopped, we had no Plan B, we said eventually Plan A will work. The lack of guts, not BB5, and awful play calling. Did they not see the Super Bowl where Atlanta had a large lead and lost it? How could they have done the same thing. I know that NE is a good team, but their defense was average at best, and we just cowled up like a scared bunch of plays in the second half and let them come back and win.

The play calling in the first half was more like the Pittsburgh game where the play calling in the second half was worse than the Buffalo game, even though Blake had a tremendous game. What a shame, these games come only so often and to lose it because your coaches got out-coached and lost a game that we should have won easily as we outplayed them until Hackett got crazy. It will be a long time before we get back there given our extremely rough schedule next year.
(01-21-2018, 09:59 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-21-2018, 07:20 PM)SodaCityJag14 Wrote: [ -> ]Not mad with the way we played or called the game. Proud of these guys. My only questions is why we dont run on first down after the big play to westbrook from the 38. The key to our solid drives were positive plays on 1st down. We had the 2 minite and 3 TOs. Pick up some yardage and get into a 3rd and manageable. Other than that, great season and what a ride it was. Go Jags!

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You answered your own question.

Again outside of that single play I felt like we had a great game plan offensively. People are too emotional trying to get on here and cremate Blake and Hackett. As for the why Blake doesn't just run around like a crazy person for first downs (bc apparently that's what ppl think should happen) Pats DEs sat on every zone read run and did not allow Blake to use his legs.

Ppl say we are too conservative, but are the same ppl that say Blake is not good. That makes no sense to me. We controlled the line of scrimmage for the first half, so naturally we should continue to plan for positive first down plays to avoid 3rd and longs with sure passing situations. Give the pats credit for making adjustments in stopping the run. This loss is not on Nathaniel Hackett despite that being the easiest person to blame this for people who don't know much.

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(01-21-2018, 10:12 PM)SodaCityJag14 Wrote: [ -> ]Ppl say we are too conservative, but are the same ppl that say Blake is not good.

Umm,  maybe because both of those are cold hard facts?
(01-21-2018, 10:15 PM)TearExtractor Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-21-2018, 10:12 PM)SodaCityJag14 Wrote: [ -> ]Ppl say we are too conservative, but are the same ppl that say Blake is not good.

Umm,  maybe because both of those are cold hard facts?

So air it out and put it on our perceived below average quarterback's shoulders? No thanks. I prefer what was used and what worked to get us here.

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