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Not that much.

TBH I expected them to lose. In 1999 I was expecting a win, that hurt more.
(01-21-2018, 07:20 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]We were 3-13 last year. Yeah, we done good.

That’s the way I feel too.   Big picture.

We went from bottom 4 in the league last year to top 4 in the league this year.  

So, while the loss hurts, I actually feel pretty good.
(01-21-2018, 07:16 PM)SamusAranX Wrote: [ -> ]Was this worse than 1999? What you feeling. 

I shed a tear. We were close. 

This one will sting for a long time

Does it hurt? Of course, but nowhere near like 1999. Personally, I believe this team over-performed. We did so much better than I expected and we have so many good, young players coming back. There is no reason to think we can't come back and do even better in 2019. That's a lot to be positive about. In 1999, I knew our window was closing and we needed to win that game. When we didn't I was devastated. I threw my ottoman into the kitchen and nearly took out the window. Since, then I have calmed down and learned to take things in stride, but I still think about that loss. This season, I look back and see the positives. I am confident we are just beginning to see what this team can accomplish.
(01-21-2018, 09:29 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-21-2018, 07:16 PM)SamusAranX Wrote: [ -> ]Was this worse than 1999? What you feeling. 

I shed a tear. We were close. 

This one will sting for a long time

Does it hurt? Of course, but nowhere near like 1999. Personally, I believe this team over-performed. We did so much better than I expected and we have so many good, young players coming back. There is no reason to think we can't come back and do even better in 2019. That's a lot to be positive about. In 1999, I knew our window was closing and we needed to win that game. When we didn't I was devastated. I threw my ottoman into the kitchen and nearly took out the window. Since, then I have calmed down and learned to take things in stride, but I still think about that loss. This season, I look back and see the positives. I am confident we are just beginning to see what this team can accomplish.

I was too young to remember 99. So I guess this will be my “painful loss” of my generation. I don’t know
(01-21-2018, 07:27 PM)B2hibry Wrote: [ -> ]The team is understandably devastated. I’m disappointed,  but I saw who the better team was and it wasn’t the one going to the SB. I’m excited for what the future holds for this team.

This pretty much says how I feel.
On a scale of 1 - 10, its a [BLEEP] you.
Numb. Gotta spend the whole off-season with a bad taste in my mouth thinking about a game I feel we should have won. 

Hard to understand what pass interference is anymore. The Patriots get a huge one to go their way when their WR runs a bad route and Brady throws a ball that is uncatchable. As the Jags are trying to ice the game, Pats DBs can literally facemask Jags receivers and don't draw a flag.

And AGAIN...  refs don't know how to call a clear fumble which the Jags recover without blowing the ball dead.

Gonna be pretty sour for some time. It's not enough to know you can run with the best. We were playing well enough to beat the best. Came up short with some really questionable officiating.
(01-22-2018, 06:24 AM)Kotite Wrote: [ -> ]Numb. Gotta spend the whole off-season with a bad taste in my mouth thinking about a game I feel we should have won. 

Hard to understand what pass interference is anymore. The Patriots get a huge one to go their way when their WR runs a bad route and Brady throws a ball that is uncatchable. As the Jags are trying to ice the game, Pats DBs can literally facemask Jags receivers and don't draw a flag.

And AGAIN...  refs don't know how to call a clear fumble which the Jags recover without blowing the ball dead.

Gonna be pretty sour for some time. It's not enough to know you can run with the best. We were playing well enough to beat the best. Came up short with some really questionable officiating.

The NFL is completely bias and this game proves it. The refs don't know a dick, from their [BLEEP] and it's obvious.
(01-21-2018, 07:27 PM)The_Franchise_QB Wrote: [ -> ]Seriously those crying about the refs need to stop. The Jags lost the game straight up. Defense choked, and Marrone and Co. got conservative. Straight up choked it. Against a Gronkless Patriots team up 10 in the 4th Q...

Brady and Belichick had been winning Superbowls a long time before Gronk appeared. Does he help? Sure but so would Allen Robinson.
We lost, but didn't embarrass ourselves....Good season. Proud of the organizations accomplishments.

