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Quote:I voted for Johnson in 2012, too. I don't think I realized what a loon he was back then. Much like Eric is voting for him this go-round in protest, I voted for him in 2012 as protest of Romney. I actually like Trump and his policies, so I don't have an issue voting for him at all. It is actually nice to like the person you are voting for...

I didn't feel like Obama or Romney were viable candidates for me either. Gary Johnson said the right things back then. I'm Libertarian, but I'll vote for whoever shares my values best.
Quote:Jill needs a campaign slogan ..... What about "I'm Hotter Than Hillary"

[Image: js4.png]

Jill Stein.. Painting her way to the White House..
Quote:I'd hit it.   :woot:

You need to quit drinking so much while posting.   Sick
Quote:You need to quit drinking so much while posting. Sick

The jungle would be a ghost town if we all followed that suggestion!
I'm still voting for Johnson. So he forgot the name of a Syrian city. So what? When you compare it to the things Hillary and Trump have done, it's not a big deal at all. Hillary has lied, gotten soldiers murdered in Benghazi, hidden evidence and put classified information on an unsecured server. She will stop at nothing to be president. Trump is a complete buffoon, who lies, boast about his wealth and how he is God's gift to humanity, praises our enemies (Putin) and flies off the handle any time he is criticized, like a 13 year old with impulse control issues. I want this man nowhere near our launch codes. He lacks the maturity, intelligence and mental stability to be elected to any form of leadership role. The idea of a Hillary Clinton presidency angers me. The idea of a Trump presidency scares me. How did we get here?

Quote:I'm still voting for Johnson. So he forgot the name of a Syrian city. So what? When you compare it to the things Hillary and Trump have done, it's not a big deal at all. Hillary has lied, gotten soldiers murdered in Benghazi, hidden evidence and put classified information on an unsecured server. She will stop at nothing to be president. Trump is a complete buffoon, who lies, boast about his wealth and how he is God's gift to humanity, praises our enemies (Putin) and flies off the handle any time he is criticized, like a 13 year old with impulse control issues. I want this man nowhere near our launch codes. He lacks the maturity, intelligence and mental stability to be elected to any form of leadership role. The idea of a Hillary Clinton presidency angers me. The idea of a Trump presidency scares me. How did we get here?
It's like the controllers are playing a huge game of lets screw over America. I do not see how this will not end up as the election with the lowest turnout in history percentage wise. There are millions of voters who have never abstained in their adult lives who will not vote because of the possible choices. It's bad, really bad.
I feel like this is just nothing. Everyone knows what Syria is and what's going on there. Because he didn't know the name of the city he's gonna be grilled?

How is that not preferable to Trump knowing and thinking we just need to bomb them or Hillary mishandling the situation horribly?
Quote:I don't think people voting for Johnson are that worried about an oversight like this. It's not about the vote, it's about sending a message. 
Yes, and no. I'm concerned that Johnson didn't know what Aleppo was, and I think it speaks to a lack of foreign policy experience on his part. But compared to the alternatives, like Trump's apparent desire to rent a cabin for the winter and share it with Vladimir Putin and Clinton's extensive experience in making the rest of the world mad at us, I'd still throw my vote in favor of Johnson. I mean, I'd rather have a President who knows there's a city at the heart of the Syrian conflict but can't remember its name that someone who wants to make it great again.


That said, I don't think Johnson's the guy for the Libertarian Party to ride into prominence. He's got all the opportunities in the world to throw his party into the limelight thanks to Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber anchoring the big tickets. Instead, he puts people to sleep during a CNN special dedicated solely to promoting his message and is caught completely at a loss on one of the major issues of the election. I'll probably vote for him in hopes of getting the Liberatarian Party access to federal campaign funds in 2020, but he doesn't seem to be ready for the big job, which really sucks.
Johnson is toast after this. He probably lost two of the three people who were planning to vote for him and also knew that Aleppo was a city in Syria.

Quote:Johnson is toast after this. He probably lost two of the three people who were planning to vote for him and also knew that Aleppo was a city in Syria.
He was toast to begin with. His purpose was to make Clinton and Trump look completely unappealing (mission success, though mostly not his doing) and get the Libertarian Party past the 5% threshold for access to federal campaign funds in 2020 (he'll succeed). Come 2020, when the US has seen how disastrous our upcoming one-term President is, the Libertarian Party will find a new candidate with wide appeal, kind of like the Bull Moose Party did with Teddy Roosevelt, and inject themselves head first into the race for the White House.
Quote:He was toast to begin with. His purpose was to make Clinton and Trump look completely unappealing (mission success, though mostly not his doing) and get the Libertarian Party past the 5% threshold for access to federal campaign funds in 2020 (he'll succeed). Come 2020, when the US has seen how disastrous our upcoming one-term President is, the Libertarian Party will find a new candidate with wide appeal, kind of like the Bull Moose Party did with Teddy Roosevelt, and inject themselves head first into the race for the White House.


Sounds great. I'm sick of only having choices between the far right and far left. Give the American people more than two awful options. 
Quote:I voted for Johnson in 2012, too. I don't think I realized what a loon he was back then. Much like Eric is voting for him this go-round in protest, I voted for him in 2012 as protest of Romney. I actually like Trump and his policies, so I don't have an issue voting for him at all. It is actually nice to like the person you are voting for...

