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Full Version: Are you allowed to chant "Duval" if you have never lived in Florida?
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I've shouted "Duuuvaaal" In Reno, New York, Baltimore, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston and in Chicago. A sort of social experiment, much to the embarrassment of my Girlfriend. Only time I didn't get a "Duuuvaaal" back was in Atlanta surprisingly. The time in Chicago was at a Jags game though so I guess that's cheating.
DUUUUUVVVVVVAAAAAAALLLLL is really just our version of "Who Dey" "Who Dat" "J-E-T-S JETS! JETS! JETS!" etc.

When the city was awarded a team in 1995 against all odds it was a tremendous source of pride, the Jaguars are intertwined with Jacksonville much the same way the city of Jacksonville is intertwined with Duval County (with the city limits/borders being the same). It's just a catchy and unique way of having pride for our Jags and showing that we're all one united fanbase who bleeds teal!

To say that you have to live in Duval to chant that/have pride in your team is asinine. This is probably the dumbest claim since during the blackout/low attendance era of: "You can't consider yourself a REAL/TRUE Jaguar fan if you're not going to the stadium and buying tickets" there are fans who live thousands of miles away who buy merchandise and give their $$$ to the Jags just the same.

we play a game in London each year, and have fans across the nation and many international as well. To say they can't/shouldn't join in on our rallying cry is pretty dumb tbh. It makes about as much sense as that scene from Mean Girls where Regina can't sit with the plastics because she wore sweatpants 2 days in a row ....

I know it's the offseason, but Free Agency just started, we must reallyyyy be bored lol
Agreed. I think it’s cool to see the culture being spread all over the city. All over the world. The culture is taking over the team. I love it
I've never lived in or even close to Duval County.
I still give a good ol Duuuuuuval on game days and such.

Duval it up, I say!

It's kinda like a "Who dat" or "Who dey"
It's a team mantra/slogan/gimmick.
As a fan, it is your property too, regardless of where you live.


(03-16-2018, 11:07 AM)Firesky Wrote: [ -> ]DUUUUUVVVVVVAAAAAAALLLLL is really just our version of "Who Dey" "Who Dat" "J-E-T-S JETS! JETS! JETS!" etc.  
yeah this....
I do, and will.
It's a unique thing for the Jags. Do it if you want. At the games they do the "move the chains" thing. I remember a Baltimore fan going nuts about it because "they started it". No one else says Duuuvaallll!
I think you should just yell it randomly in public places like grocery stores, etc. Especially if you're no where near Jacksonville.
(03-16-2018, 02:35 PM)Jaguarmeister Wrote: [ -> ]I think you should just yell it randomly in public places like grocery stores, etc.  Especially if you're no where near Jacksonville.

While watching the divisional round game from the swim-up bar in the pool in Jamaica, I shouted "DUUUUUVAALLLLL" a few times.  

The third time someone stepped out on the balcony of their suite and yelled it back to me. 
My brother have me deal for using #DTWD last season since I've never lived there.

As others have mentioned, it's been adopted by the fan base and team into our chant/identity.

Yell it proud man, we are all Duval.
I live in the UK and I’ll happily holler Duuvvvaalll.
the real answer is yes espailley if your a big supporter of the team. Rember I shouted it in a couple of my videos this past nfl season. I live in Panther terrioty. no not in Charlotte,but in North Carolina.
If you're a Jags fan yell Duval regardless of where you are or where you've been.
I live in the state of Washington, and I have one thing to add...

I think yall should make "wolfie" vids and prove it.
(03-16-2018, 08:52 PM)JagFanatic24 Wrote: [ -> ]I think yall should make "wolfie" vids and prove it.

It would be damn near impossible for us all to go to Wolfie's church and film it.
(03-16-2018, 10:10 AM)Brett Wrote: [ -> ]Serious question. Been a fan since Day 1 of the Jags but I've never lived in the state of Florida. At times when I give a "Duval" chant to my wife or at home....I feel awkward knowing I don't even live in Jacksonville nor have I ever.

What is protocol on this? Is one allowed just because they are a fan? Or is it based on only having lived in Florida that you can do it? I mean basically it's a chant for the county so does that not look weird if you aren't from there?

Not sure if this should be here or in the Fargin's Flyby forum. Feel free to move it. I just need answers. I need them now.

DuuuVaallllll!  Is a state of mind!
Who cares I'm from St Augustine left for platka because Jacksonville swallowed st Augustine and I yell Duval.
(03-16-2018, 09:42 PM)imtheblkranger Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-16-2018, 08:52 PM)JagFanatic24 Wrote: [ -> ]I think yall should make "wolfie" vids and prove it.

It would be damn near impossible for us all to go to Wolfie's church and film it.

My videos were made at the nature center i voltunteer at this past season not church.
Cause BAAAKKKEEERRR doesn't have the same ring to it.
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