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Gas at $3.99 today, up 20 cents over yesterday and 50 cents over last week. We'll probably see $5 a gallon by St Patrick's Day.
(03-05-2022, 09:36 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Gas at $3.99 today, up 20 cents over yesterday and 50 cents over last week. We'll probably see $5 a gallon by St Patrick's Day.

It might even be higher than that. It was $3.79 where I live yesterday.
We saw $3.99/gallon today. That was regular unleaded. $5.06 for diesel.
(03-05-2022, 02:36 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]This might come off as bat [BLEEP] crazy but roughly two yeas ago when my son was born I decided to go on a diet. All I started doing was fasting 16 hours per day and counting calories. Then I started pushing myself to 20 - 23 hours in between my first and last meal. Then I finally started incorporating a 36 hour fast per week. So far I have dropped 54 pounds in total. This is with me being inconsistent at times due to family gatherings, vacations, being a new dad, not really working out consistently with cardio and weight lifting, etc.

Sometimes it's easy to say "[BLEEP] it. I am ordering pizza or take out tonight". However, that's gone up INSANELY. Ordering out now just seems like highway robbery for the food industry. Granted, everything sucks economically. But, DAMN. It's like damn near $30 anytime we went through a drive thru place or if we sat down you're looking at $50 or more. Also, with staff shortages. The quality of the food and service has gone down. So, prices are up, quality is down.

Have not seen anything like this before. Granted. I am only 33 years old. I circle back to what I mentioned earlier. It's just cheaper and easier to buy the ingredients yourself to combine to make an actual product you're craving. Pizza is very, very, very easy to make at home. The $30+ I see families spend weekly on pizza night, in some cases, twice a night? It's a head scratcher to me. For that same $60 I can buy flour, eggs, yeast, blocks of cheese, blocks of dry meat and stretch that into 10 or more pizza's.

Takes a little bit of time, patience and practice. However, it's a win-win. You're off your [BLEEP], you're in a kitchen burning calories to make a meal for yourself and your family. It balances out very nicely. The only product I won't skimp on is alcohol. I still get my good stuff that I like from Total Wine. I love Ale's and I love Mead's. It's just tough though right now. Seeing people struggle. Having diet restrictions due to genetics is a bummer as well.

Because, that is true. It's a whole hell of a lot cheaper to buy beans, rice and potatoes in bulk Vs. buying good quality meats and vegetables. This whole covid thing though had me developing a green thumb in my backyard. Starting off with just mild to hot peppers. Then maybe I'll try my hand at something a little bit more advanced. But, I started thinking about my long term health. The uncertainty of the world's future with these pandemics and politicians getting more and more concerning.

In a way. I would rather train my body and mind now to go extensive hours of time without eating anything in the event it means that my Son is able to have 3 - 10 more meals in his belly.

My husband does intermittent fasting and eats one meal a day plus one small snack. If he'd lay off the alcohol he would probably lose the last 15lbs he's aiming for. He was 220 a year ago and went keto/low carb and lost some weight then went to OMAD and IF and lost a bit more. He hovers around 195-200lbs. He does it to maintain the weight but also to prevent the diabetes gene his mom shared with him from kicking in. I honestly didn't think he would stick with it but he turned 50 last year and realized nothing will get easier the older he gets so he's stuck with it. 

I tried intermittent fasting and just ended up being hangry. I have digestive/gas issues since part of my sigmoid colon had to be removed in 2018 and can only eat certain foods which likely doesn't help with IF. I can eat any meat and most cooked veggies but I can't eat too much of the gas producing kind or else things get bad. Pain in my shoulders the gas build-up is so bad. Too many carbs causes silent reflux (which is not the same as acid reflux.) I went from being able to eat and drink whatever I wanted for 40+ years to having to watch everything I eat and drink. 

Thankfully the same way of eating (low carb) keeps us both from being miserable so I'm not having to cook two different meal plans. I miss some of my old recipes; specifically the winter one that has quinoa, black beans, a boatload of cheddar cheese, corn, onion, garlic and spices. Man. Cheesy Quinoa and Black Beans. So. Stinking. Good. 

It's amazing how much better you feel when you fuel your body properly. Solid nutrition and vitamins can change your life and it's different for everyone.
(03-06-2022, 12:06 AM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]We saw $3.99/gallon today. That was regular unleaded. $5.06 for diesel.

Some people are saying we should sanction Russian energy exports.  If we do that, the price of oil might go up to $150 a gallon.  I would guess in that case gas prices could go as high as $6 a gallon or more.  

We're kind of threading a needle.  We want Russia to pay a high enough price that it deters them from doing this again.  But we also don't want to cause a severe recession or even a depression in the Western world, and we don't want to make it hurt so bad Putin decides to really lash out and start WW3.  

My guess is that over the next few months, Putin smashes Ukraine to bits and takes over.  Then over a period of years, we learn to live with it.  There will be a new cold war.  Russia will be stuck trying to quell an insurgency very much like Afghanistan.
(03-05-2022, 09:36 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Gas at $3.99 today, up 20 cents over yesterday and 50 cents over last week. We'll probably see $5 a gallon by St Patrick's Day.

