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(11-07-2020, 03:43 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 01:53 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Does this explain the down-ballot issues in the same states? When you compare Biden in these swing states to EVERY other state in the country, there is a difference between Joe Biden and the democratic candidates down-ballot. This can't be explained by Republicans that voted for Joe, because it's a disparity of numbers on the total votes. Meaning that there are hundreds of thousands of ballots in swing states only where no one voted for a candidate for the Senate or House. Only for Joe. This isn't occurring in other blue counties. Oh, btw, it's also just in the few counties with the huge irregularities. So this grassroots campaign forgot to tell these voters to vote for all democrats?

I don't find this odd at all. There was one race for the House on my ballot that I left blank as well. It was a Muslim woman with extremely left leaning ideas vs. a right wing nut job. I wasn't gonna endorse either one of them, so I left that section blank. I also know many people (unfortunately,) that don't educate themselves about candidates running for senate or the house or any other local races. They only pay attention to the presidential election, so that's all that they vote for. It's actually extremely common and it drives me nuts! People need to start taking these other races seriously, because sooner or later the candidates you ignore who get voted into the local offices, turn into candidates like Biden and Trump and we stay in a constant flux of chaos. These two old farts should've never been the last candidates standing in the first place.

You aren't getting the statistical anomaly side of this. If it were occurring everywhere I would totally agree with you. My first thought was that it was young people or the politically disinterested that showed up just vote Trump out, but I couldn't find a similar trend in other counties. I had to look at district races in states that didn't have a senator on the ballot, but you don't see that happening anywhere else but those few counties.
(11-07-2020, 03:46 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 03:43 PM)TheO-LineMatters Wrote: [ -> ]I don't find this odd at all. There was one race for the House on my ballot that I left blank as well. It was a Muslim woman with extremely left leaning ideas vs. a right wing nut job. I wasn't gonna endorse either one of them, so I left that section blank. I also know many people (unfortunately,) that don't educate themselves about candidates running for senate or the house or any other local races. They only pay attention to the presidential election, so that's all that they vote for. It's actually extremely common and it drives me nuts! People need to start taking these other races seriously, because sooner or later the candidates you ignore who get voted into the local offices, turn into candidates like Biden and Trump and we stay in a constant flux of chaos. These two old farts should've never been the last candidates standing in the first place.

You aren't getting the statistical anomaly side of this. If it were occurring everywhere I would totally agree with you. My first thought was that it was young people or the politically disinterested that showed up just vote Trump out, but I couldn't find a similar trend in other counties. I had to look at district races in states that didn't have a senator on the ballot, but you don't see that happening anywhere else but those few counties.

So what?  You are suggesting improper behavior with zero evidence other than statistical anomalies.  Maybe it had something to do with the ballots themselves?  Or the grassroots educational efforts in specific counties.  You're trying to suggest impropriety with zero evidence.
(11-07-2020, 03:41 PM)NeptuneBeachBum Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 03:38 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]That's a garbage way to debate. But glad you could concede my point. If  you want to debate something else, we can do it in another thread.

Its only garbage from your perspective because logic is not on your side.  Their is more credibility to the SDNY's investigation than yours; and it will result in a real outcome.  You're just looking to find something controversial; they have already found something and are looking for unequivocal proof of guilt.

Stop talking about logic if you're not going to apply it yourself. Every single instance has it's own unique set of circumstances. SDNY's investigation is going to be uniquely different than what I am discussing, which includes the evidence specific to that case. I am not going to go down a rabbit trail arguing something that is distinctly different from this argument. You are bringing literally no evidence to support  your position, and, instead, you are relying on rhetoric to "win" the argument. Not interested. You want to talk about a completely different investigation, make a new thread, and we'll discuss it. I am making a case for reasonable suspicion by disparities unique to a few counties. I have not said there is fraud, only that it is suspicious and worthy of a closer look. You aren't refuting anything with evidence like historical examples. The one time you have referenced with Abrams I have conceded as a plausible explanation. This is an argument in a box, and your attempt to bring in an outside event to justify your position. Sorry if I don't take the bait. Don't be a tool.

