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We witnessed a perfect example of Gus's ineptitude and rigidity yesterday,  The Chargers game planned around Poz, isolating him on quicker receivers and getting him out of the box for run plays.  That is called "Game Planning".....We took no measures to react.....rigidity.


And what was our game plan?  What weakness in the Chargers defense did we try and exploit? What weakness in the opposing teams defense do we EVER try to exploit?  We don't.  We see the same offensive play calls every week....ineptitude.
Quote:This is an encapsulation of the Bradley error.  Have we seen in any of the three previous years anything come out of the extra week of preparation surrounding the "bye" week?  I think he treats it like vacation instead of preparation.  I know the restrictions in the CBA take away some of the practice time and it does hurt but I am not seeing progress.


This isn't about being blown out either.  As sad as this is to type, I could have taken yesterday's blow out if it wasn't so obvious that the stupid defensive scheme is unworkable and that it is a scheme the Head guy bought with him.  I can't take the broadcasters running down the Seahawk scheme comparisons week after week.


We don't affect the opposing QB.


We don't stop the run.


We can't cover the middle of the field.


We can't read and react.


It is almost like we don't do trend analysis or film work.  Rivers didn't even have to try very hard.

And that's felt like the trend since day one of his era. I feel like he's kept trying to fit square pegs into round holes and it's just not going to work. He's stubborn. He won't change his philosophy or scheme to better suit this team and his own interests. That's exactly why he's 12 - 38 as a football coach. You adapt or die in this profession. It's that simple. He's fixing to see his head coaching career die. And I can't be sympathetic anymore. He's now been given fifty professional games as a head coach to show that he knows what he's doing. That he's capable of adapting his personnel and coaching style and staff into consistently winning. And all he's shown is an unflinching consistency to find ways to continuously lose year in and year out. Caldwell I think should be put on notice here too. Sure he's brought in some great personnel here and there but he's the one that committed to Bradley and he's the one that's whispering in that front office to Mr. Khan about Bradley's potential and why he deserved that contract extension. And how basically his first two years were a mulligan. Somehow those first thirty two games are scratch offs.


I respect the patience. I really do. I can admire and respect the fact that Caldwell and Khan probably sat down and said "Look, franchises like Cleveland, Oakland, Washington and Detroit have spent the past decade or so shuffling head coaches and general managers in and out of their front offices every two years. Let's try something different here and give this man four years". Well, it's year four, it's two games in. And I have absolutely no clue as to what to expect this Sunday here at home against Baltimore. Do we get the team we saw in the opener? With a win this time I hope? Or do we get the team that just laid an egg and completely broke down at every aspect of the game? That's what I am worried about. I could be dead wrong. I really could. Who knows? Maybe we beat Baltimore this weekend. We go across the pond and beat the clots in London and magically we're back to .500 with a 2 - 2 record going into the bye week with a reason to have some optimism.


But I sadly don't have faith in him anymore. And I hate to say this too. But as I cited earlier. If this team goes 0 - 4 and Bradley still has his job come week six. These fans are going to start questioning whether or not Mr. Khan truly cares about a winning product and a winning team. Or if he's just all about the money and prestige of having a franchise in his name. You can take your cute little swimming pools, and your little shaded cabanas and your giant video boards with you on the way out if that's the case. The fans didn't ask for that. The fans didn't want that. All this city needs is a winner. Bring us back the mid to late 90s again. That's all we're looking for.

Quote:Who do you hire to replace Gus?


We want a new coach. Should we call our old buddy Tom Coughlin? Ask Herm "The Squirm" Edwards to give up his cushy analyst gig? Is Bobby Bowden still alive?

I am fresh outta spare coaches, but I see JDR sitting pretty with the rest of those "hapless" Raiders.

We want a new coach. Should we call our old buddy Tom Coughlin? Ask Herm "The Squirm" Edwards to give up his cushy analyst gig? Is Bobby Bowden still alive?

I am fresh outta spare coaches, but I see JDR sitting pretty with the rest of those "hapless" Raiders.

I'd take Bobby Bowden over Gus.
Its all an elaborate plan to get us in London.

Look what Doug Marrone did for the Bills. You have to give him a shot.

The Jags are always a couple of steps behind other NFL teams.  


I would cut bait now.  What is the point of keeping this guy any longer.  The players clearly aren't responding to him.  All that talk about how much players love playing for Gus was just the local media blowing smoke up our [BLEEP].  


Who can possibly like playing for a coach who couldn't coach his way out of a wet paper bag?

Quote:I'd take Bobby Bowden over Gus.

Hell, I'd take Tommy, or Terry or, even (shudder) Jeff Bowden over this clown.
Quote:You can support the team and also question their decisions. You don't have to agree with everything they do to consider yourself a fan.

Gus has been an awful head coach. No one can defend him. Last year was the first real glimpse into how bad he was. 5 wins with that schedule is pathetic. He should be fired now because there is no reason to keep him.

  It's possible that the game being in San Diego,  not in Jacksonville or much closer than the West Coast bought Gus Bradley 2 more games to see if he can get things going.   Because the game was in San Diego,  it would have been much more difficult to make a HC change because of the combination of it being a late afternoon game ET and the long flight back.  


  Even if the Jags lose at home to the Ravens,  I don't think Gus Bradley will be fired the week of the game in London.   Especially,  after the problems the Lions had in London against the Chiefs ( 45-10 score ) last season after OC Joe Lombardi and two Offensive Line Coaches were fired 6 days before the game.   
Gus is the coach I wanted to like the most. Seems like a good and spirited man. It appears he is losing the locker room if it isn't lost already. I can see why we kept him around this long. In any case, the wheels are falling off really quick in this young season.