It's more than doubled since I moved out here in September 2020.  Was able to pay $1.89 for a few months when I first moved out.  $3.79 is the going rate now.  It'll keep going up.  Thank goodness I already got my airline tickets for my April and May vacations.
$4.06/gal for regular unleaded in the next county over and they're usually .10/gal cheaper than my county. That would cost $93 to fill my truck from empty. It's a good thing I never let it get below half a tank. At this point filling it at the half would be more expensive than it did 12 months ago.
4.19 at my closet station. Was 3.58 went up to 3.99 yesterday and today is 4.19.
Wasn't Bush's fault in 2008.
Isn't Biden's fault today.
If you need to blame someone, blame Putin.
(03-07-2022, 09:32 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]Wasn't Bush's fault in 2008.
Isn't Biden's fault today.
If you need to blame someone, blame Putin.

Bull, gas was already 70% higher than it was on Inauguration Day. This conflict might make it worse but Bidenflation started in 2021.
I think you can blame Biden for some of the overall inflation we've seen. The overall inflation's between 5 and 10 percent. It's too high, and it wouldn't be too high if not for some of the unforced errors Biden and the Dems made this year, but, it's not 70. Gas is up 70. Gas is doing its own thing.
Per AAA the price of gas in NC rose 37¢ on average in a week. Yep, I believe it. It was $3.49 on 25 Feb and $3.99 on 5 March at the station I always go to for fuel.
We're producing less oil in America, which is contributing to the high has prices. There are lots of things the U.S. could have done before the Ukraine invasion, like the Keystone pipeline and more drilling in Texas, Alaska, and the Dakotas. Heck, if Biden announced that he was willing to do this, that alone would calm the markets and bring prices down.

Anyone who doesn't think Biden bears responsibility for this mess is fooling themselves.
(03-08-2022, 02:01 AM)navyjagfan Wrote: [ -> ]We're producing less oil in America, which is contributing to the high has prices.  There are lots of things the U.S. could have done before the Ukraine invasion, like the Keystone pipeline and more drilling in Texas, Alaska, and the Dakotas. Heck, if Biden announced that he was willing to do this, that alone would calm the markets and bring prices down. 

Anyone who doesn't think Biden bears responsibility for this mess is fooling themselves.

In April 2020, oil future dropped to -$37 a barrel.  They were paying you -$37 to take possession of a barrel of oil.  Why didn't the Government at the time step in a buy a huge inventory of oil.  They could have continued to buy at $16 a barrel.
Biden is caught between 3 competing ideas: fighting inflation, cutting off Russian oil, and fighting climate change.

Cutting off Russian oil would would require a collective effort by all the Western democracies, not just the US. But if they managed to do that, the price of oil would probably go over $150 a barrel, and that would cause massive inflation and recession, and damage public support for helping Ukraine.

Presidents are often faced with a situation where they have to thread that needle. It's what made Lincoln such a great President: he managed to constantly balance competing interests.
(03-08-2022, 02:01 AM)navyjagfan Wrote: [ -> ]We're producing less oil in America, which is contributing to the high has prices.  There are lots of things the U.S. could have done before the Ukraine invasion, like the Keystone pipeline and more drilling in Texas, Alaska, and the Dakotas. Heck, if Biden announced that he was willing to do this, that alone would calm the markets and bring prices down. 

Anyone who doesn't think Biden bears responsibility for this mess is fooling themselves.

The government doesn't drill for oil. This isn't Norway or Venezuela or Saudi Arabia.
(03-08-2022, 10:27 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-08-2022, 02:01 AM)navyjagfan Wrote: [ -> ]We're producing less oil in America, which is contributing to the high has prices.  There are lots of things the U.S. could have done before the Ukraine invasion, like the Keystone pipeline and more drilling in Texas, Alaska, and the Dakotas. Heck, if Biden announced that he was willing to do this, that alone would calm the markets and bring prices down. 

Anyone who doesn't think Biden bears responsibility for this mess is fooling themselves.

The government doesn't drill for oil.  This isn't Norway or Venezuela or Saudi Arabia.

Nope.. the government just dictates that the oil we dig out isn't fit for US use but is perfectly content sending that overseas....
(03-08-2022, 10:32 AM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-08-2022, 10:27 AM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]The government doesn't drill for oil.  This isn't Norway or Venezuela or Saudi Arabia.

Nope.. the government just dictates that the oil we dig out isn't fit for US use but is perfectly content sending that overseas....

Waaait a minute.  The government dictates that the oil we dig out isn't fit for US use?  

Please explain that statement.
(03-08-2022, 10:39 AM)The Real Marty Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-08-2022, 10:32 AM)TrivialPursuit Wrote: [ -> ]Nope.. the government just dictates that the oil we dig out isn't fit for US use but is perfectly content sending that overseas....

Waaait a minute.  The government dictates that the oil we dig out isn't fit for US use?  

Please explain that statement.

The EPA decides what oil is deemed fit for US use, the rest we export to countries with less scrupulous environmental regulations.
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