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(11-08-2022, 02:49 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2022, 05:20 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]I voted Biden #1 to get Trump out and #2 because Biden is more center than most Dems.  Unfortunately he is idiotically influenced in his decision making by the far left and cannot adapt to current situations (e.g. drill drill drill) so he's been a disappointment on certain policies.  Still not sure what the Inflation Reduction Act does to reduce inflation either ... pump $$ into the economy only to have the Fed raise rates to slow the economy.   Although, driving rates down to 0% and issuing checks to dead people weren't the most brilliant actions prior to Biden either.   Finally, thank God those students drinking $7 IPAs are getting $10,000 knocked off their debt as well.

So you voted against policies that were actually for America because Trump is an [BLEEP]? You voted for Biden knowing he is a senile old man who can't remember what day it is? 

I loathe Trump but I'll consider him over any democrat. That party has been hijacked by the progressive left and their mission in life is to run this country into the ground. 

If it comes down to choosing DeSantis or Trump, DeSantis wins every time.

Same exact stance at this point in time for me as well. The Democratic party is a [BLEEP] mess. No candidate or party is perfect but I will never vote a Democrat into office until they get back to their classic liberal stance and not this looney [BLEEP] tune of a hill they have created and now choose to die on.
(11-08-2022, 03:20 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2022, 02:49 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]"I helped destroy the Country but I have No Regerts."

You helped too.

No I really didn't.
(11-08-2022, 02:49 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-07-2022, 05:20 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]I voted Biden #1 to get Trump out and #2 because Biden is more center than most Dems.  Unfortunately he is idiotically influenced in his decision making by the far left and cannot adapt to current situations (e.g. drill drill drill) so he's been a disappointment on certain policies.  Still not sure what the Inflation Reduction Act does to reduce inflation either ... pump $$ into the economy only to have the Fed raise rates to slow the economy.   Although, driving rates down to 0% and issuing checks to dead people weren't the most brilliant actions prior to Biden either.   Finally, thank God those students drinking $7 IPAs are getting $10,000 knocked off their debt as well.

So you voted against policies that were actually for America because Trump is an [BLEEP]? You voted for Biden knowing he is a senile old man who can't remember what day it is? 

I really believe Trump is very divisive, creating hate amongst Americans so yes, I vote against Trump because certain policies are not the end all be all to my voting position.

Also, I really didn't like a lot of his policies to begin with.  Why should someone that has been on welfare prior to Covid-19 receive 3 covid assistance checks when they really had no adverse financial impact from covid?    Trump ran up the deficit, he held interest rates at 0% for too long, and yes Biden just exasperated the idiocracy by giving Americans another check, passing the Inflation Reduction Act, and forgiving college debt, when we are supposed to be trying to slow down the economy and inflation.  Both are very bad Presidents but at least Biden isn't divisive and doesn't blatantly just lie about everything and be so obvious about it.
(11-08-2022, 06:21 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2022, 02:49 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]So you voted against policies that were actually for America because Trump is an [BLEEP]? You voted for Biden knowing he is a senile old man who can't remember what day it is? 

I really believe Trump is very divisive, creating hate amongst Americans so yes, I vote against Trump because certain policies are not the end all be all to my voting position.

Also, I really didn't like a lot of his policies to begin with.  Why should someone that has been on welfare prior to Covid-19 receive 3 covid assistance checks when they really had no adverse financial impact from covid?    Trump ran up the deficit, he held interest rates at 0% for too long, and yes Biden just exasperated the idiocracy by giving Americans another check, passing the Inflation Reduction Act, and forgiving college debt, when we are supposed to be trying to slow down the economy and inflation.  Both are very bad Presidents but at least Biden isn't divisive and doesn't blatantly just lie about everything and be so obvious about it.

I'll agree with you there. Both parties were handing out free COVID dollars like Halloween candy. The U.S. economy will be feeling it for years.
(11-08-2022, 05:10 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2022, 03:20 PM)mikesez Wrote: [ -> ]You helped too.

No I really didn't.

I made one vote.  You're still going with your election denial.
(11-08-2022, 06:21 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2022, 02:49 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]So you voted against policies that were actually for America because Trump is an [BLEEP]? You voted for Biden knowing he is a senile old man who can't remember what day it is? 

I really believe Trump is very divisive, creating hate amongst Americans so yes, I vote against Trump because certain policies are not the end all be all to my voting position.

