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I know you can't seem to function without the quote function, but I don't waste my time when it's obvious. What point are you making by substituting Ronster for the MSM?
(04-15-2022, 07:21 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]I know you can't seem to function without the quote function, but I don't waste my time when it's obvious. What point are you making by substituting Ronster for the MSM?

I was trying to point out the irony in this thread.  If you don't get it, just forget about it.  It's not that important.  

Yes, I can function without the quote feature, but there are so many wacky posts in this thread, I figured you could have asked that question of several of the previous posts, so I wasn't sure.
I guess I just don't get the board's obsession with Ronster. Obviously, he is biased, but he's an insignificant figure in the big picture, and he's not wrong for pointing out this kind of blatant manipulation by an institution with actual power. We have a genuine problem with our media slanting information, and, quite frankly, if they would do their job, I think you'd see the Ronsters of the world start to chill out a bit. One groups hypocrisy + power is created a group of people who are beginning to radically push against that power. Ronster is just the cowbell. You should take his criticism seriously, even if they are one-sided and heavy-handed. He's not the MSM, and making that equivocation just seems odd to me, even if it was meant to be a joke.
(04-16-2022, 11:43 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]I guess I just don't get the board's obsession with Ronster. Obviously, he is biased, but he's an insignificant figure in the big picture, and he's not wrong for pointing out this kind of blatant manipulation by an institution with actual power. We have a genuine problem with our media slanting information, and, quite frankly, if they would do their job, I think you'd see the Ronsters of the world start to chill out a bit. One groups hypocrisy + power is created a group of people who are beginning to radically push against that power. Ronster is just the cowbell. You should take his criticism seriously, even if they are one-sided and heavy-handed. He's not the MSM, and making that equivocation just seems odd to me, even if it was meant to be a joke.

Ah so behavior is excused, or not, based on power dynamics.  That's kinda Marxist, don't you think?
Lol. Get the [BLEEP] out of here.
(04-16-2022, 12:32 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-16-2022, 11:43 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]I guess I just don't get the board's obsession with Ronster. Obviously, he is biased, but he's an insignificant figure in the big picture, and he's not wrong for pointing out this kind of blatant manipulation by an institution with actual power. We have a genuine problem with our media slanting information, and, quite frankly, if they would do their job, I think you'd see the Ronsters of the world start to chill out a bit. One groups hypocrisy + power is created a group of people who are beginning to radically push against that power. Ronster is just the cowbell. You should take his criticism seriously, even if they are one-sided and heavy-handed. He's not the MSM, and making that equivocation just seems odd to me, even if it was meant to be a joke.

Ah so behavior is excused, or not, based on power dynamics.  That's kinda Marxist, don't you think?

Cause and Effect… what some call “radical” others might say militant…
(04-16-2022, 12:32 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-16-2022, 11:43 AM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]I guess I just don't get the board's obsession with Ronster. Obviously, he is biased, but he's an insignificant figure in the big picture, and he's not wrong for pointing out this kind of blatant manipulation by an institution with actual power. We have a genuine problem with our media slanting information, and, quite frankly, if they would do their job, I think you'd see the Ronsters of the world start to chill out a bit. One groups hypocrisy + power is created a group of people who are beginning to radically push against that power. Ronster is just the cowbell. You should take his criticism seriously, even if they are one-sided and heavy-handed. He's not the MSM, and making that equivocation just seems odd to me, even if it was meant to be a joke.

Ah so behavior is excused, or not, based on power dynamics.  That's kinda Marxist, don't you think?

Cause and effect.  Remember it was not that long ago when Ronster was a lot less aggressive.  The constant double standard and bias perpetrated by the legacy media pushed him over the edge.  I get it but am still holding on that people like you and Marty will acknowledge that there is seriously something wrong with the establishment and we can all unite regardless of political affiliation.  The fringes are directing the narrative but the media has “we the people” so up in arms and fighting each other that we are too busy to notice.
Ronster has a responsibility to be informed and civil. We can agree that he's not civil on many occasions, and he is uninformed from time to time. We can agree that we would like that to change.

However, even if we agree to this, I still have two problems with the Mikey's and Marty's of the world. Firstly, just because he is wrong from time to time, and frequently uncivil, that doesn't mean he is wrong all the time. Secondly, and the one that is more important to me, is you guys love to spend your time attacking the person who has become disillusioned by the system even while acknowledging the system is broken. This is like attacking the bully at school because he gets beat by his dad. Your energy needs to be redirected. For people that claim to be empathetic, you are awfully quick to attack those who make you uncomfortable.

If we could all get the right focus, namely holding our institutions accountable via calls for transparency, impartialness, and principled practices, and then holding their feet to the fire either via boycotts and voting, we can fix the Ronsters.
(04-16-2022, 08:52 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Ronster has a responsibility to be informed and civil. We can agree that he's not civil on many occasions, and he is uninformed from time to time. We can agree that we would like that to change.

