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Full Version: Gutless playcalling lost this game.
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Doug Marrone, Todd Wash, and Nathaniel Hackett didn't have a 'BOLD" plan in the 2nd half to take this team and city to a much deserved Super Bowl appearance. As a result, the game turned into the Pats favor. They played to win, without fear, like the winners they are. Our vanilla schemes in the 2nd half on both sides of the ball were atrocious which played into Belichick's hands and stifled our teams ability to seal the game. 

I just can't get over how we let NE off the hook, deny ourselves, and allow them march to Minnesota all because we were non-aggressive in the 2nd half. It's not promised we ever get this opportunity again. Totally disgusted with our coaching staff here. The scared of Bortles making a mistake BS cost us the game. I want EVER get over this loss. Hurts worst than 1999 lost to Tenn which I never thought was humanly possible. Why? Because we were the better team and our coaching staff pissed it away not trusting the guys. Prevent offense and defense prevented us having a Super Bowl appearance.

'Fortunes favour the bold', and that's what yesterday's AFC Title game embodied for me. We didn't dare to be great and ended up greatly disappointed. See you guys next year!
You couldn't just put this in the "Gutless" thread?
(01-22-2018, 12:33 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]You couldn't just put this in the "Gutless" thread?

Yes he could have.
Maybe he thought Fortune Favors the Thread Creator.
4th quarter play calling was horrific
Everything you need to know about marone we should of learned from the gus era. He was hired as the Oline coach but also the assistant head coach. Gus had no experience as a head coach marone should have been helping him out and maybe teaching this winning attitude everyone thinks maroone brought to the team. He did nothing but sit back and not help and wasnt even a good oline coah. The attitude came from TC Moron just does enough to not lose and that will get you beat every time.
(01-22-2018, 02:36 PM)JAGFAN88 Wrote: [ -> ]Everything you need to know about marone we should of learned from the gus era. He was hired as the Oline coach but also the assistant head coach. Gus had no experience as a head coach marone should have been helping him out and maybe teaching this winning attitude everyone thinks maroone brought to the team. He did nothing but sit back and not help and wasnt even a good oline coah. The attitude came from TC Moron just does enough to not lose and that will get you beat every time.

Lol, you assume Bradley was capable of listening and if he did that he'd understand. You really think this whole Marine Corps Grit mentality would've flown with Sprinkles? No man, I don't know, we just need to go watch the tape and learn from it and get a little better everyday. Marrone probably was losing his [BLEEP] over that nonsense.
The play calling lost it. How many times can you run the same play over and over and still expect to win. No question mark there, it was rhetorical. Bortles is not a great QB, but putting him in 3rd and long time after time is the sure way to lose. OC, goodbye.
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