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We had a heck of a lot of young contributors this year. Experience will help. Glad to still be rocking my 904 mobile number in Tejas. My wife was raised in Jacksonville and the last few weeks made her miss being home and a part of it.

Next year brings heck of a lot of tough match ups. Go go jaguars.
Great post, FBT, I agree entirely.

I would add, from my perspective, the thing I have worried about for the past few years isn't wins and losses, but rather, the future of the franchise in Jacksonville. Just having a team is far more important to me than winning any particular game, even a Super Bowl. I know in the recent past a lot of people have poo-pooed supposed attendance issues, but in September and October that stadium looked pretty empty to me. I know a lot of people said, oh, they're all in the Bud Zone, or they're all in the bathroom, but that wasn't mathematically possible. It was at the point where I was starting to worry about the long term future of the franchise in Jacksonville.

The great thing to me is the way attendance exploded at the end of the season. That was what a full stadium looks like. No empty seats, tarps gone, standing room only. And now, season ticket deposits have skyrocketed. We are going to fill that stadium next year. And to me, that is by far the most important thing- to fill up that stadium. That is far more important than winning a Super Bowl. Because it means we keep our team. I was really worried about that. Maybe I was the only one, but I was.

And that's why I'm not sad at all about the outcome against the Pats. The results of the season go so far beyond what happened in the playoffs. To me, the result of the season is, the fans are back, in force. That is so much more important than anything else.

My overwhelming feeling is that I am ecstatic about the season as a whole and what it means for the future of the franchise in Jacksonville. My sadness about the Pats game lasted about 5 minutes, and then I didn't want to hear or read any more negativity.
Also, as a fan from year one, I have had a hard time even coming to the board because I knew I'd see the 'usual suspects' placing the blame on their favorite whipping boys.  I was in no mood to see it and am still having a hard time digesting it.  Trying to place the blame on any singular player is just asinine.  We hung in with a (I shudder to say it) great team and the GOAT until the bitter end. 

Agree with your post, but quite frankly, it's stinging a little too much right now to participate in any discussions without getting warnings or suspensions.

I need some time off.  Was a great, and totally unexpected, season.  Anybody that could possibly be disappointed in this season as a whole has some serious issues.
The future does look bright,but i do have one corcern FBT. when doug was HC for bills they turned around as well in 1 year,went 9-7 made playoffs,but next season the team completly fall apart. My corcern is will the same thing happen with the jags in dougs seconed season as a HC?

I am hopeing doug learned his lesson in bufflo.
Great post.

This one was a fantastic season and I have to say it was really needed after the last few years.
This season was special for a few reasons, the way we played and dominated at times, the effort, the passion of the players and the personality they displayed going fearless in places like Pittsburgh and New England in games that mattered a lot.

I think we all know there was a couple of pieces missing to have a better chance at it (my only regret is having ARob sidelined for the year, he was the player that could have helped a ton against all those stacked boxes we had to face and in the final drive against the Patriots) but the team was just spectacular and gave it all.

I have some regrets on the way we handled that fourth quarter against New England (and the way the refs did too), it still hurts a lot but this season was magical and I'm proud of the team.

I'm italian and l remember last year staying up to watch the TNF against the Titans. It was scheduled at 2.30 am here and we put on probably the worst performance of the season. Being up till 6.00 am to watch that and then having to go to work, in that moment I was really down and It was probably the first time in a lot of time that I thought "I'm not going to do this for this team again".
Then the offseason happened,, come draft day I stayed up with the same enthusiasm for the draft and after a worrying preseason the team gifted us with that Houston performance and I was so happy and the season went on a fantastic rollercoaster.

We have a young team and good pieces to build on, next year' schedule is tough but it'll make it even more fun, hopefully the team comes back hungry and improved and we'll have another shot at it again, hopefully for a rematch against the Patriots (not just the regular season one that's already scheduled).
(01-23-2018, 09:03 AM)snowwolf776 Wrote: [ -> ]The future does look bright,but i do have one corcern FBT. when doug was HC for bills they turned around as well in 1 year,went 9-7 made playoffs,but next season the team completly fall apart. My corcern is will the same thing happen with the jags in dougs seconed season as a HC?