Also, I really didn't like a lot of his policies to begin with.  Why should someone that has been on welfare prior to Covid-19 receive 3 covid assistance checks when they really had no adverse financial impact from covid?    Trump ran up the deficit, he held interest rates at 0% for too long, and yes Biden just exasperated the idiocracy by giving Americans another check, passing the Inflation Reduction Act, and forgiving college debt, when we are supposed to be trying to slow down the economy and inflation.  Both are very bad Presidents but at least Biden isn't divisive and doesn't blatantly just lie about everything and be so obvious about it.

Not everyone on welfare is unemployed. Good grief.  Wallbash

There are thousands of folks on some sort of welfare who are employed and employed by the very business that were shut down during the [BLEEP] show we call a pandemic. There are also thousands who don't work and definitely should not have benefitted. Hell, most of us here probably shouldn't have gotten checks.

Don't pretend Trump is the only one who handed out checks. If Congress hadn't agreed it wouldn't have happened. 

As for Trump being divisive I agree 1000% but to say the leftists aren't just because they're not one man at the top making a lot of noise is a dangerous way to think. Trump didn't burn, riot and loot cities across the nation, the crazy leftists did and they did so without objection from the democrat party. In fact, you had some encouraging the behavior. 

You want that kind of crazy making decisions for this country that's fine. Keep voting democrat. You will deserve whatever comes of it, the rest of us not so much. 

The biggest reason Trump is divisive is because we live in a society of people who were raised on their feelings. Their feelings mean more than anything and if anyone hurts their feelings they're going to throw tantrums and make fools of themselves. 

How do silence a guy like Trump? You ingore him.
(11-08-2022, 06:21 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2022, 02:49 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]So you voted against policies that were actually for America because Trump is an [BLEEP]? You voted for Biden knowing he is a senile old man who can't remember what day it is? 

I really believe Trump is very divisive, creating hate amongst Americans so yes, I vote against Trump because certain policies are not the end all be all to my voting position.

Also, I really didn't like a lot of his policies to begin with.  Why should someone that has been on welfare prior to Covid-19 receive 3 covid assistance checks when they really had no adverse financial impact from covid?    Trump ran up the deficit, he held interest rates at 0% for too long, and yes Biden just exasperated the idiocracy by giving Americans another check, passing the Inflation Reduction Act, and forgiving college debt, when we are supposed to be trying to slow down the economy and inflation.  Both are very bad Presidents but at least Biden isn't divisive and doesn't blatantly just lie about everything and be so obvious about it.

I would seriously rethink the statement 'Biden isnt divisive'.
I don't care if trump is divisive. I dislike trump because he is a big government big brother morally bankrupt democrat dressed up like a pig with lipstick playing republican.

Trump believes government is the solution to EVERYTHING, pandemic let's use federal power to shut down businesses distribute welfare checks and socialize medical treatment with 100% tax funded payments to uncheck pharmaceutical companies.

Military let's unilaterally use executive power under the unconstitutional ndaa and patriot act to strike abroad and bypass congressional requirements to enact war.

Spending let's rack up the largest deficient spending budget for infrastructure and other pork projects (yea that was before COVID)

Immigration let's spend BILLIONS on a wall instead of addressing the root cause of illegal immigration, because it's good theater.

Trump spent more time tearing down conservatives in the primary and then running a shock jock twitter then accomplishing anything while president.

Under trump the conservative party sold out to big brother big spending abandoned the morale high ground. Now we have a sold out socialist party and an opposition party the Clintons would of killed for in the 90s. Trump is a 90s democrat with an R in front of his name. No republican should ever be allowed to talk about family values and morale high ground after backing grab them by the [BLEEP] trump. As a father I detest everything about Donald Trump. I'm more angry with my party for following him down this road.
DeSantis rolling and the Dems are fleeing like Japanese before a charging Godzilla.
(11-08-2022, 09:08 PM)NewJagsCity Wrote: [ -> ]DeSantis rolling and the Dems are fleeing like Japanese before a charging Godzilla.

I honestly think he is the GOP best chance 2024
(11-08-2022, 08:48 PM)NewJagsCity Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2022, 06:21 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]I really believe Trump is very divisive, creating hate amongst Americans so yes, I vote against Trump because certain policies are not the end all be all to my voting position.

Also, I really didn't like a lot of his policies to begin with.  Why should someone that has been on welfare prior to Covid-19 receive 3 covid assistance checks when they really had no adverse financial impact from covid?    Trump ran up the deficit, he held interest rates at 0% for too long, and yes Biden just exasperated the idiocracy by giving Americans another check, passing the Inflation Reduction Act, and forgiving college debt, when we are supposed to be trying to slow down the economy and inflation.  Both are very bad Presidents but at least Biden isn't divisive and doesn't blatantly just lie about everything and be so obvious about it.

