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Quote:His statement acknowledging his mistake was first class.

The dude is a real man. Unlike trump who never apologizes for anything.

Or Shrillary who thinks she's never done anything that requires one.

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-apologizes-words-campaign-trail-lie/story?id=41496030'>Trump Apologizes for Words on Campaign Trail</a>

"Sometimes, in the heat of debate, and speaking on a multitude of issues, you don’t choose the right words or you say the wrong thing. I have done that, and believe it or not I regret it," Trump said.

"I do regret it particularly where it may have caused personal pain.” It was a remarkable departure for the candidate who almost never expresses regret out on the campaign trail, unless in jest.


Come on TAM, stop being so salty. You are becoming delirious in your hatred of Trump and sorrow of Hillary's (literal) collapse.

Dude, that was a non apology apology!

And I'm not salty any more than you yahoos when you think of Hillary winning...

But you're right, I've been more cantankerous today than normal. JIB just got me my "medicine"...
That mock apology would not fly with any spouse I know.
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