However, even if we agree to this, I still have two problems with the Mikey's and Marty's of the world. Firstly, just because he is wrong from time to time, and frequently uncivil, that doesn't mean he is wrong all the time. Secondly, and the one that is more important to me, is you guys love to spend your time attacking the person who has become disillusioned by the system even while acknowledging the system is broken. This is like attacking the bully at school because he gets beat by his dad. Your energy needs to be redirected. For people that claim to be empathetic, you are awfully quick to attack those who make you uncomfortable.

If we could all get the right focus, namely holding our institutions accountable via calls for transparency, impartialness, and principled practices, and then holding their feet to the fire either via boycotts and voting, we can fix the Ronsters.

Fix me huh? I’m not broken, the country is. I’m just fighting back with the same fervor and tactics the left uses and they hate it. ANTIFA, BLM, ignorant, brainwashed college kids, they can do, say and act anyway they want, but God forbid they get a taste of what they dish out. 

Meh, it’s in my nature to fight back. If fighting back is wrong, I don’t want to be right. LOL, I’m mild compared to what will be produced when it gets worse. 

I’m sorry if my words hurt anyones feelings or sensibilities, but you should get used to it, I’m not the outlier you’re making me out to be. I’m just willing to articulate it in a way that is designed to be offensive. I’m getting old, the younger generation will be much more offensive and hopefully effective. 

Theres no middle ground anymore, pick a side and play to win, or just shut up and get out the way. This is , as Andrew Breitbart said so eloquently, #war
(04-16-2022, 10:26 PM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-16-2022, 08:52 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Ronster has a responsibility to be informed and civil. We can agree that he's not civil on many occasions, and he is uninformed from time to time. We can agree that we would like that to change.

However, even if we agree to this, I still have two problems with the Mikey's and Marty's of the world. Firstly, just because he is wrong from time to time, and frequently uncivil, that doesn't mean he is wrong all the time. Secondly, and the one that is more important to me, is you guys love to spend your time attacking the person who has become disillusioned by the system even while acknowledging the system is broken. This is like attacking the bully at school because he gets beat by his dad. Your energy needs to be redirected. For people that claim to be empathetic, you are awfully quick to attack those who make you uncomfortable.

If we could all get the right focus, namely holding our institutions accountable via calls for transparency, impartialness, and principled practices, and then holding their feet to the fire either via boycotts and voting, we can fix the Ronsters.

Fix me huh? I’m not broken, the country is. I’m just fighting back with the same fervor and tactics the left uses and they hate it. ANTIFA, BLM, ignorant, brainwashed college kids, they can do, say and act anyway they want, but God forbid they get a taste of what they dish out. 

Meh, it’s in my nature to fight back. If fighting back is wrong, I don’t want to be right. LOL, I’m mild compared to what will be produced when it gets worse

I’m sorry if my words hurt anyones feelings or sensibilities, but you should get used to it, I’m not the outlier you’re making me out to be. I’m just willing to articulate it in a way that is designed to be offensive. I’m getting old, the younger generation will be much more offensive and hopefully effective. 

Theres no middle ground anymore, pick a side and play to win, or just shut up and get out the way. This is , as Andrew Breitbart said so eloquently, #war

I agree that you believe the things that are bolded, and you're not entirely wrong. The establishment allows more leeway to the left, and you have picked up on it and feel entitled to reciprocate. This is what creates the hostility. To the italicized point, you are the outlier. Your tolerance for being pushed around is smaller than most others, and you are lashing out in ways that MOST other people are not. You might not think you are broken, but you are the biproduct of a broken system, and adopting those measures is a form of brokenness. You would not behave like this if you believed there standards were being evenly applied. 

To the moderates on this board, this brokenness is what I have been referencing. Do you waste time on those who are being broken, or do you look to the source? If you don't demand impartiality of standards and root those standards in something measurable, things will get worse. Outside of us holding our institutions accountable, the only solution is for one side to capture power and politically persecute the other until there is no dissent, and a new norm is established. Maybe it's peaceful, maybe it isn't, but Ronster's right about the current political climate.

The people here who mock him are ignorant, not enlightened. That is not to say he's right to behave the way he does, but it shouldn't' be taken lightly.
(04-16-2022, 11:10 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-16-2022, 10:26 PM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]Fix me huh? I’m not broken, the country is. I’m just fighting back with the same fervor and tactics the left uses and they hate it. ANTIFA, BLM, ignorant, brainwashed college kids, they can do, say and act anyway they want, but God forbid they get a taste of what they dish out. 

