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Full Version: Infowars Files For Bankruptcy
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(04-23-2022, 11:06 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]So you have criminal attempts to pad the vote, and a DA unwilling to prosecute that criminality. You think this is an isolated incident and not at all indicative of yet another corrupt process in our system?

I don't think it's an isolated incident.
And I agree it's corrupt.
But as I already said, it's also not voter fraud.  It was still real votes from real people without the people being enticed or coerced or having their secrecy violated.
Look at the recent cases in Eatonville.  That's what voter fraud looks like.  It involved a small number of people, but it was caught because the thing about infrequent and disconnected voters is, if you give them money or favors for their vote, they will tell their friends about it.  They might even brag about it to the clerk as they're turning in their ballot.
No one is skilled enough to find a quarter of a million people who don't ordinarily vote and who will keep totally quiet about it as their vote is enticed or redirected or whatever.
It's a "NASA is just a soundstage" level conspiracy.
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