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Quote:Easy there Kotex.. And no, I don't feel like reading a passage from the diary of a teenage drama queen. Did the ink run cause of the tears? Did you start to shake with anger and thought you were gonna turn green, only to poo yourself?

You are a simple troll. And one with an inflated sense of your capabilities.

Ahhh.. I see the attraction to Trump now.
Quote:Who the hell cares. Trump can be black, yellow, red, white or purple. Sounds like skin color is a MAJOR issue with you..

Not even in my top ten issues with him.
Quote:You are a simple troll. And one with an inflated sense of your capabilities.

Ahhh.. I see the attraction to Trump now.

One of the differences between you and me? I know I can be a troll. You're still in denial...
Quote:Not even in my top ten issues with him.

Well, usually where there's smoke, there's fire..
By what?

1.) Hillary Clinton wanted to paint senator Obama as a non american born in Kenya. They have the emails sent out by her supporters. They also have the emails where her team wanted to paint him as a Muslim. They wanted to do the same thing to Bernie sanders about his Jewish heritage.

2.) he said he was born in America. What's the point?

3.) the demos did the same thing to George romney
Quote:And Trump is orange. So?

Does it mean we should accept this type of behavior from a president? We never have before.

Your ignorance is showing you "pot bellied mutton headed cucumber."
Quote:You realize Trump is "liberal" in many ways dont you?

No. These worshippers are the same people who whined for years about RINOs. And they are ignoring flip flopping, the fact he is hardly the conservative icon the GOP has modeled the party after. He even said if he ran, he would do so as a Republican because they're stupid. How's that for a self fulfilling prophecy?
Quote:Your ignorance is showing you "pot bellied mutton headed cucumber."

It is? So which president was it that commonly called people even "terrible" regularly in public comments? There's a long list of people he also called stupid and disgusting too. Was it Eisenhower? Ford? Nixon? Roosevelt? Bush? Obama?

The decorum of the position requires a minimal amount of tact and class which Trump lacks. You and I both know no president in our nation's history has ever hurled put downs and insults like this bully. Up until this election we would have never allowed it. But I'm just being ignorant I suppose for pointing this out.
Don't argue with winger he's an idiot. one if those people that's to dumb to realize he needs the government to tell him what to do. It's OK though well keep voting for the safe guards that protect him from himself. Freedom dosent suit you winger people like you need big government. Freedom is more for people like me.
Quote:Well, usually where there's smoke, there's fire..

Which is why you won't see any tax returns any time soon.
Quote:You are a simple troll. And one with an inflated sense of your capabilities.

Ahhh.. I see the attraction to Trump now.


Quote:One of the differences between you and me? I know I can be a troll. You're still in denial...
Kotite.. got ya there. Give credit when its due


<a class="" href='http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wingerdinger&defid=2343331'>wingerdinger</a>
In One Word: aubz 

A wingerdinger is a person who is loud, vague, and always says something when you don't want them to.
Quote:Don't argue with winger he's an idiot. one if those people that's to dumb to realize he needs the government to tell him what to do. It's OK though well keep voting for the safe guards that protect him from himself. Freedom dosent suit you winger people like you need big government. Freedom is more for people like me.

Why am I an idiot? Because I refuse to be triggered? Because I don't let people get under my skin and act like an oppressed teenager? If that's your reasoning, I guess I'm an idiot..
Quote:Kotite.. got ya there. Give credit when its due

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=wingerdinger&defid=2343331'>wingerdinger</a>

In One Word: aubz

A wingerdinger is a person who is loud, vague, and always says something when you don't want them to.

Good to see you Ringo..
The media is trollable. Why not have some fun with it? I would have made them wait 5 hours just for picking the most despicable profession on the planet.
Quote:Good to see you Ringo.
Alive and well. I didnt really want you to reply, but, "A wingerdinger is a person who is  always says something when you don't want them to."


You've used the term "triggered" an inordinate amount of times lately. Hope all is well
Quote:It is? So which president was it that commonly called people even "terrible" regularly in public comments? There's a long list of people he also called stupid and disgusting too. Was it Eisenhower? Ford? Nixon? Roosevelt? Bush? Obama?

The decorum of the position requires a minimal amount of tact and class which Trump lacks. You and I both know no president in our nation's history has ever hurled put downs and insults like this bully. Up until this election we would have never allowed it. But I'm just being ignorant I suppose for pointing this out.

Pick up a damn book if you want to know why you're wrong. Until he starts tossing around "drunken brawling murderer", "strutting peacock before a $24,000 mirror" or "son of a British Army prostitute" he isn't close to unacceptable or witty for a Presidential campaign.
Quote:Alive and well. I didnt really want you to reply, but, "<span style="background-color:rgb(247,247,247);">A wingerdinger is a person who is always says something when you don't want them to."</span>

<span style="background-color:rgb(247,247,247);">You've used the term "triggered" an inordinate amount of times lately. Hope all is well</span>

All is always well. Yeah I had to learn the lingo or the kiddies wouldn't understand me.. Totally different language these days..
Quote:Pick up a damn book if you want to know why you're wrong. Until he starts tossing around "drunken brawling murderer", "strutting peacock before a $24,000 mirror" or "son of a British Army prostitute" he isn't close to unacceptable or witty for a Presidential campaign.

Presidents may occasionally throw out a barb, and in the modern age, usually when they do they backtrack on it almost as quickly as it leaves their mouth with an apology. This guy attacks people publicly almost daily and has issued exactly one totally vague half apology. Sad.
Quote:Presidents may occasionally throw out a barb, and in the modern age, usually when they do they backtrack on it almost as quickly as it leaves their mouth with an apology. This guy attacks people publicly almost daily and has issued exactly one totally vague half apology. Sad.

Whether I agree with them or not, I'd rather see a person say something that they don't try to back track on it, or sugar coat than someone who takes pot shots at people but thinks it's okay as long as it's "sorry, not really sorry" afterwards.
Considering Hillary's 2008 campaign manager admitted that a coordinator in Iowa actually distributed an email questioning Obama's birth origin, and was subsequently fired, I'm curious to know how Trump has lied here. The actual lawsuit that was filed at the time was submitted by a Clinton supporting lawyer. Trump jumped into the birther fray long after that. So, it originated in the Clinton campaign when they started to realize this unknown, unaccomplished senator from IL was stealing her coronation in 2008.

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