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Gus is about to coach against John harbaugh. Not a good match up .
Quote:Look, it's easy to say "we ought to fire the coach" and then when it finally happens, to say, "see, I was right all along..." Because 95% of NFL head coaches wind up getting fired. So of course, now you can crow about how you were right all along.


Yes, but only 1 person can claim they are the Worst Head Coach in the Modern NFL Era through 50 games.   Congrats Gus.


Quote:Ok, but you're acting like you or others have not berated people at times who questioned the coaching staff.  there were things that you could see very early and say, "hmm, this isnt right." not that i was necessarily one of them, but thats what he's talking about.
I'm not a big time "berater" in general unless someone is pushing their opinion with a lot of attitude and with disrespect to mine or someone else's.


That said -  I've called out posters who were blaming coaches for player's mistakes and for general lack of talent on the roster. I don't regret that. 


Now that it's looking like the talent on the roster isn't going to make a difference to this coaching staff, I glady, happily and humbly apologize to anyone who took grief from me in one of those particular posts where coaching may have indeed been the problem.

  There may have been a dozen such instances in the past two years. I'll own that. 


If that's "taking lumps" - so be it - but I don't apologize for being optimistic and patient.  That would be insane. 

No need for fans that wanted success even in the face of bad performance to "take lumps."

No one has to fan by your rules. Wishing for a regime to right the ship despite evidence they steered it off course is something fans often do. Everywhere.

We don't all enjoy calling for heads to roll at the first or second (gulp) or third signs of danger. That's not how many of us enjoy rooting of the team.

There's nothing wrong with wanting a coach with a bad roster to finally pull it together when he has more talent to work with. Of cousre now we see plainly that's not going to happen.
The final sentence was in responce to Marty's claim that I'm on some high horse.

Pointing out that many knew Gus was incompetent last year is not being on a high horse.

It's pointing out that we'd be in a much better situation as a team if we would have recognized what many here already did.

Again, I understand that hope is a powerful thing. As I said, I would have preferred a miracle. I would have eaten crow all year and would have been happy with it.

But I take exception to the insult that I'm on any high horse over the fact that Gus sucks and the season is on the brink of catastrophe.

Every sunday I want the jags to remind me of that magical 2007-2008 season. I'm tired of losing, I'm tired of putting in 3 hours a week to watch this mess, I'm tired of investing money into a recreational activity that results in frustration and anger.

There's no joy in being right about Gus. And that lumps statement was not directed at anyone other than Marty for his snide comment at me.
Quote:Yes, but only 1 person can claim they are the Worst Head Coach in the Modern NFL Era through 50 games.   Congrats Gus.



This fact hopefully will not be going away anytime soon. 
Quote:The final sentence was in responce to Marty's claim that I'm on some high horse.

Pointing out that many knew Gus was incompetent last year is not being on a high horse.

It's pointing out that we'd be in a much better situation as a team if we would have recognized what many hear already did.

Again, I understand that hope is a powerful thing. As I said, I would have preferred a miracle. I would have eaten crow all year and would have been happy with it.

But I take exception to the insult that I'm on any high horse over the fact that Gus sucks and the season is on the brink of catastrophe.

Every sunday I want the jags to remind me of that magical 2007-2008 season. I'm tired of losing, I'm tired of putting in 3 hours a week to watch this mess, I'm tired of investing money into a recreational activity that results in frustration and anger.

There's no joy in being right about Gus. And that lumps statement was not directed at anyone other than Marty for his snide comment at me.
All good. See my response to badger  above for clarity. 
Quote:All good. See my response to badger above for clarity.

You always came with supporting facts for your defense of the coaches. I never thought those types of discussions were berating or insulting.


No need for fans that wanted success even in the face of bad performance to "take lumps." 


No one has to fan by your rules.  Wishing for a regime to right the ship despite evidence they steered it off course is something fans often do.  Everywhere. 

We don't all enjoy calling for heads to roll at the first or second (gulp) or third signs of danger.  That's not how many of us enjoy rooting of the team. 


There's nothing wrong with wanting a coach with a bad roster to finally pull it together when he has more talent to work with. Of cousre now we see plainly  that's not going to happen. 
What he said. 
Gus Bradley: "All the intention is we have to get right. You are not defined by one game. If this brings us to the right places, then that’s my concern right now. To make sure this game, this experience that we had, elevates our play and takes us to the right place. . . . We’ll be fine. We’ll get back on this."


...12-38 (.240) That's not one game Gus...

Quote:Gus Bradley: "All the intention is we have to get right. You are not defined by one game. If this brings us to the right places, then that’s my concern right now. To make sure this game, this experience that we had, elevates our play and takes us to the right place. . . . We’ll be fine. We’ll get back on this."


...12-38 (.240) That's not one game Gus...

He is not understanding something. "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got"
I felt the D would be better, but still take a year to jell. Like the offense did. But the offense, not scoring until garbage time is pathetic.

I like Gus. Defended him. The next couple games are must wins for him. Decisive wins. Of course we gave up another home game, but that's the card he was dealt. He has to right this ship immediately or Khan has to piss can him. Has to. If he doesn't, next years ticket sales will plummet.

There have many games I've been disappointed in. Last week just flat out pissed me off.
Quote:This fact hopefully will not be going away anytime soon. 

We'll be setting records like Michael Phelps 

Worst Coach through 60 games

Worst Coach through 70 games

Worst Coach through 80 games

I've owned season tickets since 1995. My wife's name and mine are inscribed at the stadium with the other original season ticket holders. I've experienced the " joy of victory and the agony of defeat" as Wide World of Sports used to proclaim. I've sat in the stadium thru driving rain, chilling cold and oppressive heat and humidity, screaming my lungs out supporting this team.

Recently I attended the funeral of a cousin who died suddenly in New York. The entire family came from every corner of the country. But I left on Saturday last week, flying back to my home in North Carolina, so I could watch the Chargers game on tv. Fifteen minutes into the game, I regretted my decision to leave my family in New York. To those posters who admonish those of us who express their frustration on this board, I'm sorry........but just shut up! I've had it, and I think thousands of others have had it as well.

I don't expect a Super Bowl trophy. I just want a "W " every once in a while. I see other teams accomplishing turnarounds in 2-3 years, but not the Jaguars. Every year the hype begins in the off-season, builds to a crescendo by August, then dissipates by October into utter disappointment.

We calculated that we've spent over $100,000 in the 22 years that we've supported this team. We've experienced some great years, in '96 when the team made that great run in the playoffs; In '99 when we only lost 3 games........all to the Titans. And many others. But in the last 10 years, the frustration level has gradually increased every year.

For some strange reason, players who come here don't perform to their expectations. Whether they're free agent signees or drafted players, their play on the field quickly deteriorates to the point where they're cut.......or they end up with another team. In some cases, their performances improve with their new team.

Every week, I watch players who don't seem to take the game as seriously as the people sitting in the stands. Trailing by large scores, I' m amazed at our players smiling and joking with each other on the sidelines. Is this just a paycheck to them? Where is the pride? I think that the whole pay structure of professional sports is mostly to blame. Paying players today for expected results in the future seems to dull motivation.Some players put out super effort so that they can sign that second big contract.......then, guaranteed money in hand, they get lazy. Some franchises have figured this out and allow their star players to "test the free agency market ". Meanwhile, they sign new, younger players who are ready to put out that super effort.........

Well, sorry for the rant, but I needed to get some things off my chest.
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