I would seriously rethink the statement 'Biden isnt divisive'.

Biden is just as divisive as Obama, maybe less because he's not on TV as much, and Obama wasn't much more divisive than Bush 43. 
Trump was (is) in a league of his own with regard to divisiveness.
Should Biden try to be less divisive? Yes.  Compared to Trump Biden is not divisive.

(11-08-2022, 08:26 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2022, 06:21 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]I really believe Trump is very divisive, creating hate amongst Americans so yes, I vote against Trump because certain policies are not the end all be all to my voting position.

Also, I really didn't like a lot of his policies to begin with.  Why should someone that has been on welfare prior to Covid-19 receive 3 covid assistance checks when they really had no adverse financial impact from covid?    Trump ran up the deficit, he held interest rates at 0% for too long, and yes Biden just exasperated the idiocracy by giving Americans another check, passing the Inflation Reduction Act, and forgiving college debt, when we are supposed to be trying to slow down the economy and inflation.  Both are very bad Presidents but at least Biden isn't divisive and doesn't blatantly just lie about everything and be so obvious about it.

Not everyone on welfare is unemployed. Good grief.  Wallbash

There are thousands of folks on some sort of welfare who are employed and employed by the very business that were shut down during the [BLEEP] show we call a pandemic. There are also thousands who don't work and definitely should not have benefitted. Hell, most of us here probably shouldn't have gotten checks.

Don't pretend Trump is the only one who handed out checks. If Congress hadn't agreed it wouldn't have happened. 

As for Trump being divisive I agree 1000% but to say the leftists aren't just because they're not one man at the top making a lot of noise is a dangerous way to think. Trump didn't burn, riot and loot cities across the nation, the crazy leftists did and they did so without objection from the democrat party. In fact, you had some encouraging the behavior. 

You want that kind of crazy making decisions for this country that's fine. Keep voting democrat. You will deserve whatever comes of it, the rest of us not so much. 

The biggest reason Trump is divisive is because we live in a society of people who were raised on their feelings. Their feelings mean more than anything and if anyone hurts their feelings they're going to throw tantrums and make fools of themselves. 

How do silence a guy like Trump? You ingore him.

(11-08-2022, 06:21 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2022, 02:49 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]So you voted against policies that were actually for America because Trump is an [BLEEP]? You voted for Biden knowing he is a senile old man who can't remember what day it is? 

I really believe Trump is very divisive, creating hate amongst Americans so yes, I vote against Trump because certain policies are not the end all be all to my voting position.

Also, I really didn't like a lot of his policies to begin with.  Why should someone that has been on welfare prior to Covid-19 receive 3 covid assistance checks when they really had no adverse financial impact from covid?    Trump ran up the deficit, he held interest rates at 0% for too long, and yes Biden just exasperated the idiocracy by giving Americans another check, passing the Inflation Reduction Act, and forgiving college debt, when we are supposed to be trying to slow down the economy and inflation.  Both are very bad Presidents but at least Biden isn't divisive and doesn't blatantly just lie about everything and be so obvious about it.

If you really believe that then you are not paying attention, AT ALL!
(11-08-2022, 02:52 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2022, 02:49 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]So you voted against policies that were actually for America because Trump is an [BLEEP]? You voted for Biden knowing he is a senile old man who can't remember what day it is? 

I loathe Trump but I'll consider him over any democrat. That party has been hijacked by the progressive left and their mission in life is to run this country into the ground. 

If it comes down to choosing DeSantis or Trump, DeSantis wins every time.

It should be any Republican over any Democrat and DeSantis over Trump. In that order. 

For Dems it should be any moderate Dem over any bat [BLEEP] insane Preogressive then any Dem over Trump. In that order.

I can’t believe I actually agree with you.  Whole heartedly.

I may need to rethink my whole stance on TL.
(11-08-2022, 10:52 PM)OzJohnnie Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2022, 02:52 PM)flsprtsgod Wrote: [ -> ]It should be any Republican over any Democrat and DeSantis over Trump. In that order. 

For Dems it should be any moderate Dem over any bat [BLEEP] insane Preogressive then any Dem over Trump. In that order.

I can’t believe I actually agree with you.  Whole heartedly.

I may need to rethink my whole stance on TL.

Lol, thanks.
(11-08-2022, 08:26 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2022, 06:21 PM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]I really believe Trump is very divisive, creating hate amongst Americans so yes, I vote against Trump because certain policies are not the end all be all to my voting position.

