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I'm curious though, for the non smokers, do you view weed in the same light that you lok at heroin or Crack or meth?
Quote:I am surprised this topic has never been started on this board. After a doctor visit today, it appears that I may be one of the first Floridians to be prescribed medical Marijuana. I had a long talk with my doctor about it, and he feels strongly that I should. For those who don't know, for the past 2 years or so, I have been fighting stage 4 Kidney Cancer. I still undergo chemo routinely, and have a litany of side effects from it. I am in pretty constant pain, and am pretty medicated most of the time. The doctor feels strongly that this will replace many of my medications I currently take.


So, What do you know about it? Here's what I know. It's not what you think. It comes in the form of an oil or inhaler, and has been processed to take out the THC which is what gives you the typical weed buzz. Everything else left is apparently very helpful to people like me. I haven't started it,  but think I will at some point, depending upon the cost.


If anyone has anything intelligent to add, feel free. This is not a "legalize pot" thread. That can go somewhere else. This is more about the medical side, and what people know and don't know.


That said, have at it.

I know enough to know that if I ever, God forbid, become stricken with a serious form of Cancer that I will not be going through radiation treatment. CBC Oil or Rick Simpson Oil is a good place to start research wise. I think Marijuana is a very powerful and useful remedy that's been bashed for decades thanks to the mainstream media drinking the false kool-aid to protect paper mills. Hemp can be used and regrown so much faster. The fibers are strong enough to be used in a number of ways. Not just medicine and recreational but also for paper, parachutes (I think it was WWI or WWII, but back then parachutes were made with hemp) and I am sure other ways as well. The fact that it's not legalized is a shame. But with Big Pharma and Government working hand-in-hand it'll slowly but surely get legalized once some of these greedy old heads get out of the way. But I've seen it used to help kids with seizures, cancer, autism, etc. It's a wonderful remedy when used properly and effectively from my understanding. And like I said. I'd much rather take my chances with something natural to heal myself Vs taking the risk of radiation exposure which we do know kills people whether it's in one large dose or small incremental doses over time. 
Quote:I'm curious though, for the non smokers, do you view weed in the same light that you lok at heroin or Crack or meth?

Nope. Not at all. 
Quote:I'm curious though, for the non smokers, do you view weed in the same light that you lok at heroin or Crack or meth?

No I see weed the same as tobacco or alcohol.


That said I advocate decriminalizing all of it especially at the federal level. 
Quote:Eben Britton is for it.

Matt Jones, Reggie Willaims..
Should be interesting on how my doctors will move forward now that I'm no longer in remission. I am back to being an active stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma patient, and have just about any drug at my disposal. I'm already back to the Fentanyl, Dilaudid, and Oxycontin.


Some say that I can replace all of that with MM and do really well. I am probably closer to finding out than I was when I started this conversation. I'll let everyone know if I do start it, and if so, what it's all about.

Quote:Should be interesting on how my doctors will move forward now that I'm no longer in remission. I am back to being an active stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma patient, and have just about any drug at my disposal. I'm already back to the Fentanyl, Dilaudid, and Oxycontin.


Some say that I can replace all of that with MM and do really well. I am probably closer to finding out than I was when I started this conversation. I'll let everyone know if I do start it, and if so, what it's all about.

Do what you gotta do. What the heck do you have to lose? Seriously?? I'd rather take it than the chemical meds you listed. My late first mother in law passed away due to cancer back in the 90's. I don't remember what kind TBH, but she smoked pot like her life depended on it even though she knew she was dying just to keep the pain at bay.
Quote:Should be interesting on how my doctors will move forward now that I'm no longer in remission. I am back to being an active stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma patient, and have just about any drug at my disposal. I'm already back to the Fentanyl, Dilaudid, and Oxycontin.

Some say that I can replace all of that with MM and do really well. I am probably closer to finding out than I was when I started this conversation. I'll let everyone know if I do start it, and if so, what it's all about.

This is one of those times where I seriously hope someone listens to my advice. Just do it, it'll help you out. Quit worrying about the other [BLEEP].
The effect on a man with Parkinson's. Almost completely stops his vicious tremors.

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