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IIRC, this thread was created by one of the "bots."

No problem
Not sure why conservative snowflakes get so triggered. It's not like someone kneeling affects anyone else's rights to show whatever respect they feel is appropriate.

(07-26-2018, 10:49 PM)lastonealive Wrote: [ -> ]Not sure why conservative snowflakes get so triggered. It's not like someone kneeling affects anyone else's rights to show whatever respect they feel is appropriate.
Go to a sporting event broadcasted internationally and kneel during God Save The Queen. Make sure your audience knows exactly who you are, who you work for and what you are doing. We’ll see what gets triggered!

FYI, identifying and calling out the lack of respect of this action is not strictly relegated to just conservative types. 

Berk comes to mind when I read such disconnected opinions.
(07-26-2018, 10:49 PM)lastonealive Wrote: [ -> ]Not sure why conservative snowflakes get so triggered. It's not like someone kneeling affects anyone else's rights to show whatever respect they feel is appropriate.

Hey, we get that you have no pride in your nation, but some folks take offense to theirs being disrespected.
(07-21-2018, 04:27 PM)JaguarKick Wrote: [ -> ]Protesting has a long and rich history in this country, and I have zero issue with it for anyone or for any reason.  I consider it to be one of the most patriotic things possible.

That said, there's something special about people who put their money where their mouths are.  Kap took a ton of crap for his protests, but he also poured thousands into poor communities.

This reification of protest for protests sake is childish.  What's the bankruptcy rate for pro athletes?

(07-22-2018, 10:57 AM)imtheblkranger Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-21-2018, 04:55 PM)TurndownforWatt Wrote: [ -> ]Nobody has anything against the right to peaceful protest.. however that right doesn't have squat to do with this issue.

The NFL is a free enterprise corporation and not a democracy. They aren't telling these players that they can't protest or join a movement on their own time. They are saying when you are at work, you represent our business and brand... JUST LIKE ANY OTHER JOB WOULD. That's the issue here. The NFL is upset, because these protests have effected the support level of their paying customer and their bottom line. That's why they aren't happy.

I mean great for Kap for doing positive stuff off the clock and on his own time, but that still doesn't excuse him or make it okay for what he did on the clock while representing a entire league..nor does it give him or anyother player the right to do whatever they want to do at work without repercussions. 

I mean, I don't know where you work at, but I know if I started political protests while at my job they would fire me and so would almost any other job. Hence why Kap is still unemployed.. Well that and he was no longer any good anyways. He lost his freaking job to Blaine Gabbert before all of this even started.

The problem is, there was no policy preventing them from protesting up until now. And the policy that was created did not include the NFLPA in the discussions which is a violation of the CBA. Most jobs don't have a CBA, you can't compare yours to theirs unless you do. 

Plus we have people who still can't seem to understand what the protests are actually about, but that's another discussion.

No its not.  The CBA gives the owners and the commissioners extra constitutional powers to enforce what they deem to be detrimental conduct.
(07-23-2018, 11:56 AM)JagsFansince1995 Wrote: [ -> ]I can't believe there are still people who think the protest are about the military.  The protest are about stopping injustices in our society being done to minorities and others.  The priviledged dont care enough to protest and the minorities who are affected most are being shunned because we choose to say something.  I don't like stating my personal views because that brings out anger when talking to people who feel this is their country and/or land somehow....priviledged people.

This whole white privilege cosmic justice crap has to end.
(07-24-2018, 08:59 AM)imtheblkranger Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-24-2018, 08:29 AM)UCF Knight Wrote: [ -> ]There's no policy where I work about protesting while working either, but it doesn't mean I wont get fired for not working while being paid. If people don't understand what the protests are about, then why don't players acknowledge that to some people not standing for the anthem is extremely disrespectful?  I've been to Jags games and if you don't take your hat off you will have a number of people yelling at you to take it off.

But they are still working. No one has sat out a game or a practice. They are working when they are required to work.

Look I understand people getting upset about it, but I just think that anger is misplaced. They're misinterpreting the act and the reason behind it.