I do take issue with those who say that the officiating is not a factor. It seems it almost always is and this game was certainly no exception. Too many times I noticed that our D-linemen were being held and/or tackled but never saw a flag for it although immediately expecting one. I pride myself in catching an infraction right before a flag comes out, be it for or against the team I am rooting for. I will even back it up and watch the play again to confirm what I thought I saw.

Meanwhile, a good chunk of those 98 yards in penalties were a gift to the Pats. Whatever....I suppose we just have to accept that we are playing the opponent AND the refs at times.
A little bummed. But if I’m being completely honest, I’m more upset we have to see the pats in yet another super bowl. I’m tired of it. Went 3-13 last year. Certainly not upset they aren’t in the super bowl. When you have a heads up you’re teams losing it takes the shock out of it. And all them flags before the half and the TD was when I knew the Jags weren’t winning it. Again. More upset with another Patriots super bowl. For the first time in a long time, I really have no desire to watch it. But enjoy the ratings NFL.
The 1999 loss in the AFC Title Game was incredibly painful. It took me a year to get over that. That was the most painful thing I've ever endured in sports.

This is nothing.
not upset at all

at no point before or during the game did I believe the jags have one single blip of a chance of winning

you don't beat the pats in their house, ask the officials if you don't believe me
(01-21-2018, 07:18 PM)Etdavis2006 Wrote: [ -> ]Not very hurt. Actually proud. They went to the limit with the pats and put the league on notice.

My team ain’t sorry no more lol

It really sucks because for everyone not named Brady it's really hard getting to this point.. How long will we have to wait until the Jags make it here again? Freaking Bortles is NOT the answer for the Jaguars. And our offensive line couldn't create holes for Fournette. Refs were horrible, phantom calls on the Jags and NO calls on the holding, cheating Pats.
(01-22-2018, 07:36 AM)Jags Wrote: [ -> ]A little bummed.  But if I’m being completely honest, I’m more upset we have to see the pats in yet another super bowl. I’m tired of it.   Went 3-13 last year.  Certainly not upset they aren’t in the super bowl.  When you have a heads up you’re teams losing it takes the shock out of it.  And all them flags before the half and the TD was when I knew the Jags weren’t winning it.  Again.  More upset with another Patriots super bowl.  For the first time in a long time, I really have no desire to watch it.   But enjoy the ratings NFL.

The ratings have been falling all year from their previous ones in their respective games from the year prior. I guarantee you this Super Bowl will have lower ratings then last year
This is not even close to 1999. We were 14-2. Best record in the NFL. Lost only to Tacks. Led at half, then a 16 point 3rd quarter by TEN closed the door. This AFC Championship was on our home field. And, the Jaguars never made it back the AFCCG.
Not even close.
This year's run was unexpected.
Any time a game comes down to the wire and is decided by less than a touchdown, you can always look back at questionable officiating. I dont know that there is one call that absolutely turned the game. But there were enough that it makes the outcome somewhat questionable. At the end of the day, to win in Foxborough in the playoffs, you have to not only outplay the Patriots (which I can argue we did), but you have to outplay them by enough that any sort of questionable officiating won't tip the scales. And clearly we didnt do that.
In the moment, very bummed because they had it RIGHT there, and were maybe two plays going differently from winning that game.  

Big picture, very proud. Jaguars are back and not just for coffee.
(01-21-2018, 07:27 PM)The_Franchise_QB Wrote: [ -> ]Seriously those crying about the refs need to stop. The Jags lost the game straight up. Defense choked, and Marrone and Co. got conservative. Straight up choked it. Against a Gronkless Patriots team up 10 in the 4th Q...

Smart man here. As much as some of you are complaining about the refs and calls, you act like the Patriots has NEVER been on the wrong side of these calls before. No excuses. Your team let up and played too vanilla. Bill, as he always does, made crucial second half adjustments, defense was much better and Brady is... well, Brady. He did his thing. Ask the Falcons.
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