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Full Version: Americans oppose transgender surgeries, anti-puberty blockers for minors
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Or... maybe... they need mental help. There are plenty of suicidal teens. It's a tough age, and it's not out of the realm of thought that people who are mentally unhinged might take drastic measures to change themselves. Sure wish the data supported your position, though. Kids who have gender dysmorphia still kill themselves at a high rate, even after surgeries.
(05-13-2022, 12:19 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-13-2022, 10:04 AM)NewJagsCity Wrote: [ -> ]Normal life? LOL
This seems to be uncharted territory which could have serious social and medical ramifications.  No one knows now what the long term medical effects of delaying puberty are going to be.  Our bodies are designed to develop in a certain way.  Assume that a kid takes these meds till they are 18 and then decides it s no-go. Are we certain that puberty is just going to suddenly kick in automatically at age whatever?  And even if it does, do you think its going to be any better for the mental heath of a person if they decide to not go thru with this at age 18-20 and then they spend most of the 20's going thru puberty?  My parents put me in school a year early because of some ridiculous test at age 5, and as a result I was a year younger than my classmates thru 10th grade, until I changed schools and voluntarily repeated 10th.  Once you hit Jr High there is a huge difference in development of boys and girls, and its pronounced, even for 1 years difference.  You're now going to be most likely the smallest in your class, unless you are big for your age, and at best you'll be average. You will always feel insecure.  And I wasn't even trying to change sexes, but just trying to live within what I was. I wanted to play sports, but was always just on the fringe of being able to because of development.  Once I got with my age group, I was fine. Went out for every sport and started for all of them.  You really think a kid with delayed puberty in HS is going to fare well socially?  At worst, they will be bullied, at best ostracized. You might be creating the next school shooter.  And then what happens in your 20's?  You're going to go thru puberty in college? LOL, that will certainly work well.  And if you don't go to college, then what of getting a job?  You're going to look and sound immature in job interviews.  The real world is not going to treat you kindly.  Depending on the job, it isn't going to provide you many, if any, advantages.  Kids are confused enough, even in their biologically given bodies.  Why impose this option upon them?  This will create more chaos and many many more problems than it solves.  Sometimes, you don't have to kowtow to the miniscule minority.

I appreciate your story and your experience.  Your parents made a choice when you were 5, but being a year ahead in school became something you didn't want by the time you were 11 or 12.  Then you were able to reverse that choice by repeating a grade.  All of that is understandable and good.
But in this case, we are talking about a kid who is relatively comfortable in their prepubescent body and simply wants to keep it.  They would make the decision to take this medication at 10 or 11, not 5.  That's pretty different from your experience.  And sure, there is a chance of bullying.  We're talking about a kid with a penis who uses a girl's name and wears dresses.  Bullying was going to be a concern regardless.

I wasn't completely clear. I had no issues until I reached 7th grade. Age 11. At that point, the differences between my classmates and I began to be more noticeable because of puberty. Which would be the same age that these puberty blockers would be administered, if what you say is correct. The rest of my points stand.
As a follow-up to this, I hope this is the hill Dems choose to die on for 2022 and 2024. They've got a lot of them to choose from tho.
As someone who is going through perimenopause there is no way in hell I would let a kid go on puberty blockers. Messing with hormones is not something to be taken lightly. Birth control pills alone can cause major problems due to hormone changes. I got my tubes tied at 25 years old because BC did me wrong on so many levels.

There is no exact science when it comes to hormones or every woman going through the change would take a magic pill that would help us through it with nary a mood swing or hot flash or depression in sight. As it is nothing works the same for every woman and for some women nothing works so they suffer. Honestly I'm having a pretty rough time of it but I am working with my doctor to get things under control, or at least balanced but it takes time.