Statistical anomalies are relevant when trying to deduce outcomes.
(11-07-2020, 03:55 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 03:41 PM)NeptuneBeachBum Wrote: [ -> ]Its only garbage from your perspective because logic is not on your side.  Their is more credibility to the SDNY's investigation than yours; and it will result in a real outcome.  You're just looking to find something controversial; they have already found something and are looking for unequivocal proof of guilt.

Stop talking about logic if you're not going to apply it yourself. Every single instance has it's own unique set of circumstances. SDNY's investigation is going to be uniquely different than what I am discussing, which includes the evidence specific to that case. I am not going to go down a rabbit trail arguing something that is distinctly different from this argument. You are bringing literally no evidence to support  your position, and, instead, you are relying on rhetoric to "win" the argument. Not interested. You want to talk about a completely different investigation, make a new thread, and we'll discuss it. I am making a case for reasonable suspicion by disparities unique to a few counties. I have not said there is fraud, only that it is suspicious and worthy of a closer look. You aren't refuting anything with evidence like historical examples. The one time you have referenced with Abrams I have conceded as a plausible explanation. This is an argument in a box, and your attempt to bring in an outside event to justify your position. Sorry if I don't take the bait. Don't be a tool.

Statistical anomalies are relevant when trying to deduce outcomes.

Absolutely they are.  But they are meaningless without context.  Your bias places you at a disadvantage to apply any real logic and give them any.  I have already provided context with Abrams grassroots efforts to support my logic; you have provided no context to support your "suspicions". If these significant statistical differences do exist and you think it is something beyond what I postulated... then make your case. Otherwise, you're just contributing to conspiracy theory QAnon non-sense.
Everything can't be explained away by bias. Every person that comes here has a bias. Obviously, I have some bias, but I listen to both the conspiracies and the people that debunk them. I am focusing on the stuff that isn't being discussed, and following the data. Something seems off, and I'm open to being corrected. Present some kind of fact that undermines my post or stop posting about it. I have sited 4 different instances in swing states that occurred in only a couple counties that don't fit the pattern in the rest of the country or even other blue counties within the same state. There are down ballot irregularities, abnormal voter turnout increase, and a slew of other issues that raise alarm bells, again, only in about 8 counties. The rest of the country follows similar patterns. You gave the example of Abrams, to which I conceded could be a logical reason for the rise in GA counties, but doesn't explain the others, and you have said that's just my bias. That's not an adequate rebuttal, and neither is "probably just a good grassroot campaign."

Right now, there are 10k voters in MI that were turned down after being turned in because they were all dead. Now, I am not going to verify all 10k, but my friend and I, randomly selected 20, verified them against the absentee ballot, and checked their death against the Social Security Index, and all of them checked out, so I'm going to assume that it's accurate. MI officials say it was most likely a glitch, but voters in MI had to register for an application, return the application, then be sent a ballot, then return the ballot in MI. I have no idea who those people actually tried to vote for, since those ballots get thrown out (which is good). However, that's not my point. Either the system glitched and mistakenly sent dead people ballots and the residents that received them are very dishonest, politically active people, or someone or group was actively looking to expand their voter base. It would be nice to be able to see if there was a pattern in who those dead people voted for, wouldn't it? If it's fairly evenly split, probably not a big deal. If it's one sided, it's probably fraud. 10k is not a small amount.

Also, another interesting point is that Republicans actually requested and returned more mail-in ballots in MI, so a lot of the narrative that Republicans didn't vote by mail is out the window. With Trump up the night of the election (which assumes he won the day, but I admittedly have no way of knowing that), Joe Biden would have had to received almost all of the independent votes from mail in ballots to end up with the numbers he did. Just a lot of odd stuff when you're looking at the numbers.
Calling everyone you disagree with a QAnon conspiracy theorist is boring and unoriginal.
(11-07-2020, 05:45 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]Calling everyone you disagree with a QAnon conspiracy theorist is boring and unoriginal.

