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Full Version: Kessler the one bright spot on the team tonight
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Bottom line, we need a QB who makes good decisions and accurate passes. Kessler is short but he creates a throwing lane. He worked the pocked pretty well against a good pass rush. Not much he could do about the jailbreak sacks, but he avoided single rushers pretty well. I also liked that when he took off running, he was aware of the LOS and completed throws before he crossed it.
Both are bad but Kessler doesn't have the athleticism to make up for bad QB play.
Straight up, Kessler sucks and is nowhere near as good as Bortles. That doesn't mean Blake is the answer, but Kessler most definitely is not.
Kessler makes the easy throws and took shots and was accurate on them, but yeah Bortles has more talent but his bad is much worse when he has a game where he can't even hit a 5 yarder and yeah duh neither is the answer.
People seem to be confusing athleticism with the ability to throw the football and read defense. Bortles is a great athlete and he works hard which has sometimes made up for his deficiencies as a QB. Kessler is a better QB but that doesn't make him a great or even good QB. He does look really good on some of the passes (placement, decision making, reading the defense) only in comparison to Bortles who is so bad on that side of the equation. It's too bad we can't combine the best qualities of both.
(12-07-2018, 07:50 PM)jaguarmvp Wrote: [ -> ]Here is my argument!

Bortles: His days are done as a starting NFL QB barring injury.. Good guy but flawed QB. After 5 years he still struggles to throw an accurate football on a consistent basis. Athletic but does not have a high IQ behind center, struggles to throw the ball, and the biggest flaw is he is a turnover machine. Before he was benched he was tied for the lead in ints once again. Bortles is not a good NFL QB

Kessler: We do not know exactly what we have. He was thrown into the dump of Cleveland and never really had a fair shot. He had a heck of a college career though. He throws a pretty football and is very accurate. People says he has a weak arm but I don't see it. The receivers should of caught many more of those balls last night. Aikman was calling out Moncrief atleast several times for lack of effort. The coaching staff put him in a horrible situation by making him throw it 40+ times coming in on a short week and the second game of the season.

Bottom line: We know Bortles stinks we do not know about Kessler. I have seem some good things in Kessler and would like to see more.

Well said. I researched Kessler and discovered he and Lee played together one season at USC of which Marquis spoke highly concerning his competitive nature. He cares about winning and despises losing - finds a way to win. That is an inside job that can be nurtured but not taught or bought. Bortles biggest flaw in my eyes is his lack of passion.

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(12-08-2018, 03:38 AM)Jags02 Wrote: [ -> ]Straight up, Kessler sucks and is nowhere near as good as Bortles. That doesn't mean Blake is the answer, but Kessler most definitely is not.

Your font change has no effect on the evidence suggesting otherwise.

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