You folks that think this puberty blocker stuff is okay have no freaking clue what you are talking about. None. NONE.
I'm not saying letting kids use puberty blockers is OK. I don't know if I'd let my kids use them. I'm just saying, they're not harmful enough for the state to have any business preventing kids from using them.
Marijuana and alcohol can give kids permanent brain damage.
Tattoos are virtually permanent.
Surgery to change genitals is permanent.
These are things that the government should prevent kids from participating in.
I don't understand why puberty blockers are in that category. It's none of our business.
(05-13-2022, 03:23 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not saying letting kids use puberty blockers is OK. I don't know if I'd let my kids use them. I'm just saying, they're not harmful enough for the state to have any business preventing kids from using them.
Marijuana and alcohol can give kids permanent brain damage.
Tattoos are virtually permanent.
Surgery to change genitals is permanent.
These are things that the government should prevent kids from participating in.
I don't understand why puberty blockers are in that category. It's none of our business.

Well, two that are known are bone density impairment and stunted growth. Pretty much everything else falls under the category of 'unknown'. It's pretty funny that most of the literature says that they are 'relatively safe', but then follow up with disclaimers that potential negative effects on various bodily systems is 'unknown'. So i guess unknown is the new 'safe'. Sounds like double talk to me.
Let's see... less than .1% of all children identify as the opposite gender. However, that number is increasing due to body dysmorphia and a societal acceptance of trans causes. FYI, this tends to affect women at a much higher rate, probably because they are going through actual bodily changes that distinguish them from their male counterparts for the first time. Instead of helping these people become comfortable in their own skin, you are advocating we halt puberty without knowing the side effects so that they can decide their gender when they turn 18. This is, of course, after they finish high school in the body of a 12-year-old. It also doesn't help with the problem they are having.

Can you not see how ridiculous that is? You know you would not have advocated for this position 10 years ago. However, because you are gullible and want to see yourself enlightened, you take a position that has TREMENDOUS social, emotional, and physical implications on the off chance it helps those few children who are suffering from body dysmorphia without any evidence this will help them in the long run. Studies show transitioning doesn't help the suicide rate in the trans community, nor does acceptance. Numbers show this problem is getting worse. We don't need young women becoming men at a MUCH higher rate than ever before. Not only that, but data also suggest that body dysmorphia is temporary and also goes back, even after surgery. There are so many assumptions in your position. Instead of questioning how you have arrived at this idiotic conclusion, you double down.

Let's be clear about what we're talking about here. Drag is when a man who knows he's a man likes to dress up in women's clothing as an activity. This is abnormal, but relatively harmless. We don't see any spikes in suicides or functionality. These people also tend to identify as their own gender. Trans is when one gender thinks they are a different gender. This is an entire lifestyle change, and this group experiences much higher than normal suicide rates. Men tend to enjoy drag and women tend to be trans. You also have a whole slew of younger people picking up on this fad as a sign of their "wokeness." This is a group that is truly picking it up as a cultural change (which is the progressive influence of this phenomenon). Associated within this group is the call for systemic change. Go figure. Tear down cultural hegemony and replace it with something new. This is also dangerous to our society, again, by design. I don't even think guys like Mikey take time to differentiated between these groups and see all the damage the comes from reacting to moral relativism in the name of kindness. You're a sucker, dude.
(05-13-2022, 04:25 PM)NewJagsCity Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-13-2022, 03:23 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not saying letting kids use puberty blockers is OK.  I don't know if I'd let my kids use them.  I'm just saying, they're not harmful enough for the state to have any business preventing kids from using them.
Marijuana and alcohol can give kids permanent brain damage.
Tattoos are virtually permanent.
Surgery to change genitals is permanent.
These are things that the government should prevent kids from participating in.
I don't understand why puberty blockers are in that category.  It's none of our business.

Well, two that are known are bone density impairment and stunted growth.  Pretty much everything else falls under the category of 'unknown'.  It's pretty funny that most of the literature says that they are 'relatively safe', but then follow up with disclaimers that potential negative effects on various bodily systems is 'unknown'.  So i guess unknown is the new 'safe'.  Sounds like double talk to me.

Data is limited but it seems people who took blockers catch up both in terms of height and bone density.
(05-13-2022, 03:23 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not saying letting kids use puberty blockers is OK.  I don't know if I'd let my kids use them.  I'm just saying, they're not harmful enough for the state to have any business preventing kids from using them.
Marijuana and alcohol can give kids permanent brain damage.
Tattoos are virtually permanent.
Surgery to change genitals is permanent.
These are things that the government should prevent kids from participating in.
I don't understand why puberty blockers are in that category.  It's none of our business.