They lack originality. They have been waiting 4 years to say "you're fired " for [BLEEP] sake.

I have never met a witty liberal.
(11-07-2020, 05:44 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Everything can't be explained away by bias. Every person that comes here has a bias. Obviously, I have some bias, but I listen to both the conspiracies and the people that debunk them. I am focusing on the stuff that isn't being discussed, and following the data. Something seems off, and I'm open to being corrected. Present some kind of fact that undermines my post or stop posting about it. I have sited 4 different instances in swing states that occurred in only a couple counties that don't fit the pattern in the rest of the country or even other blue counties within the same state. There are down ballot irregularities, abnormal voter turnout increase, and a slew of other issues that raise alarm bells, again, only in about 8 counties. The rest of the country follows similar patterns. You gave the example of Abrams, to which I conceded could be a logical reason for the rise in GA counties, but doesn't explain the others, and you have said that's just my bias. That's not an adequate rebuttal, and neither is "probably just a good grassroot campaign."

Right now, there are 10k voters in MI that were turned down after being turned in because they were all dead. Now, I am not going to verify all 10k, but my friend and I, randomly selected 20, verified them against the absentee ballot, and checked their death against the Social Security Index, and all of them checked out, so I'm going to assume that it's accurate. MI officials say it was most likely a glitch, but voters in MI had to register for an application, return the application, then be sent a ballot, then return the ballot in MI. I have no idea who those people actually tried to vote for, since those ballots get thrown out (which is good). However, that's not my point. Either the system glitched and mistakenly sent dead people ballots and the residents that received them are very dishonest, politically active people, or someone or group was actively looking to expand their voter base. It would be nice to be able to see  if there was a pattern in who those dead people voted for, wouldn't it? If it's fairly evenly split, probably not a big deal. If it's one sided, it's probably fraud. 10k is not a small amount.

Also, another interesting point is that Republicans actually requested and returned more mail-in ballots in MI, so a lot of the narrative that Republicans didn't vote by mail is out the window. With Trump up the night of the election (which assumes he won the day, but I admittedly have no way of knowing that), Joe Biden would have had to received almost all of the independent votes from mail in ballots to end up with the numbers he did. Just a lot of odd stuff when you're looking at the numbers.

Do you remember when most applied for and sent the ballots? I checked two and saw that they applied and sent the ballot within a week of each other.
(11-07-2020, 05:49 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 05:44 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Everything can't be explained away by bias. Every person that comes here has a bias. Obviously, I have some bias, but I listen to both the conspiracies and the people that debunk them. I am focusing on the stuff that isn't being discussed, and following the data. Something seems off, and I'm open to being corrected. Present some kind of fact that undermines my post or stop posting about it. I have sited 4 different instances in swing states that occurred in only a couple counties that don't fit the pattern in the rest of the country or even other blue counties within the same state. There are down ballot irregularities, abnormal voter turnout increase, and a slew of other issues that raise alarm bells, again, only in about 8 counties. The rest of the country follows similar patterns. You gave the example of Abrams, to which I conceded could be a logical reason for the rise in GA counties, but doesn't explain the others, and you have said that's just my bias. That's not an adequate rebuttal, and neither is "probably just a good grassroot campaign."

Right now, there are 10k voters in MI that were turned down after being turned in because they were all dead. Now, I am not going to verify all 10k, but my friend and I, randomly selected 20, verified them against the absentee ballot, and checked their death against the Social Security Index, and all of them checked out, so I'm going to assume that it's accurate. MI officials say it was most likely a glitch, but voters in MI had to register for an application, return the application, then be sent a ballot, then return the ballot in MI. I have no idea who those people actually tried to vote for, since those ballots get thrown out (which is good). However, that's not my point. Either the system glitched and mistakenly sent dead people ballots and the residents that received them are very dishonest, politically active people, or someone or group was actively looking to expand their voter base. It would be nice to be able to see  if there was a pattern in who those dead people voted for, wouldn't it? If it's fairly evenly split, probably not a big deal. If it's one sided, it's probably fraud. 10k is not a small amount.

