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Full Version: Dave should be on the hot seat!
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Waiting patiently for a competent O line.
No. Just no.

Dave is fine. It's the Bradley and Wash combo.
Quote:No. Just no.

Dave is fine. It's the Bradley and Wash combo.

I can't even blame Wash for this game. The defense did its job. I'd point my fingers towards the offense. When you get two turnovers on the opponents 30 yard line and walk away with 0 points.... it's not the defense.
Any good coach will tell you, "it all begins up front."


After 4 years of drafting in the top 10 with tons of money, the offensive and defensive lines are still very mediocre.  Atta Boy Dave!

Hey guys, Wells Fargo shouldn't even be a news story anymore. Why would the CEO get any blame for that fiasco? It was all on the branch managers. What's accountability to hire-ups?

People misunderstood my original post.  Gus is just as much to blame as Dave.  I'm saying they both stink

Quote:I can't even blame Wash for this game. The defense did its job. I'd point my fingers towards the offense. When you get two turnovers on the opponents 30 yard line and walk away with 0 points.... it's not the defense.

Oh, yall are talking about today's game only..
Quote:Oh, yall are talking about today's game only..

If we're talking about the overall picture the entire coaching staff deserves to get canned.
Don't think so...Dave is fine for new GM, probably better than most.Everybody was excited by most every one of our draft picks and their college careers.

The FA pickups seemed to be spot on .

It's once they've gotten under gus and his minions that they seem to go off the rails.

This has GOT to stop.

I'm still fine with Caldwell.

I'd like to see a new coaching staff work with this roster + another DC draft.

There is a good deal of talent on this roster.

A coaching staff that can get them to play remotely disciplined football could have this team at 2/1 right now.
Devils advocate....It could be argued that Dave really isn't that great of a GM and most of the good picks have fallen into his lap.
Quote:Devils advocate....It could be argued that Dave really isn't that great of a GM and most of the good picks have fallen into his lap.

By fallen into his lap, do you mean that he just stood pat and drafted them? Because that's generally how good, and really all, GMs draft.


Caldwell also traded up to draft Allen Robinson, Brandon Linder, and Myles Jack who most believe will be key cogs on this roster.
But Caldwell hired Gus and continues to keep him.
Quote:But Caldwell hired Gus and continues to keep him.

This will be the last year for Gus.
Quote:But Caldwell hired Gus and continues to keep him.
This is a weak argument because for all we know Dave`s hands could be tied by Shad. "But but Protozoa Shad said he was gonna let the football people make the football decisions" I`m not buying it, Shad has a product to sell and people don`t like owners interfering. You could even argue that this really isn`t a football decision.
Quote:I'm still fine with Caldwell.

I'd like to see a new coaching staff work with this roster + another DC draft.

There is a good deal of talent on this roster.

A coaching staff that can get them to play remotely disciplined football could have this team at 2/1 right now.

Agreed. Even just a competent coaching staff wins the Green Bay and today's game.
Quote:This is a weak argument because for all we know Dave`s hands could be tied by Shad. "But but Protozoa Shad said he was gonna let the football people make the football decisions" I`m not buying it, Shad has a product to sell and people don`t like owners interfering. You could even argue that this really isn`t a football decision.

Yeah. As frustrating as it is, you gotta keep Gus through the year. It shows other coaches you are willing to give them time to right the ship. A big time coach is not willing to come to a program that won't show faith in them.
Caldwell should fire him self. Eagles with new coach and rookie QB 3-0. Jags, still under the rebuild plan in year 4
Quote:Caldwell should fire him self. Eagles with new coach and rookie QB 3-0. Jags, still under the rebuild plan in year 4
Yeah lets start over and rebuild for another 2 years it`ll be great.
Quote:By fallen into his lap, do you mean that he just stood pat and drafted them? Because that's generally how good, and really all, GMs draft.

Caldwell also traded up to draft Allen Robinson, Brandon Linder, and Myles Jack who most believe will be key cogs on this roster.

My devils advocate point is that maybe he is just an average GM. Isn't a guy drafting in the top 7 his entire tenure as GM kind of expected to accumulate some talent? Yes, the move for Robinson was good, but it is becoming a fair question in my opinion. I am also throwing out his colossal failure of a 1st draft in my hypothetical argument as well.
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