I'm back to just writing in anarchy Ive given up bring on the chaos
Quote:I'm back to just writing in anarchy Ive given up bring on the chaos
If you write in "Anarky" instead, we might end up with a pretty cool President.
Quote:I'm back to just writing in anarchy Ive given up bring on the chaos

I just want this entire national nightmare to be over.  No matter which one wins, it's beginning to look like the only losers will be the working class.  It's either a slow decline or a rapid one depending on who is elected.
It's terribly disturbing to me acknowledging one of these two will be our President. What's baffling is the GOP could have had a dozen other candidates who could have easily defeated Clinton but failed to derail Trump.


How ironic it was when Trump told Rubio, a sitting senator from a significant state, a former state speaker and councilman, that he couldn't be elected dog catcher, when he himself has never had an elected office including school board or tax collector.


I am grateful our founding fathers recognized the potential we now find ourselves in and established the electoral college, and limited the powers of the Presidency so the Congress pretty much has to agree to anything the President wants to do.


Regards..................the Chiefjag

Quote:It's terribly disturbing to me acknowledging one of these two will be our President. What's baffling is the GOP could have had a dozen other candidates who could have easily defeated Clinton but failed to derail Trump.

How ironic it was when Trump told Rubio, a sitting senator from a significant state, a former state speaker and councilman, that he couldn't be elected dog catcher, when he himself has never had an elected office including school board or tax collector.

I am grateful our founding fathers recognized the potential we now find ourselves in and established the electoral college, and limited the powers of the Presidency so the Congress pretty much has to agree to anything the President wants to do.

Regards..................the Chiefjag

I think to be dog catcher, you still need to show up to work every so often. So I see where he's coming from. But zingers like these have gotten him this far. Can't wait for the one liners he has in store for the debates to get people to ignore he is a disgusting, unqualified lump of manure.
Can't believe no one mentioned his response to this. He actually took responsibility for his lapse, even though the question was obviously designed to do exactly what it did.  Can you honestly say that Trump or Clinton would do the same?

An unbiased interviewer would have actually, ya know, thrown some context around it. They weren't even talking about Syria prior to that question. The fact that everyone is jumping on this is utterly ridiculous.


His statement:


"This morning, I began my day by setting aside any doubt that I’m human. Yes, I understand the dynamics of the Syrian conflict — I talk about them every day. But hit with “What about Aleppo?”, I immediately was thinking about an acronym, not the Syrian conflict. I blanked. It happens, and it will happen again during the course of this campaign.
Can I name every city in Syria? No. Should I have identified Aleppo? Yes. Do I understand its significance? Yes.
As Governor, there were many things I didn’t know off the top of my head. But I succeeded by surrounding myself with the right people, getting to the bottom of important issues, and making principled decisions. It worked. That is what a President must do.
That would begin, clearly, with daily security briefings that, to me, will be fundamental to the job of being President."

Can't believe no one mentioned his response to this. He actually took responsibility for his lapse, even though the question was obviously designed to do exactly what it did.  Can you honestly say that Trump or Clinton would do the same?

An unbiased interviewer would have actually, ya know, thrown some context around it. They weren't even talking about Syria prior to that question. The fact that everyone is jumping on this is utterly ridiculous.


His statement:


"This morning, I began my day by setting aside any doubt that I’m human. Yes, I understand the dynamics of the Syrian conflict — I talk about them every day. But hit with “What about Aleppo?”, I immediately was thinking about an acronym, not the Syrian conflict. I blanked. It happens, and it will happen again during the course of this campaign.
Can I name every city in Syria? No. Should I have identified Aleppo? Yes. Do I understand its significance? Yes.
As Governor, there were many things I didn’t know off the top of my head. But I succeeded by surrounding myself with the right people, getting to the bottom of important issues, and making principled decisions. It worked. That is what a President must do.
That would begin, clearly, with daily security briefings that, to me, will be fundamental to the job of being President."



I remember an interview I saw on CNN with Johnson and his running mate. He said something along the lines of "I'm not perfect, I make mistakes and I will make more mistakes. The important thing is to acknowledge them, admit them and learn from them, so I can do better in the future. Covering up mistakes is never a good idea. Those type of things always come to light."


The interviewer was taken off guard and even said, "I've never heard a politician talk this way. It's quite refreshing."


It's this kind of honesty that won me over. I do not trust Trump or Clinton, because they act as though nothing bad is ever their fault. They are so secretive in their actions. Nobody's perfect, but they act like they are. 
His statement acknowledging his mistake was first class.

The dude is a real man. Unlike trump who never apologizes for anything.
Quote:His statement acknowledging his mistake was first class.

The dude is a real man. Unlike trump who never apologizes for anything.



Trump Apologizes for Words on Campaign Trail


"Sometimes, in the heat of debate, and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that, and believe it or not I regret it," Trump said.


"I do regret it particularly where it may have caused personal pain.” It was a remarkable departure for the candidate who almost never expresses regret out on the campaign trail, unless in jest.




Come on TAM, stop being so salty. You are becoming delirious in your hatred of Trump and sorrow of Hillary's (literal) collapse.
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