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Quote:what about the words "Arming ISIS" is confusing to you?

Yeah I know, and it's all linked to Bengazi. I've heard the theory from glenn beck.

It's manure.

But hey, if there's an email on it, I'm sure it will come out.

Cuz arming Isis is something Obama and Hillary were obviously doing while founding them. s\
Quote:Yeah I know, and it's all linked to Bengazi. I've heard the theory from glenn beck.

It's manure.

But hey, if there's an email on it, I'm sure it will come out.

Cuz arming Isis is something Obama and Hillary were obviously doing while founding them. s\

Glenn Beck is a fraud.  He doesn't know anything.  I can't believe you're still in denial of this very topic.  You were a Bernie Sanders supporter?  You obviously weren't even aware of some of the core differences between the two candidates if you dont understand the tactics being used in the middle east.  


I've already explained this to you.  Cited multiple MAIN STREAM sources telling you that ISIS was trained and armed by the Pentagon and CIA.... what's it going to take?  It's obviously a waste of time to even provide FACTS and actual information proving that THIS HAPPENED.  It's just in one ear out the other.


Assange tells us they have emails connecting Hillary to the shipments of weapons.  Are you really going to sit there and call Assange a liar?

Quote:You have developed a new form of trolling. It isn't even trolling actually. There should be a new word for it. Lets work together to create that.

I think TAM has deluded himself into believing his own trolling. I only worry about the people who read his comments and actually give them credence.

Glenn Beck?! He has nothing to do with anything I'm talking about.  Most of this stuff has leaked from people on the ground wondering what the hell our country is doing training ISIS.

Quote:I think TAM has deluded himself into believing his own trolling. I only worry about the people who read his comments and actually give him credence.

Lol, and you honestly are saying this while having given credence to the Sandy hook false flag theory.

The self delusion in you is strong.

The fact that you inexperienced trumpettes think every thing is a conspiracy is cute.

But until there is any evidence of it, no normal American is going to buy the manure that Hillary Clinton sold weapons to Isis while Secretary of state in the Obama administration.
Quote:Glenn Beck?! He has nothing to do with anything I'm talking about. Most of this stuff has leaked from people on the ground wondering what the hell our country is doing training ISIS.

I know nuance is difficult. But training the rebels that were fighting against assad is not training or giving weapons to Isis.

You get the difference, right?
Quote:I know nuance is difficult. But training the rebels that were fighting against assad is not training or giving weapons to Isis.

You get the difference, right?

One would have to be really naive to think it was all by accident.  Oh woops, they're fighting for ISIS now.  man, didn't see that coming at all.


let's do it all over again because it worked so great the first time.  Oh woops.. ok, let's try again.  Oh, hmm, alright...

things like this and operation fast and furious are so wreckless that it's basically the same thing as sending an Amazon package directly to the ISIS headquarters full of grenades.


they dont care about what happens. they dont care about consequences.  it's not like they will have to actually fight these people in the future.  they just want Assad out, and then after this country is completely destroyed it's on to Iran.  but is was all by accident.

Quote:One would have to be really naive to think it was all by accident. Oh woops, they're fighting for ISIS now. man, didn't see that coming at all.

let's do it all over again because it worked so great the first time. Oh woops.. ok, let's try again. Oh, hmm, alright...
You got no proof. Just conspiracy theory.

Considering how much of a mess northern Iraq and Syria was, yes I can see that unless you have proof that we gave weapons to Syria knowingly, then you're behaving immaturly.

You know, there are actual, verifiable things Hillary has done that you could discuss.

But Bengazi and Isis is unsubstantiated. And trying to link the success of Isis on Hillary and Obama by trying to paint them as traitors makes you look like facts mean nothing to you.

Hillary is annoying and clearly a servant to wealthy Americans. But she is not a traitorous double agent who's working to strengthen Isis.

Come on man, come back to reality.
Quote:You got no proof. Just conspiracy theory.

Considering how much of a mess northern Iraq and Syria was, yes I can see that unless you have proof that we gave weapons to Syria knowingly, then you're behaving immaturly.

You know, there are actual, verifiable things Hillary has done that you could discuss.

But Bengazi and Isis is unsubstantiated. And trying to link the success of Isis on Hillary and Obama by trying to paint them as traitors makes you look like facts mean nothing to you.

Hillary is annoying and clearly a servant to wealthy Americans. But she is not a traitorous double agent who's working to strengthen Isis.

Come on man, come back to reality.

Proof? the hell are you talking about?  it's in the mainstream news articles everywhere... educate yourself.  i've already provided large amounts of evidence in the past.  it's still not enough for you.  it's like somebody needs to get you in a time machine, then on a plane over there and rub your face in the pile of crap over there for you to believe its happening.  


all you have to do is google "US arms ISIS" and countless number of publications have written about it, "LA Times, Washington Times, Washington Post, ect." all wrote about it.  This isn't a conspiracy theory.  Get your facts straight.


Assange also tells us he has the direct proof of communications between Hillary on these weapons shipments that people already knew about.  There's a reason Rand Paul asked the question he did.  He has intelligence suggesting this stuff and Hillary lied about it of course.


but of course... Assange is a liar and we should take Hillary, Obama, the Pentagon at their word.  They're honest.


You got your head so far up your own [BLEEP], Hillary's [BLEEP], Obama's [BLEEP], all at the same time you don't know what's actually happening.

Did the US not fight alongside ISIS in Libya?
Quote:Did the US not fight alongside ISIS in Libya?

NATO bombed the hell out of Libya and ultimately killed Qaddafi.  The USG however was telling the public none of that was that goal.  Their words and actions dont match up.  