Also, another interesting point is that Republicans actually requested and returned more mail-in ballots in MI, so a lot of the narrative that Republicans didn't vote by mail is out the window. With Trump up the night of the election (which assumes he won the day, but I admittedly have no way of knowing that), Joe Biden would have had to received almost all of the independent votes from mail in ballots to end up with the numbers he did. Just a lot of odd stuff when you're looking at the numbers.

Do you remember when most applied for and sent the ballots? I checked two and saw that they applied and sent the ballot within a week of each other.

So you think you can vote twice?  That's just cluelessness about how the procedures work.  And the election conspiracy theory is a QAnon conspiracy... so its appropriate.  Whether it encapsulates you specifically is immaterial. And I don't care if you are bored by it. lol

(11-07-2020, 05:44 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Everything can't be explained away by bias. Every person that comes here has a bias. Obviously, I have some bias, but I listen to both the conspiracies and the people that debunk them. I am focusing on the stuff that isn't being discussed, and following the data. Something seems off, and I'm open to being corrected. Present some kind of fact that undermines my post or stop posting about it. I have sited 4 different instances in swing states that occurred in only a couple counties that don't fit the pattern in the rest of the country or even other blue counties within the same state. There are down ballot irregularities, abnormal voter turnout increase, and a slew of other issues that raise alarm bells, again, only in about 8 counties. The rest of the country follows similar patterns. You gave the example of Abrams, to which I conceded could be a logical reason for the rise in GA counties, but doesn't explain the others, and you have said that's just my bias. That's not an adequate rebuttal, and neither is "probably just a good grassroot campaign."

Right now, there are 10k voters in MI that were turned down after being turned in because they were all dead. Now, I am not going to verify all 10k, but my friend and I, randomly selected 20, verified them against the absentee ballot, and checked their death against the Social Security Index, and all of them checked out, so I'm going to assume that it's accurate. MI officials say it was most likely a glitch, but voters in MI had to register for an application, return the application, then be sent a ballot, then return the ballot in MI. I have no idea who those people actually tried to vote for, since those ballots get thrown out (which is good). However, that's not my point. Either the system glitched and mistakenly sent dead people ballots and the residents that received them are very dishonest, politically active people, or someone or group was actively looking to expand their voter base. It would be nice to be able to see  if there was a pattern in who those dead people voted for, wouldn't it? If it's fairly evenly split, probably not a big deal. If it's one sided, it's probably fraud. 10k is not a small amount.

Also, another interesting point is that Republicans actually requested and returned more mail-in ballots in MI, so a lot of the narrative that Republicans didn't vote by mail is out the window. With Trump up the night of the election (which assumes he won the day, but I admittedly have no way of knowing that), Joe Biden would have had to received almost all of the independent votes from mail in ballots to end up with the numbers he did. Just a lot of odd stuff when you're looking at the numbers.

I already have... and you agreed with it.  And yet, you are still here. The logic would be the same with grassroots campaigns in other swing state counties. Seems obvious.

"Right now, there are 10k voters in MI that were turned down after being turned in because they were all dead." If this is true, then good! The system worked. There have only been a handful of cases of fraud nationally. The one's I have heard of were Republicans... but I am sure there are Democrats as well. Neither in a scale that could effect any result.

If the mail in votes were counted first, this would not have even been perceived as a close election, and would have been called the evening of November 3rd.
(11-07-2020, 05:47 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 05:45 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]Calling everyone you disagree with a QAnon conspiracy theorist is boring and unoriginal.

They lack originality. They have been waiting 4 years to say "you're fired " for [BLEEP] sake.

I have never met a witty liberal.

