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Full Version: ***Official Third 2016 Presidential Debate Thread***
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I need more beer before I visit this forum.
Quote:Just because someone held those political offices qualifies them to be president?
probably? I mean most people that are considered qualified held office of some kind before hand. Senator for multiple terms and secretary of state is pretty impressive from a qualification standpoint don't you think?
Quote:I need more beer before I visit this forum.
Pitchers are cheap on bowling nights. Just saying.
Quote:probably? I mean most people that are considered qualified held office of some kind before hand. Senator for multiple terms and secretary of state is pretty impressive from a qualification standpoint don't you think?

Not really.

What they accomplished matters. Even then politics are so corrupt I have a hard time considering multiple terms as a politician a plus.
Quote:Pitchers are cheap on bowling nights. Just saying.

I worked tonight which meant no alcohol. The same applies for the next two nights.

Saturday though...watch out folks.

Game 6 of the NLCS and I'm off work.

My beer intake will be quite high.
Quote:It still doesn't make sense.

Have you ever learned something by being in it?
Quote:Have you ever learned something by being in it?

That's an awfully personal question!
I can't wait to start using the fact checker website.

Quote:I can't wait to start using the fact checker website.

I can't wait for you to answer my questions in the Trump campaign manager thread.
I think I've figured it out

You can vote for Candidate A. Who is a known liar and on many times has proven to be a hypocrite, that got many people killed through their negligence and lack of common sense when it comes to email security.  That will likely give you more of the same crap that Washington has given us for who knows how long.  This candidate is obviously bought and paid for by the 1% of the 1%.  This candidate has experience but much of it is filled with failure.


You can vote for Candidate B.  Who is a known hypocrite that often times lies about past transgressions.  Is a known shady business dealer due to the governments inability to stop shady business from happening most likely due to longterm politicians being bought by the 1% of the 1%.  This person has no political experience which can be seen as a negative if you think Washington serves us quality crap or a positive if you are sick of all the bull.

God i hate this country sometimes.

Will you vote for one of them Realtor?

Quote:Will you vote for one of them Realtor?

I lean more towards sick of the same old crap we have been fed for years than I do more of the same crap.  

My hope was for Rand Paul.  My second hope was Gary Johnson wouldn't prove to be an idiot, but that hope died a few weeks back after a couple unfortunate interviews.  Paul 2020!
Quote:I can't wait to start using the fact checker website.

You'll use fact checker but you won't use google?
Quote:I have a feeling DJT shocks the world in November.

Don't lie. You know what's coming.
Trump blew the whole debate when he refused to say he would accept the results of the election.  For the entire history of this country, the losing candidate has accepted the result and supported the winner.  That is the foundation of American democracy.  We accept the results of our elections.  


Imagine for a moment that Trump actually wins this election, and he's President and running for re-election in 2020.   And suppose he loses that election, and refuses to accept that he lost.  Now, he's President of the United States, commander in chief of the armed forces, head of the executive branch which includes the FBI and the CIA, and he refuses to step down because he thinks the election was rigged.  


This is why we cannot allow him to become President.

Quote:I think I've figured it out

You can vote for Candidate A that got many people killed through their negligence and lack of common sense when it comes to email security.
Patently false and extremely ridiculous. No evidence whatsoever to support this statement. Also all the Wikileaks emails, not a single one is from HRC server. Truth be told her server was more secure than the government server.
Quote:I don't know why anybody would deny Trump is a flat out liar. He keeps saying he was against the Iraq war but there is a ton of evidence that is not true. He says he does not know Putin but they are close friends.

Please link to evidence that they are CLOSE FRIENDS...
Quote:By making the all-important phone call to concede election results. It certainly will not be releasing tax returns or medical records.

He made his records public with doctor oz.
Quote:Naw, I disagree.

Remember... The most googled term in the UK after the vote was "what is Brexit".

Again, that election was a "yes/no" referendum on an economic issue that was framed as an "us verses them" decision. It was also the first vote of it's kind in that country.

This isn't the first contentious presidential election of our nation. There will be no google spike of "who is donald trump" or "who is Hillary" on November 9th.

This is clearly different. There are some similarities. But over all, it's apples and oranges, in my opinion.

Another false talking point...
Quote:She did not just live in the White House. Being the First Lady was a full time job for her. Bill often asked Hillary for advice while making executive decisions such as his health care plan.

Do u realize what you just said.
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