I think Bradley is losing respect around the league and he is probably no longer viewed as a defensive guru. The Chargers knew what to do from the get go, and they shoved it down our throats. I can almost see the Chargers OC giving very little input and gave Rivers carte blanche based on what he felt he can do. That was an easy day for them besides the injuries

I don't even know what they can do on defense, everyone looks so confused and out of position

The only way we can catch teams off guard on offense is to run hurry-up or our 2-minute offense
Some people just saw the writing on the wall a lot faster.

It's cool that others didn't. But I would have come to any thread and eaten crow for months if Gus actually proved me and the rest of the fire Bradley crew wrong.

On the flip side, some posters insulted those of us that saw what a dumpster fire Gus is. I haven't seen them posting this week...
Quote:Look what Doug Marrone did for the Bills. You have to give him a shot.

At this point how can you not give Marrone a shot? 


Quote:I think Bradley is losing respect around the league and he is probably no longer viewed as a defensive guru. The Chargers knew what to do from the get go, and they shoved it down our throats. ....

I don't even know what they can do on defense, everyone looks so confused and out of position....

who has ever seen a whiff of this coach being any kind of guru?


If you were Khan.....would you like to be paying 3.5 million for a guru and get this?

Quote:Some people just saw the writing on the wall a lot faster.

It's cool that others didn't. But I would have come to any thread and eaten crow for months if Gus actually proved me and the rest of the fire Bradley crew wrong.

On the flip side, some posters insulted those of us that saw what a dumpster fire Gus is. I haven't seen them posting this week...
Look, it's easy to say "we ought to fire the coach" and then when it finally happens, to say, "see, I was right all along..." Because 95% of NFL head coaches wind up getting fired. So of course, now you can crow about how you were right all along.

Heck, anyone can do that. I can say right now, "whoever we wind up hiring this offseason needs to be fired." And 19 times out of 20, I will eventually be able to say, "see, I was right and all of you were wrong."

So, get off your high horse.
Quote:Look, it's easy to say "we ought to fire the coach" and then when it finally happens, to say, "see, I was right all along..." Because 95% of NFL head coaches wind up getting fired. So of course, now you can crow about how you were right all along.

Heck, anyone can do that. I can say right now, "whoever we wind up hiring this offseason needs to be fired." And 19 times out of 20, I will eventually be able to say, "see, I was right and all of you were wrong."
First, you're a stand up guy for pointing out and taking the time to start this thread and put out there that you've come to terms with the suck that is Bradley.

But to decscribe those that were calling for Gus to be fired last year as one of, "even a broke clock is right twice a day". Is way off base and I take exception to that.

The ineptitude, lack of accountability, lack of preperation, lack of execution, and inability to adjust anything to the realities of any situation was clearly evident to many on this board by last year.

And a lot of those that were calling for his ouster were mocked and made fun of.

I think it's important to point this out because of that.

Of course almost every coach gets fired. The important thing is to recognize when to let go of incompetence. Gus should have been fired last year.

We're wasting yet another season because of the fact that this fact was not recognized sooner.

So man up and take your lumps.
Quote:So man up and take your lumps.


No need for fans that wanted success even in the face of bad performance to "take lumps." 


No one has to fan by your rules.  Wishing for a regime to right the ship despite evidence they steered it off course is something fans often do.  Everywhere. 

We don't all enjoy calling for heads to roll at the first or second (gulp) or third signs of danger.  That's not how many of us enjoy rooting of the team. 


There's nothing wrong with wanting a coach with a bad roster to finally pull it together when he has more talent to work with. Of cousre now we see plainly  that's not going to happen. 


No need for fans that wanted success even in the face of bad performance to "take lumps." 


No one has to fan by your rules.  Wishing for a regime to right the ship despite evidence they steered it off course is something fans often do.  Everywhere. 

We don't all enjoy calling for heads to roll at the first or second (gulp) or third signs of danger.  That's not how many of us enjoy rooting of the team. 


There's nothing wrong with wanting a coach with a bad roster to finally pull it together when he has more talent to work with. Of cousre now we see plainly  that's not going to happen. 

Ok, but you're acting like you or others have not berated people at times who questioned the coaching staff.  there were things that you could see very early and say, "hmm, this isnt right." not that i was necessarily one of them, but thats what he's talking about.
[Image: fall-off-the-wagon.png]

This team doesn't know how to win.  This coaching staff doesn't know how to win.  If the Coaches can't figure out how to win this season, they must be relieved of their duties.

Quote:I don't understand how we can prepare so well for the Packers then look so inept against the Chargers. We clearly expected to run the ball, but I have never seen that happen with Yeldon as the feature back. We also expected to draw outside coverages and given that we tried so many slants and screens - that didn't happen. Offensive adjustments? Didn't see them. Clock management down by 28 was pathetic - should have been in hurry up most of second half, when run, had some success. Defensive scheme- either it was completely wrong or the talent is horribly lacking to execute it. Perhaps both. I am so sick of this team looking so unprepared. It's an indictment on the coaches and coordinators. 0-2 with a 14% chance of playoffs, which Khan and Caldwell said were expectations. How much more do you need to see before you make a change?

Easy, the Jags literally had MONTHS to prepare for the Packers, different story when you only have a few days, its simply a sign of terrible coaching and game preparation. 
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