The biggest problem I have is kids/young adults doing it who don't have any idea why and just want to make some noise. There is nothing wrong with the true cause behind the stance (pun not intended) but it's been so twisted and misconstrued by everyone from Trump to even other NFL players.

1.) Yes there is a problem with it.  95 to 99% of the differences between racial groups have to do with internal factors, family integrity being top of the list . This whole thing has nothing to do with strengthening marriage rates.  Its classic leftist whinning.  

2.) You have the freedom to protest in this country.  Its incumbent on the people PROTESTING to find a message that. Communicates their goals effectively and resonates.  If you choose to focus on a national icon and making a blanket statement that the country is racist and systemically unjust then u should have recognized that there was a chance that you might really upset some people or be misunderstood.  Its like the one-ders. 

3.) By their own flawed sjw definition, the players are privileged in a systemically unjust system because blacks are over represented in the population of NFL players.  #incompetenthypocrisy
(07-26-2018, 10:49 PM)lastonealive Wrote: [ -> ]Not sure why conservative snowflakes get so triggered. It's not like someone kneeling affects anyone else's rights to show whatever respect they feel is appropriate.

Here is the problem with your stance, unless you have donned the uniform, stood on a tarmac to receive the remains of a loved one or put on a brave smile as you wave goodbye to a family member as they go off into uncertainty you have no clue the passion of those that have concerning this.  This is not a left or right issue as I know plenty of democrats that fit into above categories that were and are offended.  Furthermore, if the method of protest is so divisive that the reason for the protest itself is lost how effective is the protest?
(07-23-2018, 11:56 AM)JagsFansince1995 Wrote: [ -> ]I can't believe there are still people who think the protest are about the military.  The protest are about stopping injustices in our society being done to minorities and others.  The priviledged dont care enough to protest and the minorities who are affected most are being shunned because we choose to say something.  I don't like stating my personal views because that brings out anger when talking to people who feel this is their country and/or land somehow....priviledged people.

So your solution for protesting one group is to protest in front of another group? The national anthem has nothing to do with injustice by the police (and the statistics show that it's whites who are killed at a higher rate by police). They might as well be protesting the whiteness of Target by picketing McDonalds.
This is all symbolism.
No one in the military is actually harmed by kneeling.
None of the victims of excessive force by police is actually helped by kneeling.
The announcer says, "please stand". If you don't stand, you are only "disrespecting" the announcer, if anyone at all. But even he said, "please." It wasn't an order.
We've let internet memes from Russia and Macedonia and craven politicians make us feel like we have to "stand up" for veterans or active duty by spewing hate at kneeling football players.
None of us would be hurt in any way if we stopped singing the national anthem at pro sporting events altogether. Save it for the international competitions.
(07-27-2018, 09:57 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]This is all symbolism.
No one in the military is actually harmed by kneeling.
None of the victims of excessive force by police is actually helped by kneeling.
The announcer says, "please stand".  If you don't stand, you are only "disrespecting" the announcer, if anyone at all.  But even he said, "please." It wasn't an order.
We've let internet memes from Russia and Macedonia and craven politicians make us feel like we have to "stand up" for veterans or active duty by spewing hate at kneeling football players.
None of us would be hurt in any way if we stopped singing the national anthem at pro sporting events altogether.  Save it for the international competitions.

(07-27-2018, 10:13 AM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-27-2018, 09:57 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]This is all symbolism.
No one in the military is actually harmed by kneeling.
None of the victims of excessive force by police is actually helped by kneeling.
The announcer says, "please stand".  If you don't stand, you are only "disrespecting" the announcer, if anyone at all.  But even he said, "please." It wasn't an order.
We've let internet memes from Russia and Macedonia and craven politicians make us feel like we have to "stand up" for veterans or active duty by spewing hate at kneeling football players.
None of us would be hurt in any way if we stopped singing the national anthem at pro sporting events altogether.  Save it for the international competitions.


They certainly do.  Every.  Single.  Thing.