Well good thing I'm not a liberal.  I'm a conservative that understands enough that Trump was a disaster for the country and democracy in general.
I didn’t say anything about voting twice. You should read it more carefully if you want to talk about cluelessness. Also, if that’s the argument style you choose, then I should simply call you a socialist every time you post. Whether it incapsulates you is immaterial, right?

Were democrats QAnons when they pushed the idea that Trump got into office because of Russian election interference or does it only work for you?
(11-07-2020, 06:05 PM)NeptuneBeachBum Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 05:47 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]They lack originality. They have been waiting 4 years to say "you're fired " for [BLEEP] sake.

I have never met a witty liberal.

Well good thing I'm not a liberal.  I'm a conservative that understands enough that Trump was a disaster for the country and democracy in general.

No wars. Ended ISIS. Keeping a watchful eye on new administrations foreign policy. Few things to watch. 

1. Will KJU "test" us again by launching over Japan again?
2. What happens with China? Will he release tarrifs?
3. Will he impact all the peace deals Trump brokered?
4. Will we go back to hating Israel as we did for 8 years of Obama/Biden?
5. Will he increase troops in the middle east or withdraw?

So much to watch. If he becomes incapacitated, Kamala has zero foreign policy chops. 

Will be interesting to watch.
(11-07-2020, 06:07 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]I didn’t say anything about voting twice. You should read it more carefully if you want to talk about cluelessness. Also, if that’s the argument style you choose, then I should simply call you a socialist every time you post. Whether it incapsulates you is immaterial, right?

Were democrats QAnons when they pushed the idea that Trump got into office because of Russian election interference or does it only work for you?

So I'm a conservative socialist?  I'm not sure you understand what the word "socialist" means then.

No... the Trump election interference was based on presented facts.  The Mueller Report did not exonerate the president.   He was impeached by the House, not by the senate.  It was partisan politics with no trial, but facts were presented.  QAnon is baseless and factless non-sense that no self-respecting person would believe (but there appears to be several on this message board)  lmao

(11-07-2020, 06:11 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 06:05 PM)NeptuneBeachBum Wrote: [ -> ]Well good thing I'm not a liberal.  I'm a conservative that understands enough that Trump was a disaster for the country and democracy in general.

No wars. Ended ISIS. Keeping a watchful eye on new administrations foreign policy. Few things to watch. 

1. Will KJU "test" us again by launching over Japan again?
2. What happens with China? Will he release tarrifs?
3. Will he impact all the peace deals Trump brokered?
4. Will we go back to hating Israel as we did for 8 years of Obama/Biden?
5. Will he increase troops in the middle east or withdraw?

So much to watch. If he becomes incapacitated, Kamala has zero foreign policy chops. 

Will be interesting to watch.

Other than stoking a civil war, yah... great job.
(11-07-2020, 06:13 PM)NeptuneBeachBum Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 06:07 PM)JagNGeorgia Wrote: [ -> ]I didn’t say anything about voting twice. You should read it more carefully if you want to talk about cluelessness. Also, if that’s the argument style you choose, then I should simply call you a socialist every time you post. Whether it incapsulates you is immaterial, right?

Were democrats QAnons when they pushed the idea that Trump got into office because of Russian election interference or does it only work for you?

So I'm a conservative socialist?  I'm not sure you understand what the word "socialist" means then.

No... the Trump election interference was based on presented facts.  The Mueller Report did not exonerate the president.   He was impeached by the House, not by the senate.  It was partisan politics with no trial, but facts were presented.  QAnon is baseless and factless non-sense that no self-respecting person would believe (put there appears to be several on this message board)  lmao

(11-07-2020, 06:11 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]No wars. Ended ISIS. Keeping a watchful eye on new administrations foreign policy. Few things to watch. 

1. Will KJU "test" us again by launching over Japan again?
2. What happens with China? Will he release tarrifs?
3. Will he impact all the peace deals Trump brokered?
4. Will we go back to hating Israel as we did for 8 years of Obama/Biden?
5. Will he increase troops in the middle east or withdraw?

So much to watch. If he becomes incapacitated, Kamala has zero foreign policy chops. 

