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Cisco can make the play cause he’s not 20 yards down the field.
Wow Cisco has flashed on both plays that he's been in from what i've seen and another time with a huge block on special teams. Urban Meyer was a blockhead for not playing the draft picks
Bright spot of this year

Tyson Campbell.

that's it.
(12-19-2021, 04:34 PM)Doc Holliday904 Wrote: [ -> ]Look the guy they don’t want in the field

We gotta find a way to play him over Wingard the final 3 games.
(12-19-2021, 04:35 PM)Jags239 Wrote: [ -> ]Cisco can make the play cause he’s not 20 yards down the field.

He was the dime back, not the safety on that play
But it was still a good plat
(12-19-2021, 04:35 PM)Jags239 Wrote: [ -> ]Cisco can make the play cause he’s not 20 yards down the field.

Doug Marrone quote in your signature should be "And things of that nature"
Keep an eye on Little this drive
Shenault is so frustraiting. His RAC ability is cool but it just isn't worth the drops..
He's gotta hit that throw. He's missed a couple easy ones.
gotta make that throw Trevor
(12-19-2021, 04:37 PM)flgatorsandjags Wrote: [ -> ]Keep an eye on Little this drive

He did his job on 3rd down this time
And there we go
Shenault is so unreliable with his catching.
Horrible throw
Bro no one who watched that last play can defend Trevor. His accuracy is garbage I don't care how much you all want to dog on me for pointing out the obvious it is a joke. I am a die hard jaguar fan I want him to be good but [BLEEP] he cant throw a football consistently. period. not in question.
(12-19-2021, 04:37 PM)ChrisJagBoy Wrote: [ -> ]Shenault is so frustraiting. His RAC ability is cool but it just isn't worth the drops..

i agree with you but.... in this instance it's on our QB.
(12-19-2021, 04:38 PM)Eric1 Wrote: [ -> ]gotta make that throw Trevor

Makes me wonder if it's the damp ball, or something. That one just didn't have a chance of getting there.
That was a terrible throw by TLaw, he NEEDS to hit that 100% of the time.
Dang what a miss
Last two throws were bad. Shenault had it, but it was behind. That last one to Treadwell was fugly.
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