Meh, it’s in my nature to fight back. If fighting back is wrong, I don’t want to be right. LOL, I’m mild compared to what will be produced when it gets worse

I’m sorry if my words hurt anyones feelings or sensibilities, but you should get used to it, I’m not the outlier you’re making me out to be. I’m just willing to articulate it in a way that is designed to be offensive. I’m getting old, the younger generation will be much more offensive and hopefully effective. 

Theres no middle ground anymore, pick a side and play to win, or just shut up and get out the way. This is , as Andrew Breitbart said so eloquently, #war

I agree that you believe the things that are bolded, and you're not entirely wrong. The establishment allows more leeway to the left, and you have picked up on it and feel entitled to reciprocate. This is what creates the hostility. To the italicized point, you are the outlier. Your tolerance for being pushed around is smaller than most others, and you are lashing out in ways that MOST other people are not. You might not think you are broken, but you are the biproduct of a broken system, and adopting those measures is a form of brokenness. You would not behave like this if you believed there standards were being evenly applied. 

To the moderates on this board, this brokenness is what I have been referencing. Do you waste time on those who are being broken, or do you look to the source? If you don't demand impartiality of standards and root those standards in something measurable, things will get worse. Outside of us holding our institutions accountable, the only solution is for one side to capture power and politically persecute the other until there is no dissent, and a new norm is established. Maybe it's peaceful, maybe it isn't, but Ronster's right about the current political climate.

The people here who mock him are ignorant, not enlightened. That is not to say he's right to behave the way he does, but it shouldn't' be taken lightly.

Give ‘em an inch…..I grew up watching the right “compromise and try to find middle ground. But the left took that as sign of weakness and abused the right, for years and years. Those days are over, now we take a stand and draw the preverbal line in the sand and say NO MORE!!

Let’s hope it’s not too little too late, ya?
Ya'll really need to stop letting politics run your lives, your thoughts and your decisions. That's the problem with this country. Neither side cares about you regardless of if you support them or not. Point, Blank and Period.
(04-17-2022, 12:07 AM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-16-2022, 11:10 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]I agree that you believe the things that are bolded, and you're not entirely wrong. The establishment allows more leeway to the left, and you have picked up on it and feel entitled to reciprocate. This is what creates the hostility. To the italicized point, you are the outlier. Your tolerance for being pushed around is smaller than most others, and you are lashing out in ways that MOST other people are not. You might not think you are broken, but you are the biproduct of a broken system, and adopting those measures is a form of brokenness. You would not behave like this if you believed there standards were being evenly applied. 

To the moderates on this board, this brokenness is what I have been referencing. Do you waste time on those who are being broken, or do you look to the source? If you don't demand impartiality of standards and root those standards in something measurable, things will get worse. Outside of us holding our institutions accountable, the only solution is for one side to capture power and politically persecute the other until there is no dissent, and a new norm is established. Maybe it's peaceful, maybe it isn't, but Ronster's right about the current political climate.

The people here who mock him are ignorant, not enlightened. That is not to say he's right to behave the way he does, but it shouldn't' be taken lightly.

Give ‘em an inch…..I grew up watching the right “compromise and try to find middle ground. But the left took that as sign of weakness and abused the right, for years and years. Those days are over, now we take a stand and draw the preverbal line in the sand and say NO MORE!!

Let’s hope it’s not too little too late, ya?

No one's taking a stand. You're just running your mouth in secret. You say you're playing the game their way, but you're all talk.
(04-17-2022, 08:02 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-17-2022, 12:07 AM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]Give ‘em an inch…..I grew up watching the right “compromise and try to find middle ground. But the left took that as sign of weakness and abused the right, for years and years. Those days are over, now we take a stand and draw the preverbal line in the sand and say NO MORE!!

Let’s hope it’s not too little too late, ya?

No one's taking a stand. You're just running your mouth in secret. You say you're playing the game their way,  but you're all talk.

Parents aren’t taking a stand? Voters took a stand and had it stolen from them. Some politicians are making a stand , you know like our Governor. Truckers, took a stand, the proud boys made a stand. Americans everywhere standing up and fighting back, in many different ways.

What do you stand for?
(04-17-2022, 10:20 AM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-17-2022, 08:02 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]No one's taking a stand. You're just running your mouth in secret. You say you're playing the game their way,  but you're all talk.

Parents aren’t taking a stand? Voters took a stand and had it stolen from them. Some politicians are making a stand , you know like our Governor. Truckers, took a stand, the proud boys made a stand. Americans everywhere standing up and fighting back, in many different ways.

What do stand for?

Uh huh, none of that it "you", you're just in hearing ranting to hear yourself yell at the cloud.
(04-17-2022, 10:58 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-17-2022, 10:20 AM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]Parents aren’t taking a stand? Voters took a stand and had it stolen from them. Some politicians are making a stand , you know like our Governor. Truckers, took a stand, the proud boys made a stand. Americans everywhere standing up and fighting back, in many different ways.

