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Quote:Do you see the irony in name calling the candidate you accuse of name calling?

Not in the slightest.
Quote:Do you see the irony in name calling the candidate you accuse of name calling?

People have criticized and labeled presidential candidates for 200 years. I don't recall any president in those 200 years regularly calling people stupid, crooked, liars, disgusting or even terrible. It isn't.. what's the word? ..presidential.
Quote:Just because you think you're not being hyperbolic on this doesn't mean you're not. You like to state your opinions as if they are proven facts.

I am just "believing" things that come out of his mouth. Am I doing it wrong?
Quote:Are you seriously still triggered?

Holy hell young man. Get yourself a bottle of lotion and a box of kleenex already

Trolling again? They say women often poop unintentionally when giving birth. I'll bet your mom wishes she took the turd home from the hospital.
Quote:People have criticized and labeled presidential candidates for 200 years. I don't recall any president in those 200 years regularly calling people stupid, crooked, liars, disgusting or even terrible. It isn't.. what's the word? ..presidential.

I like to consider Trump as applying labels rather than name calling. Answer honestly, has any label he has applied to an opponent been innacurate or false?
Quote:Trolling again? They say women often poop unintentionally when giving birth. I'll bet your mom wishes she took the turd home from the hospital.

Awwwwwww.. How precious.. Don't worry, it should pass.. Maybe you should wear a helmet just in case you pass out from anger. Don't wanna hit your head and cause more brain damage.
Quote:Trolling again? They say women often poop unintentionally when giving birth. I'll bet your mom wishes she took the turd home from the hospital.

Liberals really do have mean streaks. Wow.
Quote:Liberals really do have mean streaks. Wow.

And they call us Nazis hahaha
After "trolling the media" and getting a bunch of free press on Friday, Donald Trump got down to business and declared that he has been wrong for the past 5 years, and is now convinced that Barack Obama was actually born in the United States to an American citizen.


Sorry, of course that's not what he did.  The admitting he was wrong part, that is, he still trolled the media.


Instead, he claims the Hillary Clinton campaign spread the rumor back in 2008 during her first bid for the presidency, and he "finished it" by forcing Obama to release his birth certificate in 2011. 


Senator Obama had actually released his birth certificate in 2008, but not one to get roped in by rumors, Donald made sure to follow up, and claimed to send private investigators to Hawaii in 2011 to follow the cold case of Obama's birth.


He then consistently tweeted all sorts of garbage supporting "Birther's" arguments from 2011 to 2014.


So Donald has either been lying by denying he has been part of the Birther movement since 2011 when he "successfully compelled" the president to release his long form birth certificate or lying now that he is not a Birther.


So my question to the Birthers:  Do you feel betrayed by Donald?


My question to the Trumpettes:  How can your candidate, with a straight face, call anyone else a liar?


My question to everyone else:  ARE.. YOU... KIDDING.... ME?

Quote:Liberals really do have mean streaks. Wow.

But hey, Trumps the bad guy for saying stuff like this.
Quote:I like to consider Trump as applying labels rather than name calling. Answer honestly, has any label he has applied to an opponent been innacurate or false?
Without question. Happens all the time. Answer honestly, has any president or presidential candidate ever regularly hurled rude insults and put downs like Trump has for the past 30 years?
Quote:Liberals really do have mean streaks. Wow.

Donger just trolls. It's one thing to disagree or debate. He just wants to take pot shots and admits to not reading responses. Just giving back what tries to dish out.
Is Hillary crooked?

Yes.. Therefore.. Crooked Hillary..

Is Marco little? He's only 5'10 whereas DT is 6'2.. Therefore.. Little Marco..

Sounds like the truth hurts..
Quote:But hey, Trumps the bad guy for saying stuff like this.

Standards for leader of the free world should be set a little higher than message board banter, don't you think?
Quote:Liberals really do have mean streaks. Wow.
You realize Trump is "liberal" in many ways dont you?
Is anyone surprised?
Quote:Without question. Happens all the time. Answer honestly, has any president or presidential candidate ever regularly hurled rude insults and put downs like Trump has for the past 30 years?

You should read a few history books, Trump wishes he had the vocabulary and wit of the early Presidents.
Quote:Donger just trolls. It's one thing to disagree or debate. He just wants to take pot shots and admits to not reading responses. Just giving back what tries to dish out.

Easy there Kotex.. And no, I don't feel like reading a passage from the diary of a teenage drama queen. Did the ink run cause of the tears? Did you start to shake with anger and thought you were gonna turn green, only to poo yourself?
Quote:Is Hillary crooked?

Yes.. Therefore.. Crooked Hillary..

Is Marco little? He's only 5'10 whereas DT is 6'2.. Therefore.. Little Marco..

Sounds like the truth hurts..

And Trump is orange. So?

Does it mean we should accept this type of behavior from a president? We never have before.
Quote:And Trump is orange. So?

Does it mean we should accept this type of behavior from a president? We never have before.

Who the hell cares. Trump can be black, yellow, red, white or purple. Sounds like skin color is a MAJOR issue with you..
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