Also, I really didn't like a lot of his policies to begin with.  Why should someone that has been on welfare prior to Covid-19 receive 3 covid assistance checks when they really had no adverse financial impact from covid?    Trump ran up the deficit, he held interest rates at 0% for too long, and yes Biden just exasperated the idiocracy by giving Americans another check, passing the Inflation Reduction Act, and forgiving college debt, when we are supposed to be trying to slow down the economy and inflation.  Both are very bad Presidents but at least Biden isn't divisive and doesn't blatantly just lie about everything and be so obvious about it.

Not everyone on welfare is unemployed. Good grief.  Wallbash

There are thousands of folks on some sort of welfare who are employed and employed by the very business that were shut down during the [BLEEP] show we call a pandemic. There are also thousands who don't work and definitely should not have benefitted. Hell, most of us here probably shouldn't have gotten checks.

Don't pretend Trump is the only one who handed out checks. If Congress hadn't agreed it wouldn't have happened. 

As for Trump being divisive I agree 1000% but to say the leftists aren't just because they're not one man at the top making a lot of noise is a dangerous way to think. Trump didn't burn, riot and loot cities across the nation, the crazy leftists did and they did so without objection from the democrat party. In fact, you had some encouraging the behavior. 

You want that kind of crazy making decisions for this country that's fine. Keep voting democrat. You will deserve whatever comes of it, the rest of us not so much. 

The biggest reason Trump is divisive is because we live in a society of people who were raised on their feelings. Their feelings mean more than anything and if anyone hurts their feelings they're going to throw tantrums and make fools of themselves. 

How do silence a guy like Trump? You ingore him.

Wrong.  How do 81 million people silence a guy like Trump?  They vote against him.  
(11-09-2022, 10:46 AM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-08-2022, 08:26 PM)americus 2.0 Wrote: [ -> ]Not everyone on welfare is unemployed. Good grief.  Wallbash

There are thousands of folks on some sort of welfare who are employed and employed by the very business that were shut down during the [BLEEP] show we call a pandemic. There are also thousands who don't work and definitely should not have benefitted. Hell, most of us here probably shouldn't have gotten checks.

Don't pretend Trump is the only one who handed out checks. If Congress hadn't agreed it wouldn't have happened. 

As for Trump being divisive I agree 1000% but to say the leftists aren't just because they're not one man at the top making a lot of noise is a dangerous way to think. Trump didn't burn, riot and loot cities across the nation, the crazy leftists did and they did so without objection from the democrat party. In fact, you had some encouraging the behavior. 

You want that kind of crazy making decisions for this country that's fine. Keep voting democrat. You will deserve whatever comes of it, the rest of us not so much. 

The biggest reason Trump is divisive is because we live in a society of people who were raised on their feelings. Their feelings mean more than anything and if anyone hurts their feelings they're going to throw tantrums and make fools of themselves. 

How do silence a guy like Trump? You ingore him.

Wrong.  How do 81 million people silence a guy like Trump?  They vote against him.  

Considering we are talking about stuff he is saying, that didn’t silence him at all.
(11-09-2022, 02:05 PM)Bchbunnie4 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-09-2022, 10:46 AM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]Wrong.  How do 81 million people silence a guy like Trump?  They vote against him.  

Considering we are talking about stuff he is saying, that didn’t silence him at all.

Much to my surprise, he had been extremely quiet this past year, up until now that is.  He came out of his cocoon in attempt to take credit for the anticipated red wave, in which his political future took a tsunami hit.
If DeSantis makes a run in 2024 he has my vote. I appreciate the stance he took here in Florida during the whole pandemic and I appreciate the fact that he was pushing back on the vaccine mandates for the working class. I don't agree with him on everything, but, where it counts the most? I am completely onboard with him.
(11-09-2022, 02:50 PM)Caldrac Wrote: [ -> ]If DeSantis makes a run in 2024 he has my vote. I appreciate the stance he took here in Florida during the whole pandemic and I appreciate the fact that he was pushing back on the vaccine mandates for the working class. I don't agree with him on everything, but, where it counts the most? I am completely onboard with him.

I didn't agree with his stance on the pandemic at the time, but in hindsight, he was right.  Shutting down the economy did more damage than the pandemic could have if we had not shut down the economy.
(11-09-2022, 02:05 PM)Bchbunnie4 Wrote: [ -> ]
(11-09-2022, 10:46 AM)HURRICANE!!! Wrote: [ -> ]Wrong.  How do 81 million people silence a guy like Trump?  They vote against him.  

Considering we are talking about stuff he is saying, that didn’t silence him at all.

That's because it wasn't really 81 million people.
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