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Full Version: BLM to Destroy Andrew Jackson Monument in New Orleans
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Quote:BLM is a failed ideology for two reasons:


1 - It is based on skin color.  But we can't change our skin color.  So nothing will change.


2 - It is based on hate.  Hate is like drinking poison and expecting the OTHER GUY to die. 
3- 99.9% of those involved are just dumb schmuks and pawns. There is a very small percentage getting rich on it at the hands of the rioting minions.


It's practically slavery in and of itself, and the participants are too dumb to see that they're being played by those who are supposed to have their interests at heart.
Quote:Do I think the statue should come down? Sure. But there's a proper way to do things.

I also think the Malcolm X statue in NYC should also come down for him and his racism.. Let's not cherry pick..
Or, better idea, let's not go tearing down monuments that link us to our past, no matter how good (or bad) that past was. 
Quote:Or, better idea, let's not go tearing down monuments that link us to our past, no matter how good (or bad) that past was.

I'm for that as well. Moreso than actually tearing anything down. But that's not gonna happen because people need something to cry, whine and crusade about.
Ya'll is right.


Gen Nathan B. Westside, ret.
Quote:Ya'll is right.


Gen Nathan B. Westside, ret.

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