I am hopeing doug learned his lesson in bufflo.

This team isn’t falling apart.  

Buffalo didn’t fall apart in year two under Marrone.  They missed the playoffs by one game going 9-7 in 2014 under Marrone after going 6-10 in 2013.  They actually improved.
(01-23-2018, 06:53 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]Great post, FBT, I agree entirely.

I would add, from my perspective, the thing I have worried about for the past few years isn't wins and losses, but rather, the future of the franchise in Jacksonville. Just having a team is far more important to me than winning any particular game, even a Super Bowl. I know in the recent past a lot of people have poo-pooed supposed attendance issues, but in September and October that stadium looked pretty empty to me. I know a lot of people said, oh, they're all in the Bud Zone, or they're all in the bathroom, but that wasn't mathematically possible. It was at the point where I was starting to worry about the long term future of the franchise in Jacksonville.

The great thing to me is the way attendance exploded at the end of the season. That was what a full stadium looks like. No empty seats, tarps gone, standing room only. And now, season ticket deposits have skyrocketed. We are going to fill that stadium next year. And to me, that is by far the most important thing- to fill up that stadium. That is far more important than winning a Super Bowl. Because it means we keep our team. I was really worried about that. Maybe I was the only one, but I was.

And that's why I'm not sad at all about the outcome against the Pats. The results of the season go so far beyond what happened in the playoffs. To me, the result of the season is, the fans are back, in force. That is so much more important than anything else.

My overwhelming feeling is that I am ecstatic about the season as a whole and what it means for the future of the franchise in Jacksonville. My sadness about the Pats game lasted about 5 minutes, and then I didn't want to hear or read any more negativity.

I will quietly sneak in and out of this thread to heap praise on this post, I agree completely.
(01-22-2018, 07:46 PM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]As a fan who has been part of this fan base from the very beginning, with the original Touchdown Jacksonville movement, getting the team, living through the inaugural season, and then watching the meteoric rise of this franchise in such short order, I have seen every twist, turn, up, and down this team has endured over the past 2 1/2 decades.  I was sitting in the north end zone when Morten Anderson missed his kick.  I was there for 62-7.  I was there the following week when the wheels came off and the slide began for this franchise.

I've always enjoyed supporting this team, in good and bad times.  I've never missed a home game during the regular season, even attending a game the day after our daughter was born.  To me, the Jaguars are as much a part of the fabric of my life as any other aspect.  I will support this team until the day I go toes up because they are my hometown team.

This season started with such low expectations coming off a miserable preseason where there were so many questions and concerns.  When the team started the season in Houston and suddenly they flipped a switch and crushed the Texans, I think everyone was a bit caught off guard, but in a good way.  We realized this team had the potential, in a weak division, to be competitive.  I think my expectations were 7 or 8 wins, with an outside chance at possibly getting a 9th win and possibly winning the division.  The next week they came home and looked like the Jaguars we had grown accustomed to against those stinking tacks.  

As the season progressed, it seemed like 8-8 was a distinct possibility, mostly because the team couldn't manage to cobble together 2 wins in a row.  Then they did putting together a 4 and 3 game win streak.  As they wins started to outpace the losses, you could feel the energy in the stadium starting to ramp up, and by the time we hit December, you could sense that the fans were finally starting to recognize that this team was different from what we'd been pummeled with for the past decade or so, and that there was a possibility of not only making the playoffs, but actually going deep into the post season.

It's been a LONG time since we've seen this city so excited about the team.  When we earned our playoff spot, and ultimately earned a home game, you could sense that things were really heading in the right direction.  That Buffalo game, as low scoring as it was, was completely electric for the entire time, with a packed house, and fans who were fully engaged.  When the game ended, I think the team finally closed the deal on getting the fans back on board completely.  Anywhere you went around town, people were wearing Jags gear.  We'd go to restaurants, and it was the conversation at tables, with everyone genuinely excited about the prospects.  I'd go to Publix, and people wanted to talk about the team and the upcoming games.  It was a complete change from the days when I'd be asked why I even wore the Jaguars logo since they stunk.  