What do stand for?

Uh huh, none of that it "you", you're just in hearing ranting to hear yourself yell at the cloud.

Pretty bad when a Mod is acting like a troll..
(04-16-2022, 08:52 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Ronster has a responsibility to be informed and civil. We can agree that he's not civil on many occasions, and he is uninformed from time to time. We can agree that we would like that to change.

However, even if we agree to this, I still have two problems with the Mikey's and Marty's of the world. Firstly, just because he is wrong from time to time, and frequently uncivil, that doesn't mean he is wrong all the time. Secondly, and the one that is more important to me, is you guys love to spend your time attacking the person who has become disillusioned by the system even while acknowledging the system is broken. This is like attacking the bully at school because he gets beat by his dad. Your energy needs to be redirected. For people that claim to be empathetic, you are awfully quick to attack those who make you uncomfortable.

If we could all get the right focus, namely holding our institutions accountable via calls for transparency, impartialness, and principled practices, and then holding their feet to the fire either via boycotts and voting, we can fix the Ronsters.

I mostly ignore Ronster. If I have attacked him, or you, or FSG, it was never about my own discomfort.
It was probably because, in my opinion, maintaining a minimum level of consensus and civility is critical to preserving both the Republican Party and the Republic in general.
You guys make certain lines of argument from time to time that are totally pointless and have no effect other than undermining what holds this whole 230 year old experiment together.
I am genuinely worried about the US becoming a non-representative or non-democratic republic in my lifetime. 
And you are genuinely worried about... something else.  Marxists taking over or something.  Marxists taking over would be bad, but losing the ability to nonviolently influence government would be worse.
(04-17-2022, 01:08 PM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-17-2022, 10:58 AM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]Uh huh, none of that it "you", you're just in hearing ranting to hear yourself yell at the cloud.

Pretty bad when a Mod is acting like a troll..

Trolling? Because I'm calling your ranting the nonsense that it is? You're a Keyboard Commando, none of what you say is what you'd actually do.

Now tell me about how you're Sixfootfour of rock hard meanness and the world will collapse in the face of your presence.

(04-17-2022, 01:37 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-16-2022, 08:52 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]Ronster has a responsibility to be informed and civil. We can agree that he's not civil on many occasions, and he is uninformed from time to time. We can agree that we would like that to change.

However, even if we agree to this, I still have two problems with the Mikey's and Marty's of the world. Firstly, just because he is wrong from time to time, and frequently uncivil, that doesn't mean he is wrong all the time. Secondly, and the one that is more important to me, is you guys love to spend your time attacking the person who has become disillusioned by the system even while acknowledging the system is broken. This is like attacking the bully at school because he gets beat by his dad. Your energy needs to be redirected. For people that claim to be empathetic, you are awfully quick to attack those who make you uncomfortable.

If we could all get the right focus, namely holding our institutions accountable via calls for transparency, impartialness, and principled practices, and then holding their feet to the fire either via boycotts and voting, we can fix the Ronsters.

I mostly ignore Ronster. If I have attacked him, or you, or FSG, it was never about my own discomfort.
It was probably because, in my opinion, maintaining a minimum level of consensus and civility is critical to preserving both the Republican Party and the Republic in general.
You guys make certain lines of argument from time to time that are totally pointless and have no effect other than undermining what holds this whole 230 year old experiment together.
I am genuinely worried about the US becoming a non-representative or non-democratic republic in my lifetime. 
And you are genuinely worried about... something else.  Marxists taking over or something.  Marxists taking over would be bad, but losing the ability to nonviolently influence government would be worse.

You mean like when the 2020 election was stolen? That kind of losing the ability to nonviolently influence government?
(04-17-2022, 01:39 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-17-2022, 01:08 PM)Ronster Wrote: [ -> ]Pretty bad when a Mod is acting like a troll..

Trolling? Because I'm calling your ranting the nonsense that it is? You're a Keyboard Commando, none of what you say is what you'd actually do.

Now tell me about how you're Sixfootfour of rock hard meanness and the world will collapse in the face of your presence.

I mostly ignore Ronster. If I have attacked him, or you, or FSG, it was never about my own discomfort.
It was probably because, in my opinion, maintaining a minimum level of consensus and civility is critical to preserving both the Republican Party and the Republic in general.
You guys make certain lines of argument from time to time that are totally pointless and have no effect other than undermining what holds this whole 230 year old experiment together.
I am genuinely worried about the US becoming a non-representative or non-democratic republic in my lifetime. 
And you are genuinely worried about... something else.  Marxists taking over or something.  Marxists taking over would be bad, but losing the ability to nonviolently influence government would be worse.

You mean like when the 2020 election was stolen? That kind of losing the ability to nonviolently influence government?

I’m not going to allow you to provoke me, amateur. 

You don’t know anything about me, troll.
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