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Full Version: Hillary Clinton's Negligent Control of Classified Information
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Quote:not 100% but hes the only one who has actually been 100% consistent on that topic

he's the only one that has been 100% consistent on not being open-borders

everybody else is 100% open borders and 100% pro-TPP

Let's not forget that trump has admitted he's for free trade.... Again, most people don't trust either of these two when it comes to the tpp.
Quote:Let's not forget that trump has admitted he's for free trade.... Again, most people don't trust either of these two when it comes to the tpp.

being for free trade (qualified with "fair trade") does not mean you want TPP

Quote:being for free trade (qualified with "fair trade") does not mean you want TPP

Point taken.

Personally, I find that most billionaires and wealthy persons conduct business in a manner that serves their best interests.

Nothing trump has done, during the campaign or prior to running, makes me believe he'll make a deal that will altruistically benefit workers at the expense of corporations.

But that's just me.
Quote:Let's not forget that trump has admitted he's for free trade.... Again, most people don't trust either of these two when it comes to the tpp.

Trump's strongest position and easily his most consistent has been his position on fair trade, anti-TPP, and bilateral trade agreements. If you are in a position you cannot trust a single word he says, this argument doesn't even matter because you will never believe him on anything. Fortunately, most people aren't as close-minded as yourself.

Looks like Congress should investigate all past SoS and get the bottom of those secret servers. Seems we now see Colin Powell had them too.
the sooner you realize that they're all crooks on both sides of the aisle the sooner we can achieve true leadership and justice


this story is being run by CNN to confuse people.  so what if Colin Powell did the same thing?  did he also lie to congress?  did he also destroy evidence?  did he also mishandle classified information?  if so, yes, put his [BLEEP] in jail too.  simple.

Quote:Trump's strongest position and easily his most consistent has been his position on fair trade, anti-TPP, and bilateral trade agreements. If you are in a position you cannot trust a single word he says, this argument doesn't even matter because you will never believe him on anything. Fortunately, most people aren't as close-minded as yourself.

I'm pointing out things to consider.

Based on trumps track record of flip flopping and just saying things he thinks his audience wants to hear, I think looking at where trumps interests really lie is an important thing to consider...

I do trust trump on many things he says b by the way. I do believe he thinks all Mexicans are rapists and murders. I do believe that he's thinks the black community is living in ghettos. I do believe that he prefers a tyrannical and authoritarian leadership style like putin.

Those are all things he's said that I believe him on.

But when he flips on policy stuff, you have to consider his motivations and what drives the man.

The plight of workers doesn't seem to be something that drives him. Just saying...
Quote:the sooner you realize that they're all crooks on both sides of the aisle the sooner we can achieve true leadership and justice

this story is being run by CNN to confuse people. so what if Colin Powell did the same thing? did he also lie to congress? did he also destroy evidence? did he also mishandle classified information? if so, yes, put his [BAD WORD REMOVED] in jail too. simple.

Think it's going to encompass Condi as well. Honestly I never thought Hillary was smart enough to come up with this server herself.
Quote:Think it's going to encompass Condi as well. Honestly I never thought Hillary was smart enough to come up with this server herself.

of course she is.  she's no dummy. she knows she and Bill have crap they need to keep secret. 
Quote:the sooner you realize that they're all crooks on both sides of the aisle the sooner we can achieve true leadership and justice

this story is being run by CNN to confuse people. so what if Colin Powell did the same thing? did he also lie to congress? did he also destroy evidence? did he also mishandle classified information? if so, yes, put his [BAD WORD REMOVED] in jail too. simple.

I agree with your first statement.

However, Hillary did not lie to Congress. The fbi director under oath said she did not lie. She lied\misled the public, which Powell has just been caught doing as well...
Quote:I agree with your first statement.

However, Hillary did not lie to Congress. The fbi director under oath said she did not lie. She lied\misled the public, which Powell has just been caught doing as well...

That's not true.  She said she turned over all her e-mail, she signed a document under penalty of perjury that she turned over her e-mail and they found 2500 work related emails that were not surrendered, and now we have uncovered 15000 more that were not turned over.  This was not included in the original FBI investigation because the criminal referral was for the mishandling of classified information and they required a separate criminal referral to investigate perjury, which since has been issued by the house of representatives. 


As for lying to the FBI we now know that she a.) just kept repeating I don't recall and b.) she wasn't pressed. 


In this instance, any impartial prosecutor would draw a negative inference from the destruction of evidence (after federal subpoena, another felony) and move forward under the letter of the statute that required gross negligence in the absence of adjudicated criminal intent (Comey Directly testified to extreme carelessness: the legal definition of Gross Negligence)  and not try to rewrite the statute to let her off the hook. 


If you want to say that Trump is a racist, that's your prerogative, if you want to say that you think he's a bully, that's your prerogative, if you want to say you just don't like the guy, that's your prerogative, if you say that you don't like my necktie, that's your prerogative, but don't tell me that there is any other explanation than the fact that this woman is the wife of a former president.  If this was someone serving as SOS that had just been a former governor she would be in jail. 


This is indefensible, as someone who has had friends go to jail for record keeping requirements this is a slap in the face to every law abiding citizen in this country.  Further defense of this mess is nothing less than intellectual dishonesty at a level I would have never thought possible. 
She kept saying I don't recall for 11 hours? Hmmm... That's not how I remember her testimony going...
By the way did you hear about the damning Bengazi email that was found in the new 15,000 emails that were leaked???
You mean the one where she told the truth to her daughter and heads of state before lying to families of fallen Americans? Yeah, its really sad!
Quote:You mean the one where she told the truth to her daughter and heads of state before lying to families of fallen Americans? Yeah, its really sad!

No the most recent one. It's the magic bullet. She'll be in jail any day now...
That proves she lied and went along with a cover up. What more do u need?
[Image: riddle.jpg]

Oh snap, The Drifter pulling out some sick memes.

Dank. They are called dank memes.

Don't make me correct you again.
Quote:Dank. They are called dank memes.

Don't make me correct you again.

Ah you are right, sorry.
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