The Jaguars to me are a tremendous source of pride as a Jacksonville native.  This team in particular so perfectly represented this town and our fan base, and it ended up bringing the fans together in a way we haven't ever really seen here.  The early years were electric, but that was mostly because everything was new, and it was more or less a novelty.  This time around, the feeling went deeper as the community embraced the team, and the team embraced the spirit of Duval.  It was a masterful bit of marketing for this franchise to recognize this and to jump in with both feet.  Working class town represented by a team that is equally gritty and determined.  Underdogs both, dismissed by bigger markets, the Jaguars became the every man team that represented a city, and a way of life.

It's tough to replicate the jubilation that we felt in the early days, especially in that playoff run in '96.  I think we came close for the fans with thousands coming out to greet the team after the win in Pittsburgh.  The entire town felt the pain of the loss we endured in New England yesterday, and while it hurts tremendously to see the season come to such a disappointing end, I think that rather than criticizing the team, my focus is on the future and the prospects of success that this team has set itself up with.

We can nitpick and hunt for someone to blame for a loss against arguably one of the greatest teams in the history of the NFL.  We went up against a dynasty, and for more than 50 minutes, it looked like the upstarts from the underdog town who have been the laughingstock of the league for a decade were going to topple the almighty juggernaut.  It's unfortunate that it didn't happen, but as a fan base, I think we should have nothing but pride for how this team performed throughout this season. In years past, when they faced adversity, everything fell apart.  This year, that didn't happen.  They'd have struggles.  They'd bounce back.  All the while, they possessed a confidence and a swagger that made them a blast to watch.

For me, I think this season has been the most enjoyable in the history of the franchise.  This team played an entertaining brand of football that was tough and determined, and they never gave up.  Even in the final quarter of the final game, when key starters were hampered by injuries, the team kept fighting.  It's unfortunate that we came up short at the end, but I think we have witnessed the beginning of something special here in Jacksonville, and for true fans of the Jacksonville Jaguars, this is a time to get excited about the future and what this team has the potential to do.

There will be some changes, but I think the foundation is in place to make the success we enjoyed this year sustainable, and we still have much to strive for and to accomplish.  We got a taste of it this year, and quite frankly, I didn't expect anything like this until next year at least.  So, they're ahead of schedule by my estimation, and regardless of who we face next year, or who takes the field, I have the confidence to know that when the season ends, we're going to be in a position to control our own destiny.  The pain is still there from the loss yesterday, and it will take some time for that to subside, but I take comfort in the fact that things are only just beginning, and it's going to get even better.  I'm looking forward to the ride.

As a fan, I thank the Jaguars for what they managed to accomplish this year.  Not only did they go further than anyone expected them to in the post season, but they united a city, and rebuilt a fan base that had sort of been meandering for years.  They got behind the message that we are Duval, and they helped to really expand that mindset into something much bigger than just football.  It's a mindset that an entire community has embraced.

Kudos to the Jags for a terrific 2017 season, and here's to looking forward to even bigger things to come in 2018 and beyond.


Well stated.

The season was largely unexpected.

I say largely because I saw a talented nucleus on the team, and I knew Marrone would improve the results over Bradley, but I thought the improvement would not be quite so dramatic this year-more like 7-8 wins-and that the playoffs would be more towards 2018.

However, despite the disappointment of the AFC Championship game, this season was, without a doubt, a most pleasant surprise-not only in terms of of how far we got on the field, but how the season rekindled the town's love affair with the team.

I remember in years gone by, I wondered if the offense crazy fan base would ever truly embrace a defensive minded team.  From December on-once it became clear to everyone this team had a chance to win-the answer became an overwhelming yes.  The 2017 Jaguars made defensive football fun for all.
Not that the offense didn't do its part.  Even without the defensive scoring, we still would have wound up in the top 11 in scoring.  We added some good and exciting rookies like Fournette, Cam Robinson (to the extent an OL can be exciting), Westbrook, and Cole.