Its is in minors. They need to go thru puberty. Your going to permanently stunt them by delaying and likely greatly invrease thier risk for osteoporesis. I cant believe we even have to say this. Even the trans organisations don't recommend puberty blockers for minors.
You have to understand... his heart is in the right place and that's all that matters.
(05-15-2022, 02:41 PM)Lucky2Last Wrote: [ -> ]You have to understand... his heart is in the right place and that's all that matters.

But how he got his head so far up there will remain a medical mystery.
Well, that's how he knows it's in the right place. He was able to see it.
Middle School Students Under Investigation | WTAQ News Talk | 97.5 FM · 1360 AM | Green Bay, WI

An investigation into three Kiel Middle School students has been launched.

The school district has filed a Title IX complaint against the students, accusing them of sexual harassment for using incorrect pronouns when addressing another student.

“I received a phone call from the principal over at the elementary school, forewarning me; letting me know that I was going to be receiving an email with sexual harassment allegations against my son,” Rosemary Rabidoux, one of the parents of the students being accused said.

“I immediately went into shock! I’m thinking, sexual harassment? That’s rape, that’s inappropriate touching, that’s incest” Rabidoux said. “What has my son done?”

Rabidoux’s 13-year-old son Braden is one of the three eighth grade Kiel Middle School students accused of sexual harassment – something she disputes.

“He [investigating principal] said he’s being allegedly charged with sexual harassment for not using proper pronouns,” said Rabidoux. “I thought it wasn’t real! I thought this has gotta be a gag, a joke…one has nothing to do with the other.”...
(05-15-2022, 04:51 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]Middle School Students Under Investigation | WTAQ News Talk | 97.5 FM · 1360 AM | Green Bay, WI

An investigation into three Kiel Middle School students has been launched.

The school district has filed a Title IX complaint against the students, accusing them of sexual harassment for using incorrect pronouns when addressing another student.

“I received a phone call from the principal over at the elementary school, forewarning me; letting me know that I was going to be receiving an email with sexual harassment allegations against my son,” Rosemary Rabidoux, one of the parents of the students being accused said.

“I immediately went into shock! I’m thinking, sexual harassment? That’s rape, that’s inappropriate touching, that’s incest” Rabidoux said. “What has my son done?”

Rabidoux’s 13-year-old son Braden is one of the three eighth grade Kiel Middle School students accused of sexual harassment – something she disputes.

“He [investigating principal] said he’s being allegedly charged with sexual harassment for not using proper pronouns,” said Rabidoux. “I thought it wasn’t real! I thought this has gotta be a gag, a joke…one has nothing to do with the other.”...

Jesus [BLEEP] Christ on a crutch! Wallbash
(05-15-2022, 04:51 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]Middle School Students Under Investigation | WTAQ News Talk | 97.5 FM · 1360 AM | Green Bay, WI

An investigation into three Kiel Middle School students has been launched.

The school district has filed a Title IX complaint against the students, accusing them of sexual harassment for using incorrect pronouns when addressing another student.

“I received a phone call from the principal over at the elementary school, forewarning me; letting me know that I was going to be receiving an email with sexual harassment allegations against my son,” Rosemary Rabidoux, one of the parents of the students being accused said.

“I immediately went into shock! I’m thinking, sexual harassment? That’s rape, that’s inappropriate touching, that’s incest” Rabidoux said. “What has my son done?”

Rabidoux’s 13-year-old son Braden is one of the three eighth grade Kiel Middle School students accused of sexual harassment – something she disputes.

“He [investigating principal] said he’s being allegedly charged with sexual harassment for not using proper pronouns,” said Rabidoux. “I thought it wasn’t real! I thought this has gotta be a gag, a joke…one has nothing to do with the other.”...