Go figure, the government engaging in covert ops... never happens.  We are to believe them at their word at press conferences.

fast forward to 5:50.  who do you believe?  Rand Paul, Julain Assange, or Hillary Clinton?  Somebody is lying.



Quote:Proof? the hell are you talking about?  it's in the mainstream news articles everywhere... educate yourself.  i've already provided large amounts of evidence in the past.  it's still not enough for you.  it's like somebody needs to get you in a time machine, then on a plane over there and rub your face in the pile of crap over there for you to believe its happening.  


all you have to do is google "US arms ISIS" and countless number of publications have written about it, "LA Times, Washington Times, Washington Post, ect." all wrote about it.  This isn't a conspiracy theory.  Get your facts straight.


Assange also tells us he has the direct proof of communications between Hillary on these weapons shipments that people already knew about.  There's a reason Rand Paul asked the question he did.  He has intelligence suggesting this stuff and Hillary lied about it of course.


but of course... Assange is a liar and we should take Hillary, Obama, the Pentagon at their word.  They're honest.


You got your head so far up your own [BAD WORD REMOVED], Hillary's [BAD WORD REMOVED], Obama's [BAD WORD REMOVED], all at the same time you don't know what's actually happening.

So...........................................   No proof huh?  LOL!


Everything I've read, even fox news, points to the fact that the arms ISIS has were gotten indirectly.  You are saying that we armed them on purpose.  HUGE difference.


You're are creating a traiterous motive where there is none.  You want there to be one.  But you have no proof.  Now when assange provies the proof, let me know.


Otherwise, you're taking the fact that ISIS has indeed captured weapons from the USA and Russia, along with the fact that we inadvertantly gave weapons to Syrian rebels that very well may have turned around and gave them to ISIS, but these are not actions that were a dileberate supplying of a terrorist group that is out to destroy the western world.  


You realize that if Clinton and/or Obama actually did this on purpose, that would be a crime worthy of hanging.  


Blowback, on the other hand happens all the time.  Kinda like how we were partners with Sadaam and then he went into Kuwait.  Or how we funded Bin Laden and then he pulled 9/11 on us...  But I guess we she also string up Reagan, HW Bush, and Cheney and W Bush along with Clinton and Obama and hang 'em all, right?




Calm down, start thinking like a normal person, and maybe realize that you're over-reacting based on your news sources that are trying to get you all in a twist.  You're falling for the propaganda and it's making you into a tin foil hat wearer.
Quote:fast forward to 5:50.  who do you believe?  Rand Paul, Julain Assange, or Hillary Clinton?  Somebody is lying.



This is the glen beck arguement that you poo pooed earlier today...  
Absolutely she should be in jail, anyone denying it is only doing it for partisan reasons.
Quote:Absolutely she should be in jail, anyone denying it is only doing it for partisan reasons.

She should be in jail is an opinion.  The fact is that she is not.  The other fact is that she has not been indicted for anything - yet if ever..  Facts have no partisan leaning.


We should all be dealing in facts as much as we can. 
Quote:This is the glen beck arguement that you poo pooed earlier today...
You're acting like Glenn Beck invented the idea that our government trained ISIS... I already explained the various sources of information and you pretend it doesn't exist and you also would have to call Assange a liar.

Rand Paul said he knows for a fact that the current Sec of State has knowledge of the CIA dealings and that he knows about the weapons.

It's a fact the CIA trained mercenaries who now fight for ISIS, and guess what... Our government wants to do it all over again. You are simply just the clueless citizen who takes the government at their word. Honestly I don't know how somebody could do that in this day and age.
Is referencing the Reagan administration and the CIA operations in Afghanistan back in the 80s supposed to be some kind of revelation. Haven't we learned from that since 9/11?

It's stupid. Stop arming the enemy of your enemy. We've done it before and apparently will continue to do it. And for what?! Now because we REALLY NEED to overthrow Assad?

And now today... What do you know? It's backfiring once again. You would have to believe that Obama and Hillary and the rest of them are all really stupid. I don't. They know what they're doing. Any reasonable person would have seen this coming, the creation of ISIS. In fact, there are reports that they HAD INTELLIGENCE that ISIS would rise. Did they do anything about it? But I guess that's not proof. I don't know what proof is to you.
Quote:You're acting like Glenn Beck invented the idea that our government trained ISIS... I already explained the various sources of information and you pretend it doesn't exist and you also would have to call Assange a liar.

Rand Paul said he knows for a fact that the current Sec of State has knowledge of the CIA dealings and that he knows about the weapons.

It's a fact the CIA trained mercenaries who now fight for ISIS, and guess what... Our government wants to do it all over again. You are simply just the clueless citizen who takes the government at their word. Honestly I don't know how somebody could do that in this day and age.

Again, I'll wait to see the facts.  I'm not calling Assange a liar.  I'm not calling Rand Paul a liar.  But I'm not just gonna take thier word for it.


If they have all these facts, why haven't they provided said facts?  


LOL, you want to just take rumors and "well I know for a fact" from politicians (Paul is part of the government by the way, so you're being just as clueless, aren't you) and some web-page owner as gospel.


You have nothing but hearsay, which is not substantial.  And you know it.  That's why you're so frustrated.  That's why you're attacking my intelligence.  You know that if I was making spurious accusations against trump you'd ask for facts.  


There's no difference here.  You have no proof.  And you know it.


The weapons ISIS has that originated from the USA have been explained in a way that does not paint Obama or Clinton as traitors.  Unless you have actual proof otherwise, you're just spreading rumors like an immature 13 year old.  Be a grown up,  Deal with the reality.  The reality is you got nothing.


Now when Assange provides proof.  You can come here and tell us all we should have believed you, and Assange, and Rand earlier.  That's fine.  But I'd like proof before I jump to any conclusions.  That's fair, isn't it?
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