This is in stark contrast to the past few years, when the level of abject failure made football junkies relieved the season ended.  Now, we're all sad or disappointed that the season is over.  As opposed to the numbness associated with the team in December, now we are ready to see this team take the next step and get at it.

And to think...we managed to get here without Tebow!
Great post FBT!

I dunno, I guess I am in the minority, yes, the loss on Sunday hurt... for a few minutes. Then I actually smiled.

I realized how far the Jaguars exceeded my expectations for this season, how much FUN we had after years of sadness and how it felt that both the team and the fan base have been resurrected. For a change we were playing in January and there is real hope and anticipation of another good season next year and possibly for years to come.

If you had asked me last August if I would take a 4 point loss in the AFC Championship game against the Pats and the Refs to experience all that I mentioned above and that you mentioned in your post... I would GLADLY have taken that offer.

Sad this season ended 1 game short of the ultimate goal, yeah, a little.. but what a ride it was! #DTWD
(01-23-2018, 08:32 AM)Rico Wrote: [ -> ]Also, as a fan from year one, I have had a hard time even coming to the board because I knew I'd see the 'usual suspects' placing there blame on their favorite whipping boys.  I was in no mood to see it and am still having a hard time digesting it.  Trying to place the blame on any singular player is just asinine.  We hung in with a (I shudder to say it) great team and the GOAT until the bitter end. 

Agree with the your post, but quite frankly, it's stinging a little too much right now to participate in any discussions without getting warnings or suspensions.

I need some time off.  Was a great, and totally unexpected, season.  Anybody that could possibly be disappointed in this season as a whole has some serious issues.

There is no one individual to blame for our loss.  Any attempt to villify one person on the Jaguars after this past game is a fool's errand.

If you try villifying the playcalling of Marrone/Hackett/Wash, then you have to acknowledge their play calling put us in position to control the game for three quarters in the first place.

Bortles wasn't perfect, but that performance wins most games against most teams.

Though we were close enough for what ifs, we lost to a couple of guys in Brady and Belichick who have had unprecedented levels of success.  These are guys who have already gone to SEVEN (7) Super Bowls in their careers with the Patriots (winning five of them), and are on their way to number eight.  To put this in perspective, there are franchises that have been around for sixty years or more who haven't accomplished that in their entire histories.  The Steelers are widely seen as the preeminent franchise and have won six (6) Super Bowls in eight (8) appearances since 1933.  But three (3) different QBs and three different coaches accomplished that over forty or so years.  Brady and Belicheck have done this together since 2001.  But for these guys, we are on our way to Minneapolis.
Very nice post. The Jaguars far exceeded anyone's expectations this year. This is exactly what the franchise of Jacksonville needed.

As a fan who was born the year the Jags were inaugurated, I'm very thankful for this season.

I did not see the wonderful 96-99 seasons, but I did see Coughlin get fired. I witnessed the amazing Fred Taylor. I witnessed the first team to ever beat Pittsburgh in their house twice. I witnessed nearly a straight decade of bad football and bad draft picks in Harvey, Gabbert, Blackmon, and Bryan Anger....

But those seasons were worth watching because I love watching the Jaguars with my family and friends.

I can say for sure though, this season has been my favorite. This young team has developed such good chemistry, and they should only get better.

I hope the Jaguars are ready for a way tougher schedule next year. I also hope Fournette gets healthy and takes it to the next level. 

Can't wait for the draft!

Great post. Been a fan since 2001 so missed all the good days of the 1996 season and the 1999 season. This was the greatest year I experienced. Can't wait for next season. We should be getting at least 3 primetime games as well so that's something to look forward too.
(01-23-2018, 09:15 AM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-23-2018, 09:03 AM)snowwolf776 Wrote: [ -> ]The future does look bright,but i do have one corcern FBT. when doug was HC for bills they turned around as well in 1 year,went 9-7 made playoffs,but next season the team completly fall apart. My corcern is will the same thing happen with the jags in dougs seconed season as a HC?