Nothing to see here just an isolated incident.
(05-15-2022, 02:20 PM)HandsomeRob86 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-13-2022, 03:23 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not saying letting kids use puberty blockers is OK.  I don't know if I'd let my kids use them.  I'm just saying, they're not harmful enough for the state to have any business preventing kids from using them.
Marijuana and alcohol can give kids permanent brain damage.
Tattoos are virtually permanent.
Surgery to change genitals is permanent.
These are things that the government should prevent kids from participating in.
I don't understand why puberty blockers are in that category.  It's none of our business.

Its is in minors. They need to go thru puberty. Your going to permanently stunt them by delaying and likely greatly invrease thier risk for osteoporesis. I cant believe we even have to say this. Even the trans organisations don't recommend puberty blockers for minors.

None of that is true.
Look it up.
(05-15-2022, 05:46 PM)copycat Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-15-2022, 04:51 PM)homebiscuit Wrote: [ -> ]Middle School Students Under Investigation | WTAQ News Talk | 97.5 FM · 1360 AM | Green Bay, WI

An investigation into three Kiel Middle School students has been launched.

The school district has filed a Title IX complaint against the students, accusing them of sexual harassment for using incorrect pronouns when addressing another student.

“I received a phone call from the principal over at the elementary school, forewarning me; letting me know that I was going to be receiving an email with sexual harassment allegations against my son,” Rosemary Rabidoux, one of the parents of the students being accused said.

“I immediately went into shock! I’m thinking, sexual harassment? That’s rape, that’s inappropriate touching, that’s incest” Rabidoux said. “What has my son done?”

Rabidoux’s 13-year-old son Braden is one of the three eighth grade Kiel Middle School students accused of sexual harassment – something she disputes.

“He [investigating principal] said he’s being allegedly charged with sexual harassment for not using proper pronouns,” said Rabidoux. “I thought it wasn’t real! I thought this has gotta be a gag, a joke…one has nothing to do with the other.”...

Nothing to see here just an isolated incident.

Pretty sure that this will be laughed out of court.
(05-15-2022, 11:50 PM)NewJagsCity Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-15-2022, 05:46 PM)copycat Wrote: [ -> ]Nothing to see here just an isolated incident.

Pretty sure that this will be laughed out of court.

Not sure it will. Unless you can prove they didn't know or it was a recent change, you are guilty. Hopefully there are no issues outside of the school as this just looks to be school related.

I make it a point to try to never use a gender pronoun with these people. I use the person's name. I'm not playing the game and I'm not going to set myself up for some harassment claim if I don't see what words they have made up for themselves this day.

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(05-13-2022, 03:23 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not saying letting kids use puberty blockers is OK. I don't know if I'd let my kids use them. I'm just saying, they're not harmful enough for the state to have any business preventing kids from using them.
Marijuana and alcohol can give kids permanent brain damage.
Tattoos are virtually permanent.
Surgery to change genitals is permanent.
These are things that the government should prevent kids from participating in.
I don't understand why puberty blockers are in that category. It's none of our business.
What is the reason for delaying puberty?

Why do you need to block it when you can just switch your gender later in life and get surgery in a few years if you want?

The main reason is all the groomers need to get them before they start looking at the opposite sex. Once they go through puberty, nature takes care of the rest.

A few have some genetic mutation but most have been groomed to believe they aren't right. Look who is doing the grooming and you will see its mostly gays. It's a way to handle the ones that they can't convince they are gay. So you aren't gay but you are really the opposite sex so now you can let me molest you without feeling wrong about it.

Sent from my SM-S901U using Tapatalk
(05-17-2022, 01:58 AM)p_rushing Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-13-2022, 03:23 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]I'm not saying letting kids use puberty blockers is OK.  I don't know if I'd let my kids use them.  I'm just saying, they're not harmful enough for the state to have any business preventing kids from using them.
Marijuana and alcohol can give kids permanent brain damage.
Tattoos are virtually permanent.
Surgery to change genitals is permanent.
These are things that the government should prevent kids from participating in.
I don't understand why puberty blockers are in that category.  It's none of our business.

What is the reason for delaying puberty?

Surgery can't un-deepen your voice.  Surgery can't change the size of your hands. Removal of facial hair and other masculine hair by electrolysis can take years.
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