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Now that the beer isn't flowing I have returned to this thread I posted to say that I didn't mean for it to come off as over-reaction, or to put the "bust" label on the player already. I was merely confused and frustrated that he didn't look like the player we've been seeing on the practice field. They didn't scheme to stop him it was just their tackles thwarting any kind of rush. The entire D-line got good push on that third down play that was referred to. Allen Dropinson must have had a love child with Superman and named it Allen Robinson.

Quote:I watched his mic'd up and his "In the Trenches" feature on the homepage and I heard the coaches saying something like "3rd and long get off and run, look for the screen, and when they try to block you like that stay right here" and other similar coach speak. Not sure why they didn't want him to go after the QB full speed but that should answer your question.

I took it more like Fowler thought he saw a screen, and the coach said "yeah but [it was] 3rd and 9, look for the screen on 3rd and 11+. [On 3rd and 9] get off the ball and rush, that's what we pay you to do."
Quote:Actually no I don't remember...

Lol im thinking the same thing...
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