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Meh.  If it was me making the decision, I would stick with Henne (and I'm not a big fan of his).  In all fairness, I just watched the second preseason game again and yes he played against Tampa's 2's and 3's but with what?  Pretty much a failed experiment at RB (Denard Robinson) a make-shift offensive line and receivers that will probably not make the practice squad let alone the the final roster.


All I'm saying is that with the level of talent that we have on the offense at this point, I think that he would be able to manage the game well enough should Bortles be out.


The bottom line is, do you keep a veteran that is very familiar with the system, or let him go and bring in an unknown?

To add to that, it's a pretty bad indictment of the defense if we're continuing to worry about who plays backup QB.

I just want a backup that I can be confident in to at least give us a fighting chance, should Bortles get injured, (God forbid!) Right now, Henne is not that kind of QB and Allen is way too raw to put my trust into. Guaranteed money or not, if Henne gives us virtually no chance to win at this point in his career, why keep him? He looks like he has regressed, from what I've seen.


The bottom line is, do you keep a veteran that is very familiar with the system, or let him go and bring in an unknown?

We all know Henne will lose the game.  When was the last time he won one?


So if we lose 44-7 or 44-24, I don't think it matters.  Take an educated guess on a new guy, save the money, take a chance, move on.


Just so y'all know, I have nothing against Chad.  I'm actually kinda sorry watching him lose so often.
Quote:I just want a backup that I can be confident in to at least give us a fighting chance, should Bortles get injured, (God forbid!) Right now, Henne is not that kind of QB and Allen is way too raw to put my trust into. Guaranteed money or not, if Henne gives us virtually no chance to win at this point in his career, why keep him? He looks like he has regressed, from what I've seen.

A team that plays defense gives you exactly that.


Is it possible the coaches wanted to evaluate the talent on field with Henne as opposed to having him prove himself? Nah, I guess not. I bet the coaches are debating cutting him right now. They are probably hoping Kaepernick gets cut so they can sign him. Him or Sanchez
Quote:A team that plays defense gives you exactly that.
Wrong. We need to score and at the very least convert a first down consistently. Henne has shown absolutely none of those abilities since he's been here. Our defense can now create turnovers or stall games out, but our offense is the best part of our team.
Quote:He's keeping Allen from getting valuable reps and would be occupying an extremely valuable roster spot where we could otherwise field a talented player. He's also keeping them in this perpetual situation of knowing that if Bortles goes down, his backup is pure trash scared to throw downfield for the most part.

So you think that Allen, who looks pretty lost out there, is going to get enough reps to season him in what will amount to 1 1/2 preseason games. Good grief. To repeat, ridiculous. The only way that Henna is NOT the backup is if they pick someone up. Allen is in no way, shape, or form, ready to be an NFL QB. No matter how much you hate Henne.
Quote:I just want a backup that I can be confident in to at least give us a fighting chance, should Bortles get injured, (God forbid!) Right now, Henne is not that kind of QB and Allen is way too raw to put my trust into. Guaranteed money or not, if Henne gives us virtually no chance to win at this point in his career, why keep him? He looks like he has regressed, from what I've seen.

This is exactly my point... The factors that Henne knows the system, and has a relationship with Bortles means nothing.. If he stinks on the football field..
Quote:A team that plays defense gives you exactly that.

You still have to be able to score points.
Quote:This is exactly my point... The factors that Henne knows the system, and has a relationship with Bortles means nothing.. If he stinks on the football field..

The Jags pretty much become unwatchable when Henne is on the field, and that shouldn't be the case with your veteran backup QB, or any backup QB really.
Quote:Meh. If it was me making the decision, I would stick with Henne (and I'm not a big fan of his). In all fairness, I just watched the second preseason game again and yes he played against Tampa's 2's and 3's but with what? Pretty much a failed experiment at RB (Denard Robinson) a make-shift offensive line and receivers that will probably not make the practice squad let alone the the final roster.

All I'm saying is that with the level of talent that we have on the offense at this point, I think that he would be able to manage the game well enough should Bortles be out.

The bottom line is, do you keep a veteran that is very familiar with the system, or let him go and bring in an unknown?

Its a tough question, but if that veteran isnt all that good why keep him??
I want Aaron Rodgers as the backup!

Quote:I am curious to know what Chip Kelly's play book looks like. Please expound. 02's inner knowledge and connections grow hourly. 02 for Commish.


It's not like Chip Kelly's tendencies are a secret to those of us living near Portland, OR.

Quote:So you think that Allen, who looks pretty lost out there, is going to get enough reps to season him in what will amount to 1 1/2 preseason games. Good grief. To repeat, ridiculous. The only way that Henna is NOT the backup is if they pick someone up. Allen is in no way, shape, or form, ready to be an NFL QB. No matter how much you hate Henne.


I'm referring to practice reps. GIve him all of Henne's reps, and he should get up to speed. He's a good qb already, and just needs to understand the nuances of the NFL regarding INTs. Besides, even if he's not ready this year, what's the difference between losing with Henne or losing with Allen? At least with Allen in there he'll be developing, and with his talent he's a player you want to develop.


I'd understand the move to bring in a guy like Kaep if available, but I'd just as soon save that roster for the likes of Bryan Walters in order to maximize Allen's development as the lone backup. If Bortles does get hurt for a longer duration, they can always bring in a guy at that point. Chances are nobody will have signed Henne so he should still be out there to re-sign in a clinch.

Who plays well tonight at backup? Hmmm.
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