I am hopeing doug learned his lesson in bufflo.

This team isn’t falling apart.  

Buffalo didn’t fall apart in year two under Marrone.  They missed the playoffs by one game going 9-7 in 2014 under Marrone after going 6-10 in 2013.  They actually improved.
opps my mistake,i had it backwards,and again i don't follew bills much unless we play them.  Cool
[quote pid='1099523' dateline='1516713176']
Great post

I'm italian and l remember last year staying up to watch the TNF against the Titans. It was scheduled at 2.30 am here and we put on probably the worst performance of the season. Being up till 6.00 am to watch that and then having to go to work, in that moment I was really down and It was probably the first time in a lot of time that I thought "I'm not going to do this for this team again".
Then the offseason happened,, come draft day I stayed up with the same enthusiasm for the draft and after a worrying preseason the team gifted us with that Houston performance and I was so happy and the season went on a fantastic rollercoaster.

We have a young team and good pieces to build on, next year' schedule is tough but it'll make it even more fun, hopefully the team comes back hungry and improved and we'll have another shot at it again, hopefully for a rematch against the Patriots (not just the regular season one that's already scheduled).

Ah, this made me smile. I remember that T*tans game. I'm in the UK so it was on at 1.30am over here. I worked until 11pm, got home, watched us stink it up, had an hour's sleep and back to work. We were so poor that night, no one seemed to care, let alone we were playing them. 

I've sat through the endless 'rebuilding years, I got on the Gus Bus, and the 2016 season, I had so much optimism, so much faith and we went 3-13. I was numb until about March the next year from just what this team was actually trying to do and was doing to me.

I love this team so much, maybe too much at times, but this season has just been magical. I can't see it as a disappointment and if you had told me we would go to the AFC Championship game I would have asked for some of what you were having!

Love this team, love Jags fans, love Duval.

Awesome post! Felt everything you described and am so grateful to have seen this season unfold the way it did. Still disappointed but only because I know we could have gone all the way. Not in a fanboy way, but truly believe we could have won it all this year.

Looking forward to our future. Next season's schedule is tough but we know that we can hang with any team in the league now. Let's do this! Duval till we die! Jville for life!
It seems just like yesterday when we would be happy if the team was just competitive. I recall watching the offense trot on the field, go 3 and out, and then have the defense just get man-handled. It felt like it happened all the time, during the course of the entire game. A lot of times when I watched the opposing team, I asked myself, "why can't we be like that".

So this year it gave me a lot of pleasure to just watch the Jags bully our opponents. The blowouts were extremely satisfying, just like when Gus Bradley blew out the Colts, his one dominant win during his tenure, we had multiple of those in one season. And Weak division my a$$, we won both the AFC South and the AFC North.

Going to be fun to enter the off-season, knowing that we have a good team in place and every piece added will only make the team much better. Cheers fellas!
Considering many of our guys are younger, the prospects for this team are exciting to think about.
I too have been with this team since the beginning. I had my season tickets in 1995 and even made my poor pregnant wife trudge up the steps to section 242 (even in December when she was 8 months pregnant!). Well the kid that was in her belly then is now a 22 year old die-hard Jaguars fan, part of that first generation who grew up with the team. It has been a true joy to share the experience of pulling for this team with him. I used to post a lot on the jaguars.com MB so it is nice to find this place and see that FBT is still around with his words of wisdom, completely agree with your assessment and cannot wait for next season! Go Jags!!
agreed, I hope this team can keep this going for a long time and that it isn't a flash in the pan... everything points to it being sustained

The loss hurts so much more because I feel we were robbed and cheated, not because we faltered or screwed it up.. sure we weren't perfect, but no one is. We played well enough to win, and if not for interference from the referees we would have, that's what hurts so much, that the NFL continues to allow this to happen

but I am more than satisfied with this season, I am elated, and proud to once again be a jags fan. I look forward to next year for the first time in a long time!
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