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Full Version: Perspective from a fan who has been here from the start
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(01-24-2018, 11:21 AM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]Considering many of our guys are younger, the prospects for this team are exciting to think about.

That's the biggest difference between 2007 team and the current roster.  Back then, the front office gave the fans and everybody else the impression that "We're one player away" and they drafted like it.  The reality was the best players on our roster were in the last days of their careers.  Mike Peterson, John Henderson, Paul Spicer, Rob Meier, David Garrard, Fred Taylor, ect.  We didn't know at the time, but they were all about to be seeing their last days in the league.

Now it's complete opposite.  Most of our best players are still under their first contract.  The only worry we should have is who we will lose to free agency in the future.
(01-22-2018, 07:46 PM)FBT Wrote: [ -> ]......As a fan, I thank the Jaguars for what they managed to accomplish this year.  Not only did they go further than anyone expected them to in the post season, but they united a city, and rebuilt a fan base that had sort of been meandering for years.  They got behind the message that we are Duval, and they helped to really expand that mindset into something much bigger than just football.  It's a mindset that an entire community has embraced.

Kudos to the Jags for a terrific 2017 season, and here's to looking forward to even bigger things to come in 2018 and beyond.


Absolutely! This season brought many new fans to the Jaguars....its a whole new and different market here now. 
Next year will be a great one.
Those miserable losing years are gone!
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