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Full Version: When is the last time the Jags scored an opening drive TD?
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Quote:100% disagree. It's a rehashed rhetoric. The number of games played seasonally in other sports alone, and the length of time per game, and continuity, balances out the well documented physical rigors of football. It's as intense and intriguing a sport as there is. Doesn't have to assume a phantom top ranking vs. incomparable competition.
I think it's basketball and I also don't think it's very close.
I disagree, too. But won't get into this further
Quote:All of those things are skills.

They are attributes, but not skills. Sport skills are coordinated movements for sport specific tasks. The most difficult skills in football are throwing, kicking, or punting a football, and they are done by specialists. Sports in which all participants must move an object such as a ball are more difficult than sports in which only certain players must do so. So most team-based ball sports require more skill than American football. 


If you break sports down into difficulty of skill, you could use this list to get an idea of where different sports lie on the "most skill require" spectrum. 


1. Sports that use hands to control ball 

2. Sports that use feet to control ball

3. Sports that use object to control ball
You forgot snapping.

Quote:You forgot snapping.

Is snapping ones fingers really a skill?
Has anyone actually answered the question that this thread was made for?
Quote:Is snapping ones fingers really a skill?

Snapping a football is, obviously.
Quote:Has anyone actually answered the question that this thread was made for?

I clicked back to the beginning of this thread. Unfortunately the answer is no.
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