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Quote:The hell with that, toss them out too. There's a legal door to use, come in that way.

disagree.  i think the hard-working innocents that came over can stay.  that will appease the bleeding hearts, and its a good compromise to get TOUGH on border control.  it's just saying OK, YOU NICE PEOPLE CAN STAY.... but we're building a wall.


the only argument the left has is, "Voting for Trump will cause little Gloria to be deported! YOU DONT WANT THAT DO YOU?!"  Gloria can stay. That's not really what we're talking about here.  take that argument away and what do they have?


it's similar to my stance on abortion.  I say the late term murders have to stop.  it's disgusting and inhuman.  i would be willing to allow them up to 6 weeks if that meant getting rid of anything later than that.

Here is the video of Kellyanne Conway (Trump's campaign manager) talking about Trump's "modified" immigration stance, for those who may be seeking more clarification.


Everything seems the same, though there does seem to be a softness about what to do about the "legal" illegal immigrants (oxymoron) so we will have to see how this plays out. She at least addresses that giving them a path to citizenship over those trying to come in legally is unfair, and it is also unfair to the American worker to give them a path to citizenship.


Man, isn't it great to talk about a candidates policies instead of what sort of illegal, colluding, negligent, or treasonous activity their opponent has been partaking in? Good thread, Bon Jagley.

Maybe this is how he will continue doing what President Obama is doing Laughing


Deporter In Chief: Obama Ordered 7,000 Immigrant Children To Be Deported Without A Court Hearing

Quote:Maybe this is how he will continue doing what President Obama is doing Laughing

<a class="bbc_url" href='http://www.latintimes.com/deporter-chief-obama-ordered-7000-immigrant-children-be-deported-without-court-375127'>Deporter In Chief: Obama Ordered 7,000 Immigrant Children To Be Deported Without A Court Hearing</a>

Wait are we supposed to deport or not? I can't even follow which side of the flip the Trumpettes flop on now?
Quote:Wait are we supposed to deport or not? I can't even follow which side of the flip the Trumpettes flop on now?

Maybe if you weren't such a HillShill you could keep track. You have the education for that, right? Is basic reading comprehension covered alongside your coveted $120k Gender Studies degree?
Quote:Maybe if you weren't such a HillShill you could keep track. You have the education for that, right? Is basic reading comprehension covered alongside your coveted $120k Gender Studies degree?

Lol gender studies. Ha

With your ever changing stance it is hard to follow.
So basically, Trump would do what 0bama has done with tweaks (not twerks, Malia fans), where Obama simply continued doing what Bush did.


No wonder the radical left cannot decide how to feel, other than Trump = devil.


They can't understand the big picture, that it's essentially Bush policy that they praise 0bama for, which they like, but would dislike depending who's "name" is on it.

Donald Trump is having a town hall on Fox News over the subject of illegal immigration at 10pm tonight and tomorrow night. Just FYI for anyone who wants clarification on his policy/positions.

Regardless of the extent of the changed policy or the rationale that he is using to change his policy (i.e. to win an election), I honestly think the change in policy is for the better so I support it.   UNFORTUNATELY, I cannot trust that, what is said today, will hold true after a victory in the election.


While there is 80 days left, I think the damage is already done so there will be little to no impact on changing the minority vote over to him.

Another republican candidate had laid out a bi-partisan plan that was pretty sensible, and looks very similar to what is being floated now.


1.  Secure the boarders.


2.  Enforce the laws in a responsible manner (which includes cutting off federal funding to "sanctuary" cities).


3.  Vet the people that are already here illegally and act accordingly.  That includes visa-over-stays as well as children in school right now born to illegal aliens (not the politically correct term to use).


4.  Those that pass the vetting process go to the "back of the line" when it comes to earning citizenship, and must abide by all laws while living here.


I haven't seen the immigration plan from the democrat side.  Oh that's right, welcome them with open arms, "free" government benefits and a voter registration card pre-filled out for democrat.

Quote:I haven't seen the immigration plan from the democrat side. Oh that's right, welcome them with open arms, "free" government benefits and a voter registration card pre-filled out for democrat.

You haven't looked real hard. Immigration reform is right there on her website. Take you less than 3 minutes.
Quote:You haven't looked real hard. Immigration reform is right there on her website. Take you less than 3 minutes.

Under her "reform" plan, you automatically get registered as a D voter and get signed up for government benefits all in one shot in less than 2 minutes.
Quote:Under her "reform" plan, you automatically get registered as a D voter and get signed up for government benefits all in one shot in less than 2 minutes.

At the Border Patrol checkpoint even.
Quote:You haven't looked real hard. Immigration reform is right there on her website. Take you less than 3 minutes.

He got you big time with that. Can't believe u fell for it.
Quote:Another republican candidate had laid out a bi-partisan plan that was pretty sensible, and looks very similar to what is being floated now.

1. Secure the boarders.

2. Enforce the laws in a responsible manner (which includes cutting off federal funding to "sanctuary" cities).

3. Vet the people that are already here illegally and act accordingly. That includes visa-over-stays as well as children in school right now born to illegal aliens (not the politically correct term to use).

4. Those that pass the vetting process go to the "back of the line" when it comes to earning citizenship, and must abide by all laws while living here.

I haven't seen the immigration plan from the democrat side. Oh that's right, welcome them with open arms, "free" government benefits and a voter registration card pre-filled out for democrat.

The part bolded is the key. As long as the walls go up and the criminals go out we can talk about how best to handle those who contribute to society.
Quote:Donald Trump is having a town hall on Fox News over the subject of illegal immigration at 10pm tonight and tomorrow night. Just FYI for anyone who wants clarification on his policy/positions.

How many town halls for Donald Trump is Fox News going to host? I thought the media was terrible?
Quote:How many town halls for Donald Trump is Fox News going to host? I thought the media was terrible?

No idea, send them an email asking. Most of it, yes. Fox, CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, NYT, HuffPo, Politico, ABC, NBC, CBS, all terrible.
Quote:Donald Trump is having a town hall on Fox News over the subject of illegal immigration at 10pm tonight and tomorrow night. Just FYI for anyone who wants clarification on his policy/positions.

I loved it. Hilarious. It was great to see Donald and Chief Trump Shill Sean Hannity (was he on his knees as usual?) backtracking furiously.


I know nothing about Kellyanne Conway but she must have some good dirt on Donald or his wife to get him to do such a 180.


And I hope all the Trumpsters didn't hurt themselves turning around so quickly. You've been had! His Main Issue! We're going to send them all back! Deportation force! And now? - he sounds just like Obama/Clinton. He cares for the children, and "the good ones".


And you're not even angry you've been used? I wonder how many of the hard core will just roll over?
it's like people are disappointed that he didn't open the concentration camps for mexicans that he never said he wanted

Its amazing how the people who never actually listened to trump try to frame him.
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