It's poor symbolism, and the wrong point is made.

One of the biggest problem with the left... is a complete lack of self awareness.  Whenever their opinion is heard and rejected, they falsely feel they aren't being heard and need to shout it louder and destroy everything in their path until those who disagree submit.  They don't see that they lost the argument in the arena of ideas and debate.  They just incite the mob until they get their desire, with decency, logic, and debate tossed out the window.
(07-19-2018, 03:50 PM)Tack Wrote: [ -> ]Titans CEO: Team to discuss anthem with Jurrell Casey


Tennessee Titans president and CEO Steve Underwood says Jurrell Casey might misunderstand the NFL's national anthem policy since the defensive end will not be fined by the NFL.

If after they set him straight on the rules and regulations he decides to still kneel then the team should fine him the amount they get fined. Basically pay them back. I imagine a fine levied on a team is a higher dollar amount than on an individual. O suppose we'd see just how committed he is to the cause after a few fines.
(07-27-2018, 04:33 PM)pirkster Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-27-2018, 10:13 AM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]#theleftruinseverything

They certainly do.  Every.  Single.  Thing.

It's poor symbolism, and the wrong point is made.

One of the biggest problem with the left... is a complete lack of self awareness.  Whenever their opinion is heard and rejected, they falsely feel they aren't being heard and need to shout it louder and destroy everything in their path until those who disagree submit.  They don't see that they lost the argument in the arena of ideas and debate.  They just incite the mob until they get their desire, with decency, logic, and debate tossed out the window.

nobody is going to feel like you heard them unless you repeat their point back to them and explain why you disagree.
Just telling someone "no, you're wrong" looks the same whether you were listening carefully and put a lot of thought into the response or you weren't listening at all.
If you want people to feel like you heard them you should prove it
(07-27-2018, 05:21 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-27-2018, 04:33 PM)pirkster Wrote: [ -> ]They certainly do.  Every.  Single.  Thing.

It's poor symbolism, and the wrong point is made.

One of the biggest problem with the left... is a complete lack of self awareness.  Whenever their opinion is heard and rejected, they falsely feel they aren't being heard and need to shout it louder and destroy everything in their path until those who disagree submit.  They don't see that they lost the argument in the arena of ideas and debate.  They just incite the mob until they get their desire, with decency, logic, and debate tossed out the window.

nobody is going to feel like you heard them unless you repeat their point back to them and explain why you disagree.
Just telling someone "no, you're wrong" looks the same whether you were listening carefully and put a lot of thought into the response or you weren't listening at all.
If you want people to feel like you heard them you should prove it

You really get your jollies telling other people what to do, don't ya?
(07-27-2018, 11:45 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-27-2018, 05:21 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]nobody is going to feel like you heard them unless you repeat their point back to them and explain why you disagree.
Just telling someone "no, you're wrong" looks the same whether you were listening carefully and put a lot of thought into the response or you weren't listening at all.
If you want people to feel like you heard them you should prove it

You really get your jollies telling other people what to do, don't ya?

Says one of the ones whining about kneeling during the anthem.
(07-27-2018, 11:58 PM)lastonealive Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-27-2018, 11:45 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]You really get your jollies telling other people what to do, don't ya?

Says one of the ones whining about kneeling during the anthem.

My position has been consistent on the matter, I just want it out of the way so the game can go on. If they didnt do the Anthem, or the players stayed in the locker room, or they all knelt, or whatever I don't really care so long as I get to quit hearing about it and we get to the game. Because, quite frankly, I'm all that matters. I realize others feel strongly and good on them for it, but it's not a hill I feel the need to take.
(07-27-2018, 11:45 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-27-2018, 05:21 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]nobody is going to feel like you heard them unless you repeat their point back to them and explain why you disagree.
Just telling someone "no, you're wrong" looks the same whether you were listening carefully and put a lot of thought into the response or you weren't listening at all.
If you want people to feel like you heard them you should prove it

You really get your jollies telling other people what to do, don't ya?

Not at all actually.  Just advice.
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