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Full Version: Trump tear gasses peaceful protesters so he can get a photo op?
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(06-03-2020, 10:39 AM)JagJohn Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-02-2020, 10:27 PM)jj82284 Wrote: [ -> ]Hair piece has fallen

I enjoyed this, to be fair.

Me too.
6 feet 2 inches.... 244 pounds

Bwahahahahahaha suuuuure.
(06-02-2020, 03:41 PM)rollerjag Wrote: [ -> ]Predictably, the spin is strong in in this thread.

People were peacefully exercising their 1st Amendment right.

The curfew deadline had not been reached. Trump did it for the most disengenuos photo op we've ever seen. Holding a Bible (upside down) that he's likely never read.

The message was a show of Presidential power. Trumpettes love over-compensation. Imagine the uproar had Obama done anything remotely like what Trump did yesterday.

I don't share many of RJ's views, but I share his take on this.

That staged photo op looked like something Mussolini would have orchestrated.

I also agree he probably hasn't put much time into reading the prop he held up for the shoot.

Trump's comments on leaving God out of it

"Late last year, Trump told Republican pollster and focus-group guru Frank Luntz that when the real-estate mogul has done something wrong, he tries to correct his error without getting God involved.

"I am not sure I have," Trump said when asked if he'd ever asked God for forgiveness. "I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don't think so," he said. "I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture. I don't."
(06-02-2020, 07:56 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-02-2020, 07:41 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]It must be really irksome to people who dont like God, hate their country, and arent opposed to killing babies to see a POTUS who takes his religion serious.

I feel a strong need to explain why you're wrong, but it would violate the CoC.

But I think this much is within the CoC.

Bush 43 attended that church fairly regularly.
So did Obama. 

Trump does not.  He's attended a normal church service, as a normal worshipper rather than an invited speaker, once during his Presidency, as I recall.

I think SC’s comment was facetious in nature.  If there was any doubt before, that stunt at St. John’s showed you Trump’s true regard for religion.
It is my understanding that the park police started to disburse the crowd because they (the park police) were being assaulted.  Tear gas was not used, rather smoke canisters and pepper balls.  Allegedly they had no idea that the president was going to be in the area... of a church that was set on fire and defaced the prior night.
(06-04-2020, 06:23 PM)jagibelieve Wrote: [ -> ]It is my understanding that the park police started to disburse the crowd because they (the park police) were being assaulted.  Tear gas was not used, rather smoke canisters and pepper balls.  Allegedly they had no idea that the president was going to be in the area... of a church that was set on fire and defaced the prior night.

That statement has no credibility at all.  

Attorney General Barr has said that he made the decision to move the protesters, because they wanted to expand the perimeter around the White House.  Nothing about anything being thrown at the police.  So the Attorney General has contradicted the head of the Park Police.  

Besides that, I've seen several videos of the event, taken from both behind the crowd and behind the police, and I've yet to see anything thrown at the police.  It looks like people just standing there peacefully, and then all of a sudden the police and national guard start shoving forward, whacking people with batons and shields as they shove them backwards.  

But aside from contradicting the head of the Park Police, Attorney General Barr's statement has no credibility, either.   

Because here's the most important point:  The President stated at the end of his speech that he was going to go to the church.  People always know well in advance when the President leaves the White House, and they always know exactly where and when he is going and how he is going to get there.   So how in the world is it possible that those protesters were moved for any other reason than that the President wanted to walk through there?
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