Will be interesting to watch.

Other than stoking a civil war, yah... great job.

You think this is a civil war?

You say he was terrible but he was actually pretty dang good. He has 3 Nobel peace prize nominations. 

You can hate him, but he did a good job.
(11-07-2020, 06:16 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 06:13 PM)NeptuneBeachBum Wrote: [ -> ]So I'm a conservative socialist?  I'm not sure you understand what the word "socialist" means then.

No... the Trump election interference was based on presented facts.  The Mueller Report did not exonerate the president.   He was impeached by the House, not by the senate.  It was partisan politics with no trial, but facts were presented.  QAnon is baseless and factless non-sense that no self-respecting person would believe (put there appears to be several on this message board)  lmao

Other than stoking a civil war, yah... great job.

You think this is a civil war?

You say he was terrible but he was actually pretty dang good. He has 3 Nobel peace prize nominations. 

You can hate him, but he did a good job.

No... not a Civil War.  But was stoking the flames while the country was literally burning.

Anyone can get nominated for Nobel prizes by his political allies... he will not win any.

I have less a problem with his policies than I do with his general behavior.  His divisive nature was poisonous to our county... he did not do a good job.  He was an [BLEEP]hole to the majority of Americans... that's why he lost. Look at the celebrations in the streets.  You think they are happy for getting Biden?  Or ecstatic that the idiot is out?
You've already misread twice, just on this page. Divisive is two sided. You're showing your stripes. Talk about bias...
(11-07-2020, 06:25 PM)NeptuneBeachBum Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 06:16 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]You think this is a civil war?

You say he was terrible but he was actually pretty dang good. He has 3 Nobel peaceyr prize nominations. 

You can hate him, but he did a good job.

No... not a Civil War.  But was stoking the flames while the country was literally burning.

Anyone can get nominated for Nobel prizes by his political allies... he will not win any.

I have less a problem with his policies than I do with his general behavior.  His divisive nature was poisonous to our county... he did not do a good job.  He was an [BLEEP]hole to the majority of Americans... that's why he lost.  Look at the celebrations in the streets.  You think they are happy for getting Biden?  Or ecstatic that the idiot is out?

70 million pissed off Republicans.  No broken windows. Drop the stroking civil war mularkey. Aren't you concerned about covid? Havent heard you shun these celebrators one time.

(11-07-2020, 07:31 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]You've already misread twice, just on this page. Divisive is two sided. You're showing your stripes. Talk about bias...

Its mikesez. Join date & writing style are dead matches.
(11-07-2020, 07:59 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 07:31 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]You've already misread twice, just on this page. Divisive is two sided. You're showing your stripes. Talk about bias...

Its mikesez. Join date & writing style are dead matches.

(11-07-2020, 09:05 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 07:59 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]

Its mikesez. Join date & writing style are dead matches.


Welcome back to the non-incognito mode browser.
(11-07-2020, 07:31 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]You've already misread twice, just on this page. Divisive is two sided. You're showing your stripes. Talk about bias...

Divisive was one-sided with Trump.  Biden has spoken consistently about attempts to unite both sides... Trump openly threw gas on the flames.

And I am a conservative who has voted Republican every election until this year (so I guess you misread my earlier comments).  But I am 100% anti-Trump... so if that is a bias, I proudly admit it. Trump is a pathetic child. Can you imagine how bad conservatives would have got at Obama if he said and done any of the ridiculous things Trump does on a weekly basis? I mean, just about the military alone... complete disaster. History will not be kind to anyone who supported that clown.

(11-07-2020, 07:59 PM)StroudCrowd1 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2020, 07:31 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]You've already misread twice, just on this page. Divisive is two sided. You're showing your stripes. Talk about bias...

Its mikesez. Join date & writing style are dead matches.

Haha... nope.  But if by writing style you mean highly educated and intelligent, then we take that as a compliment.  You can go see my and Mikesez' spirited discussions on the football board about QBR a few days back.
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